Was it always a calling to you?


Forum Crew Member
(im sure this has been posted here somewhere, but id like to ask ya'll)
Was this career field always a calling for you?

I was never the kid that wanted to go into this field since i was *insert age here*. I was never the kid who got a fisher price BP cuff and stethoscope and went around playing doctor on my family. If you can believe it, when i was fresh out high school, i enrolled in college to take classes because i wanted to be a U.S. Government teacher. I didnt really get any fulfillment from the classes i was taking, but felt compelled to still go to school. I never even thought about doing EMS until this one day. When i was at work, i went to break, i walked outside to smoke a cigarette and walked past a fellow employee who was also smoking a cigarette. I nodded and said hi as i walked by. I went to my car to grab my water but realized that it wasnt there. So i decided to go back inside to go and grab a water. I headed back to the building and then that man that i said hi to was collapsed on the ground, with a ton of people around him, someone said he was having a heart attack. I heard the sirens of the ambulance in the distance and knew where they were going. I felt helpless. no one knew what to do, this mans life hanging in the balance of us, and i couldnt do anything about it, it was a horrible feeling. I was shaken by that incident and felt guilty with myself for not being able to do anything for the man. I went home after work and told my dad about what happened. I then started doing some research in EMS and then about a week later decided thats what i was going to with my life, be an EMS professional. After some hard work, countless hours of struggling, and some help from above, i made my dream become a reality and i am where the EMS was that day the man collapsed. This wasnt a always a life calling for me, until one day i made it become a calling. Do you guys feel the same way?
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Doogie Howser FP-C
EMS was definitely not always a calling to me, in fact, I never really considered it. I used to want to be a doctor when I was in middle school and had pondered the idea of being a firefighter like my grandfather, but once I reached high school I switched to pursuing a career as an engineer. I never really felt that desire to learn when I was in my classes though, then one day, I was browsing the Mustang forums and I saw a post about someone wanting to be a firefighter, after reading that discussion I felt like it was something that I would really like.

After that I went down and talked with a family friend at the FD and he told me that I had to be a paramedic if I wanted to be a firefighter. The next term I enrolled in my EMT-B class and the material just enthralled me, then on my first ride-a-long we had a patient that we took in and when we dropped her off she thanked us and told me that I was lucky to work with such great paramedics; that's the moment that really got to me. I soon switched my interest away from firefighting and dove full force into being a paramedic. It's a bit of an odd story, but eh


Forum Chief
EMS isnt a calling, just something i find interesting.


Forum Deputy Chief
(im sure this has been posted here somewhere, but id like to ask ya'll)
Was this career field always a calling for you?

I was never the kid that wanted to go into this field since i was *insert age here*. I was never the kid who got a fisher price BP cuff and stethoscope and went around playing doctor on my family.

I did have toy steth and BP cuff as a little kid. I even used shoes has defib paddles. When I was a little kid I used to watch faithfully all the time Johnny and Roy on Emergency. I had fun those years. Later on I wanted to be a traffic cop after watching Jon and Ponch on CHiPs.


I would have went to paramedic school, after i burned out at the national domestic violence hotline, but I met a firefighter captain who told me nursing was the same training with more opportunity. He was half right. And hey, now my paramedic class is easy :)


Forum Crew Member
Not really a calling, just something to do while in college but it's been fun thus far so I'm not complaining about my decision ^_^ Plus the nursing school I plan on applying for is a stickler for healthcare experience.
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Mike K

Forum Ride Along
It wasn't a calling for me. After seeing a high angle climbing accident (we were two pitches over feeling helpless) I got interested in wilderness medicine. I joined a nordic SAR team in N Lake Tahoe. They offered to send me to a WEMT school, and I happily agreed. The only contact I really had with patients were either healthy lost people or decease avalanche victims, plane crashes, ect. I married a ER nurse, and after the downturn in the economy, decided EMS will be more stable than general contracting.


Forum Troll
Had an accident in 2nd grade where the fire department had to be called for me. Since that day I only wanted to be a firefighter. The day after my 14th birthday I joined the fire department as an explorer. That's when I learned that to be a firefighter for California you have to be at least an EMT-B. 3 months after I graduated high school I was in the EMT program. And 3 months after I graduated the I got hired on with a 911 company. The day after my 19 birthday I started my field training time. I wouldn't say it was a calling for me. I also was not running around the house playing doctor. I was always camping and doing other stuff outdoors.


