Stop certain posts

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Forum Chief
With the new no tolerance policy in effect, I have to wonder if we would be better off not allowing posts such as these (First example I came across, not picking on anyone) that add nothing what so ever of value to the thread but serve only to inflame.

If you are not going to participate in a thread because you don't like the content, simply press the back button and move on to another. There is no required appearance on any one thread and you don't have to publically decline to be involved.

I think posts like that should not be allowed, of course that is my opinion but I am interested if others agree or disagree or can intelligently defend them. I think posts like that should be deleted.
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The Truth Provider
I agree and in at least one of the topics where things like that were posted the mods deleted them. So thank you mods for making the rules equal on both sides of the arguments.


Forum Crew Member
I agree. But, I think that it is also hard to allow for discussion on a topic and not have people express some opinions that will anger others. This, sometimes, does lead to a thread spiraling out of control with no real intent and no body to really point a finger at. It is not an easy job for the mods and I am not sure if a cut and dry answer is gonna fix it, except that it is up to the mods to decide.
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Forum Deputy Chief
I think she means the post that only purpose is: I believe in this, and I don't care what you think it's what I believe and I'm not going to argue my point because I'm not coming back in.


Forum Crew Member
I think she means the post that only purpose is: I believe in this, and I don't care what you think it's what I believe and I'm not going to argue my point because I'm not coming back in.

I see your point. I took at it as a general statement on any comments posted with the intent to anger others.


Organic Mechanic
So thank you mods for making the rules equal on both sides of the arguments.

So we're equally muted? Oh, that makes everything better. Thank you, mods!


Forum Captain
I would say that this is probably better taken to the moderators. We don't really make the decisions, so airing this really only initiates a sort of poll (Agree or not.). I suspect your concern is better expressed in private, and, if sensible, I imagine that the mods would act upon it.


Forum Captain
Wow, thanks Sasha... love you too. :p

I just think threads like that have been beaten to death. We all know that a lot of us (the members of the site) don't like volunteers for whatever reason. We already know that a lot of us don't like FDs running EMS, etc. It's like I said: Everyone already has their mind made up and there will be no minds changed so why do we continue to flame each other and belittle one another? I was expressing my concern over that thread in particular; I was also expressing my concern for of all threads of that sort. Fine, debate... I have no problem with a real and rational debate backed up with facts (instead of simply saying "I don't like volunteers," as has happened all too often). I would even participate in such a debate. However, all too often we have threads that pop up where everyone seems to say "Basics don't know anything" and "volunteers aren't professional" and I'm just sick of it. I can't be the only one and if I am I'll be very surprised.

I also have to say that I notice a lot of other members who aren't participating in such threads anymore either.

If anyone wants to have a real debate backed up with facts rather than a generalization that (insert level of certification, firefighters or whatever here) suck then I'm all for it... but until that happens, I, along with several others I'm sure, will choose to not participate in those threads and post in others. I don't like feeling like I have to go put up on my turnout gear in order to read a web forum.

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Still crazy but elsewhere
I'm enjoying both S and JT's posts here.

People don't take the time for these without having some feeling for the forum as a whole.
Okay, I'm humming "Kumbaya" now to myself.;)


Forum Chief
Wow, thanks Sasha... love you too. :p

I just think threads like that have been beaten to death. We all know that a lot of us (the members of the site) don't like volunteers for whatever reason. We already know that a lot of us don't like FDs running EMS, etc. It's like I said: Everyone already has their mind made up and there will be no minds changed so why do we continue to flame each other and belittle one another? I was expressing my concern over that thread in particular; I was also expressing my concern for of all threads of that sort. Fine, debate... I have no problem with a real and rational debate backed up with facts (instead of simply saying "I don't like volunteers," as has happened all too often). I would even participate in such a debate. However, all too often we have threads that pop up where everyone seems to say "Basics don't know anything" and "volunteers aren't professional" and I'm just sick of it. I can't be the only one and if I am I'll be very surprised.

I also have to say that I notice a lot of other members who aren't participating in such threads anymore either.

If anyone wants to have a real debate backed up with facts rather than a generalization that (insert level of certification, firefighters or whatever here) suck then I'm all for it... but until that happens, I, along with several others I'm sure, will choose to not participate in those threads and post in others. I don't like feeling like I have to go put up on my turnout gear in order to read a web forum.


You are more than welcome to not like a thread, there are many threads I stay off of because I find them boring or I have nothing worth while to add, however I don't go and post on them that I wont be posting on them. If there is content you don't agree with, fine, don't post on it. All your post did was temporarily bump the thread to the top, drawing more attention to it, and further inflame the thread.

As I said, I was not picking on you, you were just the quickest example I found.

We get in trouble for posting "This thread is going to be locked" so personally I, as do others, think that "This topic is stupid, I'm not going to post on it" posts should also be against the rules.


Forum Crew Member
I feel that there is a difference between finding a thread uninteresting and not wanting to post on it and a thread that is specifically started to demean, complain about, or alienate a group of people within the site community.

But again, that may not be the thread starter's intent, but the thread can spiral out of control.


Forum Chief
I feel that there is a difference between finding a thread uninteresting and not wanting to post on it and a thread that is specifically started to demean, complain about, or alienate a group of people within the site community.

But again, that may not be the thread starter's intent, but the thread can spiral out of control.

Then let the mods deal with it in a manner that does not inflame the thread.


