the 100% directionless thread


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader

The rules have been nearly the same since the forum's inception, and we continue to do our best to enforce them fairly. I have no expectation that EMTLife is going to appeal to every forum member.

Visiting EMTLife doesn't have to be a win/lose proposition. It should be a place where members feel comfortable learning and sharing information.

As has happened only a few times prior, lately I can't bear reading the posts in my own forum. We have more advanced medical discussions than ever before, and we continue to grow as a community. Some of our members are just plain rude.

Some of our members have a difficult time differentiating between being intelligent and arrogant. If members get off making others feel inadequate that's fine, but it's not welcome here. Your only contributions to this can't be viewed, as they've all been removed due to violations of our rules.

EMTLife was born out of a vision of what I hoped would be an open and stable online community to share knowledge. We've lost our direction at times, and sometimes face obstacles, but I hope to continue to be a source of knowledge and community for those that wan't to further the EMS profession.


Doogie Howser FP-C
So, uh... I like cookies.

Speaking of which...SOMEONE still owes me some cookies, you know who you are.

On a side note, I think it's time for a new car, WRX anyone?
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Forum Chief
Speaking of which...SOMEONE still owes me some cookies, you know who you are.

On a side note, I think it's time for a new car, WRX anyone?

I want a mazda rx8
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Forum Asst. Chief

Well the scale of it is no where similar, but it is an unfortunate situation. Most of the "amazing" people here have large egos. In fact to survive in EMS and most high stress careers you have to have pride in your ego and be somewhat narcissistic. Some would say stroke your own ego :p. However, I do feel that we need to look at the whole context of each person who is "mean." After 4 years here I can say that some of them have contributed way more than their hindrance to the community. I do have to say though except for a few people no one has been malicious. Although harsh and rude, they are trying to get people to learn. They are the ones that are being somewhat selfless in fact. I'll leave you with this Zen story:

"The Zen Master Gutei made a practice of raising his finger whenever he explained a question about Zen.

A very young disciple began to imitate him, and whenever anyone asked the disciple what his master had been preaching about, the boy would raise his finger.

Gutei got to hear about this, and when he came upon the boy as he was doing it one day, he seized the boy, whipped out a knife, cut off his finger, and threw it away.

As the boy ran off howling Gutei shouted, "Stop!"

The boy stopped, turned round, and looked at his master through his tears. Gutei was holding up his own finger.

The boy went to hold up his finger, and when he realized it wasn't there he bowed.

In that instant he became enlightened."

Only out of genuine compassion, like motherly love, could someone be so harsh.
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Doogie Howser FP-C
I want a mazda rx8

I did until I saw what happened to the one that one of our medics crashed...holy crap. Plus it's not practical for me lol.
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Forum Chief
But it looks like the batmobile.

Dunununununun saaaaashaaaa!

I also wanted a smart car, but apparently if your crash involves anything other than a roll over you're pretty much dead.

And half a car does not equal half the cost. Those things are expensive.


Doogie Howser FP-C
But it looks like the batmobile.

Dunununununun saaaaashaaaa!

I also wanted a smart car, but apparently if your crash involves anything other than a roll over you're pretty much dead.

And half a car does not equal half the cost. Those things are expensive.

I do certainly like the looks of them...but I'm rather fond of my turbo now, so I prefer to buy another turbo car lol. Hmmm, maybe a Legacy GT, that could be fun.
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Forum Lieutenant
Ah. Just give me a new (or semi new even) Jeep Wrangler Sport and I'd be happy. But the wife veto's it. Apparently its not a very kid friendly vehicle.


Forum Angel
I'm so tired.

Everything has been. Taking such a toll on me lately. Every problem,.patient, a shift,conversation.

When someone complains to me I just want to yell at them, and tell them I have problems of my own.



Time for bed.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Night Anjel


Still crazy but elsewhere
MMIZ, sorry I'm late to the party.

I posted my feelings in the replies to your "jerk" missal.

I'm familiar with a person who runs another website, been at it for over eight years now, and learned a lot from him. One thing that will kill a forum/website is when users are allowed to start acting like "Law West of the Pecos". I've been guilty of it. Sometimes things aren't fair, and if it is your website, then users can and will decide if they want to stay or go elsewhere. But often "unfair" actually means the mods are not sharing everything with everyone about what they are going through with something nor someone. While that sounds like it ought to occur, actually it doesn't, and besides, it is the mods' site, we come here willing to undergo their scrutiny and follow their rules.

