Problem Partner


Forum Ride Along
I just got my EMT-B four months ago. Soon after I got my card, I went to work with a transfer service. So far I am really enjoying the career and the people I work with. Most of them are extremely knowledgeable and helpful. I start school in the fall. The only problem is that there is this one paramedic that I get stuck with on a weekly basis. We don't have set partners here but I continue to get stuck with him at least once a week if not more. The paramedic is a very nice person but they attended one of the "accelerated" paramedic programs and are seriously lacking in skills to the point of embarrassment in front of patients and hospital staff. When we go to ER's or nursing homes the paramedic consults me on what we should do and looks absolutely clueless.(and no he's not testing me) The list goes on and on of the things that have happened that just ridiculous and quite frankly dangerous. I mean I have to clarify verbal report to the Dr. and nurses because it's so bad. I have requested not to be with this person but I continue getting put with them. It's really embarrassing because I live in this area and am planning on working 911 in this area. I feel like I am going to get a bad label by association because I am stuck with this person. What would you do in this situation.


Community Leader
Community Leader
Make your own reputation. I don't judge people based on their crappy or excellent partners, and I think I'm in the majority. I also understand the necessity of sometimes making ends meet at a crappy company while waiting for something better to come along. Stay strong, document your attempts at notifying your boss of your hesitation at working with this partner, and push through it.


Forum Probie
Would you mind giving us some more examples? It's going to be very difficult to convince your supervisors that this medic is dangerous without concrete examples, especially since you're a new EMT. I don't doubt you're right - there are plenty of awful medics out there and many of them work for transfer services.


Forum Lieutenant
I just got my EMT-B four months ago.

attended one of the "accelerated" paramedic programs and are seriously lacking in skills to the point of embarrassment in front of patients and hospital staff.

After four months of becoming an EMT that makes you an expert of paramedic skill set? I would also think even if it was accelerated paramedic program that this person probably has more training than you.

Worry about doing your job well, something tells me EMT would not be held responsible for improper ALS interventions your partner performs. Additionally you can also just take this accelerated paramedic program knocked it down really fast get a salary boost and call all the proper shots.


IFT Puppet
It's not your problem. Do your job and make sure BLS is covered.


Grumpy Badger
If you're that worried about them, then report it. Yeah, they may think you're pulling a ****ish move, but sometimes new medics can get some remedial training or work dual medic to help them get up to speed. If they passed a paramedic program, then they're probably not half bad, but that doesn't mean they're entirely ready to go...


Forum Ride Along
I'm an EMT as well, with the same problem (past tense) & what i did was text my boss with the bad calls, every bad call. I'm not scheduled with her anymore.


Forum Lieutenant
You only need to worry about yourself and always remember to cover your ***. If he is as incompetent as you say, it wont be long before he loses his job, or even getting sued


Forum Troll
A :censored::censored::censored::censored:ty medic is a :censored::censored::censored::censored:ty medic, doesn't matter if they new or old.

I'm going to do my job and make sure BLS is covered. I'm going to be talking to the supervisors and writing up incident reports. If I can prevent patients from being cared for by a :censored::censored::censored::censored:ty medic then I am going to do it.

EMTs can tell a :censored::censored::censored::censored:ty medic with only weeks out in the field. With some medics it is easily seen. Heck I've had EMT students who were able to tell a :censored::censored::censored::censored:ty medic.