Where my crewmates and I hang

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Forum Crew Member
I posted this under "Dept Website" but the plug was pulled cuz it was considered an AD or something.

So here it is, under a different area.

I was trying to say that since our dept does not have a website, our people visit EMT City, http://www.emtcity.com to communicate with each other.

Hopefully I have now posted in the correct area.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
This is to trackmedic and everyone else who posts here.

First of all, please read the Forum Guidelines. Take a look at the part that I have quoted below:
-- All advertising must be placed within the Advertising Forum
-- A post can be made in the Advertising Forum only after a member posts 10 posts and has attained the "Forum Member" ranking
-- These first ten posts can not be related to advertising or the products you are attempting to advertise

We do not have a problem with our members posting links to products or sites that they like. We do have a problem with somebody we don't know showing up and posting these links. That is why we have the 10 post rule, and your first 10 posts can not be about advertising. This allows our members to get to know you first, and allows us to determine if the only reason you are here is to endorse a product.

The majority of advertising that is deleted from this forum is from members whose first post is to endorse a product/website. We will continue to remove these types of posts and enforce the Forum Guidelines because we believe it makes EMTLife.com a much better place for our members. There are plenty of sites that you can visit to view almost nothing but advertising, but EMTLife.com will not become one of them.

I was going to delete this post as advertising, but wanted to take the opprotunity to explain our policies to everyone that visits here.


Forum Deputy Chief
EMT Life is better anyway. EMT City is dark and gloomy... Not even a *complete) star of life on the whole site. The star of life is cut in half by the top of the screen. It's like the SOL died and went to a dark and gloomy hell. It's kind of depressing.

Where as EMT Life is bright and refreshing. Like a cup of coffee on a cool spring morning.. It flows through your mind like... booze. I've been drinking.


Forum Crew Member
All I was doing was replying to a post I saw. Our department does not have a website, but we utilize the web as a communicaton tool. I thought my input would be a valuable addition to this site, but right of the bat I am accused of advertising.

I do not own EMT City, I do not own stock in EMT City, the only benifit I receive from EMT City, is that my crewmates and I visit there and use that as our communication tool, which I thought was a valid reply to the post.

The immediate removal of the post and accusation that I was advertising EMT City is a little disturbing. If I was to post on this site and say that I found this on Google.com, would that be advertising also? Or I got my pants at Galls.com, would that too be removed?

I am sure this rant of mine will be short lived as the cleansers of the site will be quick to remove this. To all of you that read this.... Be safe.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Originally posted by trackmedic@Mar 31 2005, 04:36 PM
All I was doing was replying to a post I saw. Our department does not have a website, but we utilize the web as a communicaton tool. I thought my input would be a valuable addition to this site, but right of the bat I am accused of advertising.

I do not own EMT City, I do not own stock in EMT City, the only benifit I receive from EMT City, is that my crewmates and I visit there and use that as our communication tool, which I thought was a valid reply to the post.

The immediate removal of the post and accusation that I was advertising EMT City is a little disturbing. If I was to post on this site and say that I found this on Google.com, would that be advertising also? Or I got my pants at Galls.com, would that too be removed?

I am sure this rant of mine will be short lived as the cleansers of the site will be quick to remove this. To all of you that read this.... Be safe.
As far as mentioning something in passing, such as Galls or Google or Firehouse.com, it depends upon the context of your post. If we feel that you are trying to promote something, then it is removed as advertising. If we feel it is an appropriate reference during your post, we leave it be.

As far as your reply being appropriate, consider the original poster's question, "Does your department have a website?" Notice that it didn't say anything about where you and your crew go to hang out and chat. It was an effort to list the official agency websites of our members.


EMS Junkie
Originally posted by TTLWHKR@Mar 31 2005, 02:17 AM

Where as EMT Life is bright and refreshing. Like a cup of coffee on a cool spring morning.. It flows through your mind like... booze. I've been drinking.
LMAO!!!!!! :lol:


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader

I really do apologize if you think we're being harsh with our community standards, but one of my pet peeves is advertising.

You'll notice that EMTLife doesn't have any ads on it, and there is no source of income from the site, so I really have no financial motives for you posting here.

What I don't want is people coming to the forum, posting an ad, and never contributing again. I want this to be a community where people contribute, not a place where advertisers can simply make a post and leave.

This isn't about an ego trip or some evil plot, I just want a community free of advertising in general discussion. If you have something to advertise, we have the advertising forums.

I really do hope you stick around and continue to be part of the community, but if not I understand.

I wish you the best of luck in whatever community you're part of :)


Forum Deputy Chief
Originally posted by MMiz@Apr 1 2005, 12:09 PM
You'll notice that EMTLife doesn't have any ads on it, and there is no source of income from the site, so I really have no financial motives for you posting here.

I have some spare change in my pocket... We could start a fund...


"Spare Change for Matt so he can have some Financial Motivation Fund"


Forum Crew Member
I guess I will go where my crewmates hang.. anyone that has read any of my posts know where that is. And it is free....

(quick, set your stopwatch to see how quick this gets deleted.. )

EDIT: I removed this post from the "EMTLife.com - Sold" thread and put it where it belongs.
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