the 100% directionless thread


Forum Chief
Eh honestly I'll probably end up in the ER then lateral long into the ICU.

Probably wont be able to start school until August but possibly June... We will see.

The more I look at it the more sense it makes. I get to play medic on the side when I want and in turn wont get burnt out, get to make a decent living and work with high acuity patients more regularly.

Flight is my ultimate goal, probably end up doing it PRN though but who knows.

Dude as much as I was looking at doing PA, because I want my bachelors in ems... RN is looking like a more attractive option. Maybe I'll finish my AS in Paramedicine and then apply for nursing school and still finish my BS in EMS and go for a BSN

Carlos Danger

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
I've been doing a lot of reading and I think ADN to BSN and eventually to CRNA or ACNP is gonna be the plan. There's a good nursing school here that I can go to and still work full time, albeit owe a fair amount of money when I'm done but still, and I'd be done with my ADN by 2016 maybe 2017 at the latest. By then would hopefully be able to lateral to flight PRN as a medic then work in the ICU as an RN, since our hospitals don't require a BSN especially if you're actively working on one and have healthcare experience, until I had enough experience to promote from flight medic to RN.

Then if I'm not satisfied I can still go upwards to CRNA or ACNP.

Nevada right now is doing a thing where they will pay for your advanced practice school if you agree to work somewhere rural for a few, I think five, years. I wouldn't have a huge problem with that, if I had somewhat of say in where I went.

I always said I didn't think I'd be happy as a RN but talking to more and more friends that are RNs in the high acuity ICUs here it sounds like something that I could have a lot of fun with and learn a lot from. The more I think about it too the more I realize how many options it would open up...get bored in the ICU? Try the cath team. That gets boring, go to the PICU or maybe even the NICU.

I can keep my medic license and play medic on the side the whole way through too. Who knows maybe ri got when I finish nursing school they change up our EMS setup here and I get a sweet dual role fire medic transport job and I work as an RN on the side and eventually a flight medic PRN as well.

The more I think about it the more I realize that the sky is the limit.

Sounds like a good plan.

The only suggestion I would make is to consider skipping the ADN and doing BSN right off the bat. May or may not make the most sense for your situation, but ADN programs in many places are actually more competitive and take longer to get into than BSN ones, AND few people finish an ADN in 2 years anyway because of the pre-reqs (which are generally built into the BSN programs) and the generally brutal course load. Because of that, it's not uncommon for people to find that they can complete a BSN in only a few more months longer than it would have taken them to finish their ADN. And depending on the hospitals around there, a BSN may make you much more competitive as a new-grad, especially for an ICU or ED position. On the other hand, some employers don't care at all which degree you have as a new grad, and the ADN route may get you into practice a little sooner, and then employers often pay for at least part of the BSN. So just take a real close look at how long each option will realistically take you, and whether ADN vs BSN matters out there for a new grad.

Good luck, and PM me if I can help at all.


Community Leader
Community Leader
I've been doing a lot of reading and I think ADN to BSN and eventually to CRNA or ACNP is gonna be the plan. There's a good nursing school here that I can go to and still work full time, albeit owe a fair amount of money when I'm done but still, and I'd be done with my ADN by 2016 maybe 2017 at the latest. By then would hopefully be able to lateral to flight PRN as a medic then work in the ICU as an RN, since our hospitals don't require a BSN especially if you're actively working on one and have healthcare experience, until I had enough experience to promote from flight medic to RN.

Then if I'm not satisfied I can still go upwards to CRNA or ACNP.

Nevada right now is doing a thing where they will pay for your advanced practice school if you agree to work somewhere rural for a few, I think five, years. I wouldn't have a huge problem with that, if I had somewhat of say in where I went.

I always said I didn't think I'd be happy as a RN but talking to more and more friends that are RNs in the high acuity ICUs here it sounds like something that I could have a lot of fun with and learn a lot from. The more I think about it too the more I realize how many options it would open up...get bored in the ICU? Try the cath team. That gets boring, go to the PICU or maybe even the NICU.

