Priority One Medical Transport is a corporation founded by ... a former Sheriff Deputy who studied at California Southern Law School and obtained his Certificate in Paralegal Studies.
Hey guys, I am new to the forum but you all seem to be very helpful. I have applied to many companies for EMT-1, and am coming toward the end of the interviewing process with both McCormick, and Priority One Medical Transport. Any thoughts on the two companies?
Can i ask how long your wait was for McCormick? I have heard they only hire like every 3-4 months. I am finishing but my Basic training and would LOVE to get in with McCormick. I'm gonna apply at McCormick, Care and probably Gerber. I would hate to get on with Care or Gerber then have McCormick call. Dunno what to do? Maybe i should take whati can get as a new Basic. any thoughts?
Think about that while you still have a chance to go to RN school and not even mess around with these ambulance companies
Think about that while you still have a chance to go to RN school and not even mess around with these ambulance companies
Lets keep this tread on-track and productive. Thanks.