shameless plug for
@JSmith27 and
no offense
@OkEMT, but I can't see the point of wearing a non-tactical vest as a uniform. I remember watching a paramedic recruitment video (I want to say it was Sussex county De, but i could be wrong), and the biggest thing that stood out was that the majority of their paramedics in the video were wearing vests on medical calls over their uniform shirts. If it's a ballistic one for crew safety, and you wear it all the time (like Cleveland OH EMS does and Elizabeth NJ EMS used to do), than I completely understand; but just to make it a simple uniform? it serves no point, and I bet your crews will hate it.
Polos are my preferred uniform shirt, more so that the class B shirt. For night shifts (or when crews are sleeping), I will even say T shirt or turleneck with a job shirt over it. T shirts are nice (we wear them all the time at the FD), but the collar and embroidery on a polo is a much cleaner look.
@NomadicMedic Blaur V neck sweaters are awesome, and warm AF; but many or my coworkers have said they were too warm, especially when going inside, or going from a cold outside (which they are awesome) to a heated inside (where you sweat like crazy).