Forum Captain
I wasn't so much proclaiming my not wishing to participate in the thread ("hey,look at me being different!") as it was trying to make a point. The point is what I said before: Those topics have been beaten to death. All this "debating" (read: alienating) does is divide us. I'm not saying we have to be a "family" but we do have to get along. We can't hate volunteers. Would I like every department/service to be paid? Yes. There, I said that. But I also know that not every town and county can afford a paid department/service. My liking or disliking that isn't going to change it so why am I going to bash them or the people who choose to give of themselves? They're trained just as well as the paid guys, at least around here they are.

Sorry to get off track... my main point here is, these topics have been beaten to death. I don't see how it's useful to continue these "debates." Just my opinion... but we all know what they say about opinions so take it for what it's worth.



Has no idea what I'm doing.
I thought JT had a good point with that one post. That the lines have been drawn and I doubt anyone can change that. Least that is what I got out of his one post that you feel should be censored. Personally I felt that it was a valid observation of that one thread.
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Site Administrator
Community Leader
With the new no tolerance policy in effect, I have to wonder if we would be better off not allowing posts such as these (First example I came across, not picking on anyone) that add nothing what so ever of value to the thread but serve only to inflame.

If you are not going to participate in a thread because you don't like the content, simply press the back button and move on to another. There is no required appearance on any one thread and you don't have to publically decline to be involved.

I think posts like that should not be allowed, of course that is my opinion but I am interested if others agree or disagree or can intelligently defend them. I think posts like that should be deleted.

I disagree Sasha. I saw that thread when it was posted and didn't have a problem with it.

If you feel that a thread doesn't belong, and feels that it should be removed, ask yourself, "Does it meet the guidelines of reporting?"
Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising messages, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.
If it does then you should report it and let us make the decision.


Forum Chief
Then how does posting that a thread is going to be locked or "in before the.lock" violate rules when posts like that don't?


Guess who's back...
I disagree Sasha. I saw that thread when it was posted and didn't have a problem with it.

If you feel that a thread doesn't belong, and feels that it should be removed, ask yourself, "Does it meet the guidelines of reporting?"
If it does then you should report it and let us make the decision.

It was spam as it served no constructive purpose in any way, shape, or form and did nothing but waste bandwidth. I also found it insulting because it attempted to down play a debate on one of the major threats to our profession as nothing more than a "pissing match". Impeding progress through inactivity is an insult to those who have fought and those who are fighting to move our profession forward, and that's exactly what the post implied... to quote Rush, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice".

If the statements of those who support all-paid career EMS have qualified within the guidelines of reporting, then this post does as well. At least the pro-paid crowd's posts have a point to them.


Forum Captain
It was spam as it served no constructive purpose in any way, shape, or form and did nothing but waste bandwidth. I also found it insulting because it attempted to down play a debate on one of the major threats to our profession as nothing more than a "pissing match". Impeding progress through inactivity is an insult to those who have fought and those who are fighting to move our profession forward, and that's exactly what the post implied... to quote Rush, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice".

If the statements of those who support all-paid career EMS have qualified within the guidelines of reporting, then this post does as well. At least the pro-paid crowd's posts have a point to them.

Well excuse me...

I never said that I didn't have an opinion. I do and I've stated it many times. In case you missed it, here it is: I'm for volunteers AS LONG AS THEY HAVE TO MEET THE SAME STANDARDS AS THE PAID EMTS/MEDICS. Just because I'm of the opinion that the debate is, itself, a waste of bandwidth does not make me a spammer.

Just because I don't share your opinion and because I choose to not beat a dead horse doesn't mean that I'm wrong or that my post was "spam." My post did serve a purpose in the debate; its purpose was to try and make everyone think about whether this issue is even worth debating. We've been over this over and over and over again and it's served little, if any, real purpose. And yes I think at this point it is a pissing match. In other words, it's getting us no where. We've debated this issue until we're blue in the face and evidently there are two sides and two sides only: Those who think that volunteers serve a purpose and then there are those who think that all volunteers are unprofessional whackers.

Nice to know that dissenting opinions are respected around here.

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Forum Captain
Delete this post please. I just need to keep my mouth shut on this subject.


Guess who's back...
Mods, if you think the anti-volunteer crowd are the ones being uncivil and causing problems, you might want to pay more attention to posts like this...

Well excuse me...

I never said that I didn't have an opinion. I do and I've stated it many times. In case you missed it, here it is: I'm for volunteers AS LONG AS THEY HAVE TO MEET THE SAME STANDARDS AS THE PAID EMTS/MEDICS. Just because I'm of the opinion that the debate is, itself, a waste of bandwidth does not make me a spammer.

Just because I don't share your opinion and because I choose to not beat a dead horse doesn't mean that I'm wrong or that my post was "spam." My post did serve a purpose in the debate; its purpose was to try and make everyone think about whether this issue is even worth debating. We've been over this over and over and over again and it's served little, if any, real purpose. And yes I think at this point it is a pissing match. In other words, it's getting us no where. We've debated this issue until we're blue in the face and evidently there are two sides and two sides only: Those who think that volunteers serve a purpose and then there are those who think that all volunteers are unprofessional whackers.

Nice to know that dissenting opinions are respected around here.


How is anything regarding the future of our profession a waste of bandwidth? If EMS is going to be taken seriously as a career, this is something that needs to be addressed. How is the future of our chosen profession not worth debating? If you don't want to participate in the debate, stay out of it.

Did I make any reference to disrespecting your dissenting opinion? No, I did not. Dissenting opinions I can deal with. Pure apathy and just throwing up your arms is another matter entirely.
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