No uniform items off duty policy?


Forum Probie
Curious, does your agency prohibit wearing uniform items off duty? If so what can happen to you if found? Asking because generally I stop at the supermarket on the way home from work, which means I would be in uniform, Wondering if that would be out of line or fine? Also we get issued sweatshirts and t-shirts in addition to our duty uniform w/ Agency logos and name, but I'm unsure if this counts as a uniform item.


Our agency policy is no imbibing in alcohol when in an identifiable uniform, and you are generally discouraged from even being in a place that serves it. We issue T-shirts I see maybe a few people wear outside of work, and occasionally I'll see a job shirt around. Personally I shop at the grocery store after work frequently. Really though, unless I'm coming to or from work, I don't wear uniform gear. The only exception being to a class, conference, expo, and occasionally if it's the first shirt I grab running out the door for a volly fire call in the middle of the night.

Carlos Danger

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
I can't imagine an agency minding if you stop at the store on your way home in uniform. If they do, where do they draw the line? Are you also not allowed to stop for gas? What about going through the fast-food drive-through?

Aside from that, don't wear your uniform items when you are not on duty. Ever.


Old and Crappy
I mean, I get no joy out of wearing my uniform in stores , but I have certainly stopped for gas or something at a wallgreens etc. It really does not seem like a big deal. I try and avoid it so people won't engage me in conversation but sometimes I don't feel like getting changed. I usually don't do this with my flight suit as I feel like I am wearing pajamas and look totally crazy in public.


Forum Captain
Our policy states we are allowed to be in uniform during transit to and from work. Does that include stops at gas stations and grocery stores? Who knows.

There's no need to advertise once you're off the clock. Just take your uniform shirt off once you hit end of shift. That's what I do. I won't wear it any longer than I have to. Management has a hard enough time keeping me in my uniform shirt during shift. It's kind of our cat and mouse game.


Forum Probie
FYI I'm no wacker, not trying to wear my uniform everywhere.. just you don't get a locker or anywhere to change until your 1 year probation is up


Community Leader
Community Leader
I wear my uniform to and from work. I like to be ready when I walk in the door to take a call right away. I can't be bothered to bring a pair of street clothes with me just to change into after shift unless I know I'm going somewhere immediately (but seriously, who plans anything right after work knowing that guarantees a late call).

If I happen to stop for something minor on the way to or from work, the uniform jumpsuit stays on. I figure that's better than running around pantsless in my undershirt. Stopping for coffee, grabbing something at the grocery store, and dropping mail off or something is all fair game to me. There's an express policy against entering liquor stores or bars in uniform, so I just have to make sure to grab my appletini ingredients on a day off.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
I don't wear my button up shirt and badge anymore than I have to, and those usually don't leave the station. I've got no issue wearing an agency t shirt when I stop on the way home for stuff except at the liquor store. I don't really wear them off duty otherwise though unless I'm working out, cuts down on laundry that way. Plus when my partners and I workout on the way home we look super cute when we match.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
Pretty much what chaz says. I wear (most) my uniform to work (excluding boots and button up uniform shirt). I don't really bother bringing a pair of street clothes, I also don't have a locker as I'm a part time employee. If I have to go to the gas station or grocery store after shift and I know its going to be a quick in n out, the "uniform" (company t shirt and pants) stays on. I usually try to make whatever errand I'm running quick. I don't want to draw unwanted attention to myself when I'm off duty.

I would never dream of wearing anything company or dept related into a liquor store, thats just asking for trouble.


The New Beach Medic
I do what chaz90 does. I wear my uniform to and from work. If I stop for gas or food, I'll still wear it. I really don't care. I think 90% of people that see me wearing it think I am a mall cop or something. Even when I am on duty, people will ask me "can I park here" or "where are shampoos at?" or some variation of that depending where I am. On halloween, people complimented my "costume" while I was on duty, lol. What's 1-2 minutes to fuel the car or pickup food?

I can totally understand going to a bar or doing a prolong non work related activity in uniform as being inappropriate.
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Competent in Incompetence
I don't like to wear my uniform shirt during my commute so I just wear a random t-shirt with my uniform pants and boots on. When I show up, I clock in, park, and put my button-up uniform shirt on and go about my business. When the shift is done, I take my uniform shirt off and throw that t-shirt back on.

I look tacky as hell sometimes but I'm just more comfortable not wearing my uniform shirt during the commute. If I stop somewhere to or from work I'd rather not advertise who/what I am in public.

My company has no specific requirement besides don't be a fool while wearing the uniform and don't enter a liquor store/bar while in uniform.


Forum Lieutenant
I got no time changing clothes. I wear my uniform, hop on the train, and when I get to work Im ready. I will goto the grocery store usually after work. When I hit a bar once with a coworker I just ripped off my velcro patches and I just looked like a security mall cop or something. Our company doesnt wear traditional ems colors.


Forum Asst. Chief
To and from work only but must, must cover the shirt with a jacket or top.

A quick stop off at the supermarket or whatever is fine, but if you are doing something that will take longer than a few minutes you have to take the shirt off. For example a quick run in to the shop is OK but going to the mall for 90 minutes or something is not.

Wearing uniform when not at work is expressly prohibited and a giant no-no.

The firm is very protective of its image because of the whole reputation and reliance on charitable income thing.


Forum Deputy Chief
We wear a t-shirt with department logo on left front breast and across the back underneath the button up uniform shirt. I'll keep the button up on a hanger in my truck but wear the rest on my way into work and sometimes I'll stop at a 7-11 or Starbucks or something on my way in no problem. Same with in the morning on my way home.

The way I see it is if I can go to the supermarket or convenience store or coffee shop or whereever in full uniform during shift without issue, a quick stop to do the same on my way in or out should not be a problem. Of course that's assuming I'm upholding the same conduct as my employer expects from me on duty (i.e. buying coffee is fine, buying /drinking booze is a no-go)


Forum Probie
I don't wear any of the crap I have to wear at work unless if I have to or it is the warmest option. I think the whole tactical look looks stupid, and I hate looking like I'm searching for attention. Plus, I like my regular clothes better. Only exception is t-shirts, mainly because it's easier on my laundry load and I've got plenty of them.

I just picked up a job where I am going to be wearing scrubs, so I might end up being lazy and wearing my uniform to and fro work.


Forum Asst. Chief
FYI I'm no wacker, not trying to wear my uniform everywhere.. just you don't get a locker or anywhere to change until your 1 year probation is up

You don't have access to a bathroom?
And you shouldn't need to change. Just strip down to your undershirt (I believe that OSHA requires us to wear 2 layers of clothing, so undershirts are mandatory).


Forum Captain
I have a plain navy blue sweatshirt that lives in my car that I put on if I have to stop somewhere on my way to/from work. I do often stop at the grocery store on my way home, but I just put on that sweatshirt and it covers my shirt.

We do have a "don't wear your uniform off duty" policy, but no one is going to get on us about a quick stop at a drugstore, grocery, gas station, etc on our way to/from work. Just don't be stupid...


Forum Chief
Only rule that has ever been in place anywhere I've worked is to not buy etoh or go drinking in uniform


Forum Knucklehead
We have lockers, so i go to work in street clothes and change there, i just have to bring socks with me. Otherwise im in shorts and a t shirt. I do not ever wear identifying clothes outside work, even when im volunteering. I have a bag in my trunk that has a spare set of clothes too, so i can go right from work to anything else