Forum Probie
I was enrolled at a university in Alabama, where I was pursuing a Music Education degree with a theatre minor. After 2 years I realized that I wasn't enjoying what I was doing anymore. Well Long story short, my dorm building had a mock disaster tornado drill and I was selected to be one of the "victims". I had I think metal in my eye and a altered mental status. Well the EMT/Paramedics that brought me in were so cool about answering any questions that I had about what they were doing and what would happen next that I decided that I could easily do that with my life. A year later I have graduated EMT school and am looking for a job. So no, this wasn't always a calling for me


Forum Captain
I don't think EMS was a calling for me. In fact, I used to freak out every time one of my kids got a cut or scrape, and would promptly pass them over to my husband to be triaged and bandaged...!

One day, just for fun, I took a wilderness first aid class. After watching the extremely smooth "scene assessment" of the two instructors, I was both fascinated and hooked. I was amazed that anyone could be so calm and methodical during an emergent situation, and wanted to emulate that. The rest is history...

However- in hindsight, it's worth noting:

1) I loved to watch the show Rescue 911 as a child. It was my favorite show.
2) I enjoyed reading the old American Red Cross first aid book that we had.
3) My favorite books to read were home medical treatment and first aid books.

I never did have much of an interest in EMS when I was younger... at least not that I was aware of at the time. :)


Forum Angel
From the 3rd grade onward whenever someone asked me what I wanted to do in life...the answer was always an ER doc.

I went through high school. Taking the first aid and MFR class I was amazed by the medix that came in to talk to us, and thought oh ill never be able to do that...I was gonna be a doc. So then I took a year off school after I graduated.

It was too much for me to jump right into 10 yrs of school. So I said ill be a medical assistant then eventually a PA then a doc.

I hated my life and job during training to me a MA. I waa miserable. My bf at the time was an EMT and I envied him. But again thought I couldnt do it.

But the time came. I went to ems orientation. I took the class. Still hesitant. I was just going to use the class as a stepping stone.

Then my first clinical came. We coded to a psych pt. I got kicked, screamed at, and called names.

When it was over. I knew. I knew id never be fully happy doing anything other than working in EMS. This will be a life long career for me.

I have never been happier. I dont dread going to work and am happy to say im an EMT. I think I was meant to do this. I had a very round about way of doing it lol. And once I believed I could do it... And I could. I will never look back


Forum Culinary Powerhouse
Not really a calling. Wanted to be a police officer for a long time, still considering it. I worked at a grocery store for a long time out of high school, one of my friends there was an EMT, had a lot of cool stories. I took the class, and now I've got the best job a 20 year old like me could have, and I'm hoping to be in medic school by January.

So in short, no, it wasn't always a calling, but I have always wanted to help people in some way, this job helps me do that.


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
Definitely one of the things that calls to me. I would probably have gravitated toward either law enforcement or EMS had I not stumbled into my current job as a flight attendant. Now I'm too entrenched (and invested) in my day job to ever do EMS full time and too old for law enforcement but I love volunteering as an emt. While my skill and knowledge may never be quite on par with some of the career folks I've been privileged enough to work with I can honestly say my enthusiasm for EMS is tremendous.


Dances with Patients
I struggle with being "called" in too many areas. I love doing anything I am good at, and EMS is on the list. My problem is just that I try to do too much, and end up frazzled.


Forum Crew Member
From the 3rd grade onward whenever someone asked me what I wanted to do in life...the answer was always an ER doc.

I went through high school. Taking the first aid and MFR class I was amazed by the medix that came in to talk to us, and thought oh ill never be able to do that...I was gonna be a doc. So then I took a year off school after I graduated.

It was too much for me to jump right into 10 yrs of school. So I said ill be a medical assistant then eventually a PA then a doc.

I hated my life and job during training to me a MA. I waa miserable. My bf at the time was an EMT and I envied him. But again thought I couldnt do it.

But the time came. I went to ems orientation. I took the class. Still hesitant. I was just going to use the class as a stepping stone.

Then my first clinical came. We coded to a psych pt. I got kicked, screamed at, and called names.

When it was over. I knew. I knew id never be fully happy doing anything other than working in EMS. This will be a life long career for me.

I have never been happier. I dont dread going to work and am happy to say im an EMT. I think I was meant to do this. I had a very round about way of doing it lol. And once I believed I could do it... And I could. I will never look back

WOW! I could have written that. Congratulations to you Angel.

I have worked as a medic since 1978 and have really enjoyed every shift I have ever worked. I have worked in a large system, a rural system and I was a flight medic for several years.

I am getting ready to retire and that is waying heavy on my mind.


Forum Captain
Yes i can honestly say EMS was and is my calling. As I have stated many times I believe EMS is the most important part of healthcare.


Forum Captain
Is it me, or did a bunch of posts just disappear from this thread?


Forum Angel