Recent content by SES4

  1. SES4

    Nursing Interview

    LMAO. SO you wave a wand and wear a cape and bam the patient is diagnosed and cured and the ED Doc does NOT complain?
  2. SES4

    Nursing Interview

    SO they are omnipresent and omnipotent kinda like their wearer *coughParagod*? LOL.
  3. SES4

    Nursing Interview

  4. SES4

    Be Advised: You will need to stage.

    LOL. Good one. Seriously it's calls like this that confirm that a call I get or will get in NJ is basically the same as a call in TX, TN, MA, etc.
  5. SES4

    What type of items are you issued?

    2 Short Sleeve Class A 2 Long Sleeve Class A Job Shirt 3 Pair of Pants My company is cheap uniform and equipment wise but they pay quite well in comparison to others in the area. Though on your birth month as a birthday "gift" they issue you three items that you feel you need. I...
  6. SES4

    [April Fools] EMTLife's Newest Community Leader: MMiz!

    WOWWW!. Ha Ha! LOL. Nice one guys! :) Have a good day everyone. Be safe!
  7. SES4

    Hello! Out of curiosity/possible interest, what areas do you currently need EMT's? I have...

    Hello! Out of curiosity/possible interest, what areas do you currently need EMT's? I have family all over LA. But I heard that Texas is a wonderful state to live in as well.
  8. SES4

    NJ Ambulance Crash Claims Life of Patient in Back

    Updated information regarding crash Some expanded and updated information.
  9. SES4

    NJ Ambulance Crash Claims Life of Patient in Back

    The situation seems a bit odd to me but I will hold judgement until they do a better, more complete investigation. That said I have the same question many do: What caused the driver to swerve?
  10. SES4

    NJ Ambulance Crash Claims Life of Patient in Back

    Ambulance accident on Route 519 in White Township claims patient in back - UPDATE
  11. SES4

    Thanks for the birthday wish! :)

    Thanks for the birthday wish! :)
  12. SES4

    Online Paramedic Program

    With all due respect you do not know the structure of the program that we are referring to. This program has and continues to produce confident and solid medics. As far as questions are concerned, someone will always get back to you via PHONE or e-mail ASAP.
  13. SES4

    swine flu--is anyone concerned?

    Got the vaccine on 10/28/2009. So not anymore. ;)
  14. SES4

    Hey stranger. :) I was down in your neck of the woods on Wednesday (kinda).

    Hey stranger. :) I was down in your neck of the woods on Wednesday (kinda).
  15. SES4

    Woman kills 3 week old baby, eats it

    LMAO. I literally LOL'ed when I read your response Luno.