Hey, it's the Internet, shake it off and do something else.

It's like a divorce, sometimes people and forums grow apart. We all eventually leave and hopefully everyone comes out the better for it, after the pain subsides.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Not always... Even when called out on, and even when other CLs disagree with it.

Infact, even Matt once told me he didn't agree with an infraction but "had to back his CL"

No one wants lawlessness. We just want consistency.

As far as backing other CL's or sticking together, we do try to present a united front once we've made a decision...regardless of whether or not we personally agree with it. We have to do this to maintain some type of consistency. Like I said in the post, everyone of us has had an infraction reversed because the majority of the CL's thought that's what needed to be done.

So when MMiz says he's backing a CL, it just means that the majority of us thought it should be the way it is, not a loose CL making his own policies that we're all forced to abide by.


Community Leader Emeritus
Even the mods, esp firetender no offense, are jerks and offends new members, or squashes threads.

No offense taken.

Sure, sometimes I can be a jerk. I'm human, you know. Sometimes I get called on it. I look. I do make an effort, however, to respond honestly without self-defense or attack. I apologize when necessary. I grow, I stumble. That's what I'm here for.

What I don't get is how all those defending the man who won't be named are more than willing to condone his bad behavior yet they themselves don't indulge in it; or if they do, it's just a temporary aberration and not at all like the continual pushing that he did. That's just a curious thing to me.

It suggests to me a more mature understanding of limits and boundaries.

Is it that they're fearful that jerks like me will penalize them for not following our primary Community Rule?

Or is it they really DO understand behavior like that helps no one?

Most of those running to his defense have done so politely, haven't they? Don't get me wrong, I honor and appreciate that.

But really, what's THAT all about?

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
No offense taken.

Sure, sometimes I can be a jerk. I'm human, you know. Sometimes I get called on it. I look. I do make an effort, however, to respond honestly without self-defense or attack. I apologize when necessary. I grow, I stumble. That's what I'm here for.

What I don't get is how all those defending the man who won't be named are more than willing to condone his bad behavior yet they themselves don't indulge in it; or if they do, it's just a temporary aberration and not at all like the continual pushing that he did. That's just a curious thing to me.

It suggests to me a more mature understanding of limits and boundaries.

Is it that they're fearful that jerks like me will penalize them for not following our primary Community Rule?

Or is it they really DO understand behavior like that helps no one?

Most of those running to his defense have done so politely, haven't they? Don't get me wrong, I honor and appreciate that.

But really, what's THAT all about?

Because we aren't all cut from the same mold. I can be a :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:, I've gotten a few points myself but that's not who I am. We've all pointed out that he wasn't the nicest poster, I won't argue that with you, but he aw the one who would put his foot down when no one else would.


Forum Chief
Because we aren't all cut from the same mold. I can be a :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:, I've gotten a few points myself but that's not who I am. We've all pointed out that he wasn't the nicest poster, I won't argue that with you, but he aw the one who would put his foot down when no one else would.

Stop martyring him.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk


Forum Asst. Chief
Stop martyring him.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk

We aren't martyring him. It's just that we are tired of the CLs saying we need to be nice to everyone when that's not what happens in the real world. In the real world people backstab you, talk behind your back, and will say whatever is needed to keep themselves in power. USAF was nice enough to say what he thought about someone to their face.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
Yes mother. I'll do everything you say since your so awesome :wacko:

And I didn't martyr anyone thanks.

On a side note my medic school partners gf was in a code 3 accident last night :( sent her and her partner plus the other driver to the hospital. My thoughts go out to them :(


Site Administrator
Community Leader
We aren't martyring him. It's just that we are tired of the CLs saying we need to be nice to everyone when that's not what happens in the real world.

I've seen more cruelty here than I've ever seen in the real world.

In the real world people backstab you, talk behind your back, and will say whatever is needed to keep themselves in power. USAF was nice enough to say what he thought about someone to their face.

And look where it got him.


Site Administrator
Community Leader
Yes mother. I'll do everything you say since your so awesome :wacko:

And I didn't martyr anyone thanks.

On a side note my medic school partners gf was in a code 3 accident last night :( sent her and her partner plus the other driver to the hospital. My thoughts go out to them :(

Yikes! Thoughts go out to them.