I can keep my medic license and play medic on the side the whole way through too. Who knows maybe ri got when I finish nursing school they change up our EMS setup here and I get a sweet dual role fire medic transport job and I work as an RN on the side and eventually a flight medic PRN as well.

The more I think about it the more I realize that the sky is the limit.

Damn it. Another loss to the dark side. In all seriousness, sounds like a good plan. I tell ya, it makes it harder to make fun of nurses when good people go to nursing school. You're all taking the fun out of it!

Edit: Just realized I simultaneously quoted verbatim a phrase from each of the two previous posts. Originality fail.
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Still crazy but elsewhere
Damn it. Another loss to the dark side. In all seriousness, sounds like a good plan. I tell ya, it makes it harder to make fun of nurses when good people go to nursing school. You're all taking the fun out of it!

Edit: Just realized I simultaneously quoted verbatim a phrase from each of the two previous posts. Originality fail.

Don't worry, we'l take good care of HIM!!


Community Leader
Don't worry, we'l take good care of HIM!!
I can personally vouch for the Mycrofft... he does not look anything like that nurse... though he's certainly devious enough to give her a run for her money! :rofl:


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Today at work I took our oath of office and got pinned. It was in the station kitchen, which could not have made me happier!


Has no idea what I'm doing.
All I'm going to say is what did I get myself into. First clinical and did an RSI... I'm afraid of the rest of the night and the remaining 276 hours to go.


Forum Chief
Going in for a 24. Let's see how it plays out


Forum Angel
I wish I was working tonight. Really don't want to go to my sister-in-laws.


Forum Asst. Chief
I wish I was working tonight. Really don't want to go to my sister-in-laws.

As do I, My significant other wants to spend new years eve together, it has been bad luck in my book for ages, as Usually if I'm with a significant other at new years we don't make it to another new years.

She dosen't believe me and said she never got a new years kiss,, EVER.

I guess if I wanted to get rid of a signicant other this could work to my advantage though hmm...


Forum Chief
As do I, My significant other wants to spend new years eve together, it has been bad luck in my book for ages, as Usually if I'm with a significant other at new years we don't make it to another new years.

She dosen't believe me and said she never got a new years kiss,, EVER.

I guess if I wanted to get rid of a signicant other this could work to my advantage though hmm...

My significant other is pissed I'm working tonight. She doesn't seem to get that it's in my shift rotation and I can't just give the shift away.


I see dead people
Two months into my weight loss journey and working with a personal trainer, I have lost 31 pounds and 20 3/4 inches. Happy New Year to me!!


The New Beach Medic
I'm being the DD for one of my friends.


Forum Asst. Chief
I'm being the DD for one of my friends.
I haven't found a DD for tonight. Makes it rather unexciting.
I'm going out to the desert, so I may just do the same thing as last time. Throw an air mattress in the back, take out the back row of seats and it fits fine. Then wake up and go off roading :D

Two months into my weight loss journey and working with a personal trainer, I have lost 31 pounds and 20 3/4 inches. Happy New Year to me!!

Congrats man. Don't give up at a plateau like I did. I was at 40 or so and just gave up. Still got like another 30 I'd like gone... New Year's Resolution? :rofl:

I did start talking to a recruiter the other day and he told me if I wanted to grit it, he would start working out with me. Very happy about that, since I don't have any equipment, nor the cash for a gym. He also found me a swim class at the Y to train at (big part of what I want to do in the military)
I honestly am a terrible swimmer. Can barely keep my head above water.


Community Leader
Community Leader
I told my mom I was working tonight and she just sent me a text saying "Hope you have a nice, quiet night." Just had to have a little explanation of the superstitions behind certain words. Still appreciate the sentiment, but we'll see if I eat my words later this evening.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
I could work or I could be social. If my car was not in need of fixins this would be an easier choice.


Forum Deputy Chief
Watching the police women of dallas on netflix, just noticed that they use the same MDT software as us. VisiNet.