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  • I was reading that you attended the Creighton university critical care course. How did you like it? I am looking to take it this fall. Thanks
    Did you ever finished getting your FL paramedic? I am trying to figure out now how to do it, I sent an email down to FL EMS asking for help so hopefully I hear from them soon

    I saw that you are interested in community paramedicine.... If you don't mind me asking, where do you plan on studying?
    Hey my name is Matt and I have been an EMT-B for 3 years from San Diego, CA. I may possibly be moving to Albuquerque, NM next summer. I saw that you have some posts regarding Albuquerque. Is sounds like ABQ ambulance would be the best one. San Diego basically lets EMT-Bs do IFTs and SNF contracted "emergency" calls. I would love to get out of this and drive for 911! Is this hard to get on? In San Diego it is since there are only a handful of these positions and the county is saturated with EMTs. I also saw that another member posted that the state does not accept national registry? How would I go about obtaining a state certificate? In San Diego, we had to submit our NR certificate, course completion, medical examiner card, and two sets of fingerprints. Is it similar to this? I saw that the pay is $11/hr which is about the same here. On a side note, how do you like NM?

    Thanks for all your help,
    Wow I'm friends with a person that has their name in red. The power I now have is.......
    Hey! I know your computer is off.....but I have to say I hope you are having a great time and that I am insanely jealous. Hee hee hee!
    Ha! Yea...I noticed. You popular bugger. ;-)

    I think we should all have televised debates and hurl veiled insults at each other like the real candidates do. What do you say to that?
    Quit your job quit school and come to Austin and be my roommate. You can go to ACC and get you AAS.
    its the closest thing to it, but its way easier regulated seen as ireland is tiny in size compaired to the u.s. we sit a national standard course and then a national standard exam (practical and computer based written) so no matter where in the country you are when you call for an ambulance you will get the same standard and level of care.
    if you have anymore questions id be glad to go into more detail, that was just a breif summary of how it works.

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