IN YOUR OWN WORDS: saline versus sterile water


emt seeking first job

Forum Asst. Chief
I can appreciate that and I appreciate what you are saying. Perhaps I was over the line. I reacted to some of the proceeding comments and equated them to that particular post. You are correct, I was out of line and my apologies.

The discussion about microbes being in the implants was welcome. I often pondered how sterile is sterile.

Reading thoughts about that is beneficial.

However, in the future, I think we should all leave people's significant others, friends, and family out of any discussion. We should be thick skinned about ourselves, of course, and anyone who can not take it should not have this job, however, leave people's loved one's out if.

emt seeking first job

Forum Asst. Chief
Either or....for irrigation and wound cleaning (which you honestly shouldn't be doing in the field to begin with 99.99% of the time), it's the force of the flow that matters, not what you're using (so long as its clean).


May I ask the reason an EMT should not be cleaning a wound.

I assume if there is heavy bleeding stopping the flow take priority. What about someone has a nice road rash, is it for some reason why an EMT should not clean it off before bandaging ?

I am not disagreeing with you, I just wanted to know the reasons you poseted that.



Forum Asst. Chief
The discussion about microbes being in the implants was welcome. I often pondered how sterile is sterile.

Reading thoughts about that is beneficial.

However, in the future, I think we should all leave people's significant others, friends, and family out of any discussion. We should be thick skinned about ourselves, of course, and anyone who can not take it should not have this job, however, leave people's loved one's out if.

As I have already stated, my comments were out of line and I apologized, I can do no more. I see no point in dwelling on this.
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Forum Captain
Really, so it is not even done in a factory clean room? This further supports my supposition that microbes are introduced at the beginning stage. And do you think that a anti-microbial is a 100% effective, it only takes a few to survive?

And for you and your wife, I am sure you are so proud, and good for you. I prefer a less superficial woman. Woman should know that there are men who love them for who they are and not what they look like. The true beauty of a woman is in her actions and how she treats others.

It is a factory clean room. There are only 2 manufacturers accepted by the FDA in the US. Although you can get some that are "Black Market" we did not want to go this route. Some women want implants but don't want to pay the $8000.00 to have them done so they go with a doctor that only charges $2500.00. The problem is you get what you pay for.

I love my wife dearly. She is my soul mate and her choice to get implants was hers as I was happy just the way she was. She did it for self esteem and I can appreciate that. It had nothing to do with her being superficial. She had given birth to 2 children and this was something she wanted. All I did was write the check. I thought after having 2 kids, standing 5' 11" and only weighing 132 lbs she was as sexy as ever. She didn't agree and who am I to argue. It is her body. But to say she is superficial is way off base. I am sure you didn't mean anything by it and it is no big deal. Just thought some explanation was due.


Forum Chief
Really, so it is not even done in a factory clean room? This further supports my supposition that microbes are introduced at the beginning stage. And do you think that a anti-microbial is a 100% effective, it only takes a few to survive?

And for you and your wife, I am sure you are so proud, and good for you. I prefer a less superficial woman. Woman should know that there are men who love them for who they are and not what they look like. The true beauty of a woman is in her actions and how she treats others.

You know it's not just the men who want the implants. Many times women want them for their own reasons and it's not all about pleasing men.


Forum Captain
You know it's not just the men who want the implants. Many times women want them for their own reasons and it's not all about pleasing men.

Thank you Sasha. You are absolutely correct. My wife had no reason to please any man. I was already pleased. This was simply for her benefit and it brought her self esteem up. If she wants anything that will make her feel better as a person, I am more than willing to get it for her.


Community Leader Emeritus
Well, I'm glad that's cleared up, so... that we've covered/uncovered a side topic, made our comments and apologies (which, were appreciated!), and a great closing statement by Sasha, let's get back to the original intent/subject of the thread.


Forum Troll
We also carry sterile water and saline. I have only ever used the saline tho.

Little tip for eye washing: we had a guy get a chemical in his eye. The only thing that stopped the pain was constant saline being poured on his eye. So I stripped out an IV line and hung it up. I connected the end of the IV tubing (no needle) to a nasal cannual. Placed the split for the cannual right on the bridge of his nose and set it to a constant flow. Patient had no more pain for the 10 min drive to the hospital. Made things alot easier.