Will you tutor me?


Forum Ride Along
Hi all!

This is my first post. I am looking for someone to tutor me 1 on 1 (via phone or computer) in order to pass the NREMT-Paramedic written test.

I have been an EMT basic for a while. I finished my paramedic class in August 2013. I studied and took the NREMT written, but failed it. I got discouraged and life got in the way and did not re-take the test yet.

So, I am ready to conquer this test and become a Medic. If you or anyone you know is willing to tutor me, I am willing to pay top dollar for the right person.

Thanks in advance!


Forum Asst. Chief
100/hour and I'll guarantee you pass. :)
Minimum 10 hours. Paypal.

...or you could just buy JB learning.

99/hour, and I'll go to Paramedic school with you.

In all seriousness, there are a lot of solid resources online that may be somewhat pricey but offer practice tests with extremely elaborate feedback and of course study material. Fisdap was my go-to, but that is as a Basic. Not sure if it gets outmatched at the Paramedic level.


well, youre going to need to study and review heavily. no one can really do that for you, its been over a year and i imagine you have forgotten a lot. Fisdap helpd me more than JB learning but it wouldnt hurt you to use both. Use the guides on what you need to study and review in fisdap so you know your weak areas, buy the extra comprehensive tests (i think its $25 for 3 tries) it is WELL worth it!


D Brim

Forum Probie
Haha, sorry 98/hr was my floor, I guess I'm out. . . but, seriously. . . Fisdap! To keep it short and to the point, I'm just joining the choir with what Angel said! 100% right! JBL has good resources, but the extra fee for the fisdap exam gets you the most heavily validated and NREMT-like exam that money can buy.

good luck

D Brim

Forum Probie
Unfortunately nothing more authoritative then me :) I can rescind any implications that what I said was fact rather then my own opinion based on experience, which I hear might be worth slightly more then a grain of salt ;)

More importantly, I'm always looking for facts to refine my opinions. What ya got? Any experience with other materials that you think are more similar?



Forum Deputy Chief
Unfortunately nothing more authoritative then me :) I can rescind any implications that what I said was fact rather then my own opinion based on experience, which I hear might be worth slightly more then a grain of salt ;)

More importantly, I'm always looking for facts to refine my opinions. What ya got? Any experience with other materials that you think are more similar?

*THAN a grain of salt

I heard Fisdap was dumb.


I know a guy who knows a guy.
I've looked at/played with most of the EMT/paramedic level prep services. (I was heading down the road of developing a smart phone app with a couple of other guys. That didn't happen for a bunch of reasons) FISDAP is a fine platform, but no more than any other well developed test prep. In my opinion, which is also worth no more than a hill of beans, JB seems to be a better engineered solution with questions that are closer in style to the NREMT, but everyone legit is using the same psychometric standards to validate their questions and I believe it's really a matter of Buick vs Chrysler. That is, it's all about personal preference and anecdotal success stories from past users.


Unfortunately nothing more authoritative then me :) I can rescind any implications that what I said was fact rather then my own opinion based on experience, which I hear might be worth slightly more then a grain of salt ;)

More importantly, I'm always looking for facts to refine my opinions. What ya got? Any experience with other materials that you think are more similar?


Actually the fisdap site states if you pass their test with xx% you have something like a 90+% chance of passing the nremt on the first try and the questions are validated unlike JBL, the stats held true for myself and all of my classmates (everyone passing on the first try). I can look up actual percents I guess. but the issue I have with JBL is on the NREMT test, questions arent nearly as long. Yes youll get a scenario but not a paragraph, in that paragraph the answer is almost leading because its narrowed it down so much. Fisdap questions, the format was VERY similar to the NREMT. and Fisdap doesnt give you the detailed explainations to memorize the answers like JBL, fisdap makes you go back a read (in your textbook) what you need to work on so you find the answer for yourself and obtain and better understanding of why that certain answer is right.
People have their preference, but for my money Id choose fisdap.


I know a guy who knows a guy.
Both FISDAP and JB test prep are validated almost identically. Test questions are created by question writers and then validated by review panels. There's not a lot of voodoo in there.

The OPSE is fairly straightforward, broad exam that boasts a high pass rate for NREMT, if the student passes the OPSE. Passing that baby doesn't mean that you're a better paramedic, it only means you've accumulated enough information to be judged baseline competent. (Which is really all the NREMT certifies)

At the end of the day, find a test prep solution that works for you and get at it. The NREMT core curriculum isn't a collection of highly guarded secrets, and there are several good solutions that can more than adequately prepare you for the certification test.

Again, it's mostly anecdotal accounts that determine preference.


Forum Deputy Chief
$10 an hour, *cough cough* I'm a basic.

Question, don't you have to get certified within a year or two before you have to take the whole course over again?


Forum Troll
Actually the fisdap site states if you pass their test with xx% you have something like a 90+% chance of passing the nremt on the first try and the questions are validated unlike JBL, the stats held true for myself and all of my classmates (everyone passing on the first try). I can look up actual percents I guess. but the issue I have with JBL is on the NREMT test, questions arent nearly as long. Yes youll get a scenario but not a paragraph, in that paragraph the answer is almost leading because its narrowed it down so much. Fisdap questions, the format was VERY similar to the NREMT. and Fisdap doesnt give you the detailed explainations to memorize the answers like JBL, fisdap makes you go back a read (in your textbook) what you need to work on so you find the answer for yourself and obtain and better understanding of why that certain answer is right.
People have their preference, but for my money Id choose fisdap.
Our class was told something like if you get ~80% on all the subjects during the 200 question FISDAP test you have a 97% likelyhood of passing national on your first try. The FISDAP test was nearly identical to my National test (others maybe identical also, however I didn't use any)


im glad we used it! even though entered the calls was ridiculously annoying, the test portion was great


Forum Troll
im glad we used it! even though entered the calls was ridiculously annoying, the test portion was great
My class only used the test portion of it. This semesters class is using the whole system.


Has no idea what I'm doing.
I don't mind fisdap. Or the tests so much.