how do you guys handle well meaning but useless suggestions

emt seeking first job

Forum Asst. Chief
For example, my parents just told me to call my emt-b school and ask them for job hunting advice or 'placement services'....

I calmly and politely heard them out, and then answered that I made a list of every possible paying ambulance service that hires emt-b's, that I can commute to in under two hours each way (train/bus-no car). I am in NYC.

I either filled out their application or if none posted on-line I wrote a letter with copies of my certifications.

I followed up with the private services with short written letters, and one service, where I know the name of the hiring person, via telephone, at leat once every three weeks.

There is no other place to apply to. My EMT school has no way to get me "in" a company before anyone else.....and there is no reason, I have no experience.

The online ad jobs are generally the "EMT wanted for some function/party or camp, yadda yadda", which aside from the camp jobs are sort of gray area as I heard there is no medical director/control (aside, it is appropriate only for a seasoned veteran anyway).

I am vollieing for the moment to get some experience, but the service only operates 2-3 days a week. A more active service nearby is only taking new people in the fall.

My girl friend keeps making stupid suggestions....

I really dont care. I am 44. I have my health. People think I am 34. And I am not just saying that.

All I want is a full time job at a private near where I live. That can cover my rent. I will brown bag my food. I can work a little OT. I will vollie a few times a month for the 911 type experience. My down time I will excercize. If I can get Sunday mornings off, I will go to church, and in my times off, I like to visit a monestery. I help with chores, projects, etc. or we read and discuss things....

Most other people I have lost touch with. A few friends and one cousin, we communicate via email.

I squandered a lot of money and time in my other careers, as an insurance investigator, then an LEO.

I feel being an EMT is my calling for the moment. I dont need to hang out, go out, or even have a girl-friend anymore.

I just want to become an EMT that can react and handle anything that comes my way.

So when my girlfriend or parents make suggestions on what I should do, I hear them out than explain how logistically or practicality-wise what they are telling me is not useful. How can I get them to stop.

My girlfriend is starting her first neurolgy job, a physicain, after finsihing her training soon. It will be out of state. Her hospital hires part time emts, and then picks full time from them, so I will apply, maybe if her chairman has some pull, but I doubt it....I really dont care if she meets someone new there, I would wish her well.

Any ideas anyone ? There must be others going through this ?


Forum Chief
EMS is a small community where people know each other even throughout the state and country, and even internationally.

How do you know your school can't do anything to help, and has no potential connections, without asking?

emt seeking first job

Forum Asst. Chief
EMS is a small community where people know each other even throughout the state and country, and even internationally.

How do you know your school can't do anything to help, and has no potential connections, without asking?

Thank you for writing.

I actually did send an email to the lead instructor when I found out I passed. I thanked him for everything he did to help me. I sort of casually asked if he had any job hunting tips. He basically sent me the NYS DOH link that lists all agenices by county. And he just 'represent yourself well.'

He said I could list him as a reference.

I am sure if contacted he would give me a good recommendation and all that, but as far as being an in to a job, there is no difference between me and his 100+ other if he learns of a job opening, why would he tell them to hire me over 100 other good people.....

It is not a question of connections.

They actually say they do not place people, but can 'assist' with a search, which I assume is giving a list of companies.

I think the issue is:

1) employers will take an experienced EMT over one who is not

2) I am one of 100's of students that get certified each year. I had an 80 average, got a 79 on the NYS test.

3) they would 'recommend' me, but why favor me over some other student...?

I think the whole thing with vocational schools 'placing' people is when there are many jobs out there, like truck drivers or HHA's....

emt seeking first job

Forum Asst. Chief
EMS is a small community where people know each other even throughout the state and country, and even internationally.

How do you know your school can't do anything to help, and has no potential connections, without asking?

Please dont get me wrong.

I know you are rtying to help.

Simply stated, if there were an opening, the employer will choose based on face to face interview, and my school, I would not expect them to be able or willing to tell someplace to hire me before some other person, nor would I want them to....if that makes sense...

I would expect a recommendation, but not favortism. Regardless, even if someone was 'favored' over someone else, they would still have to be able to do the job.

I think if I go to their office, they will just give me a copy of the NYS DOH printout with every service in the NYC counties....

BUT WHAT YOU SAID IS TRUE...where I vollie, there are two guys who work for the private that I want to get in with. And the other place I want to vollie at in the fall, the operations manager of that company was with them.


Forum Captain
i think the best suggestion would be to do what im doing, and go to paramedic school o:
That won't necessarily help you get a job, especially in states where there are a ton of schools that pump out medics every few months (not saying yours is, just as a general observation).

emt seeking first job

Forum Asst. Chief
In NYS, paramedic schools require EMT experience, a test, and an interview, unlike EMT school.

Paramedic schools also include vastly (compared to nil in emt school) more extensive clinical rotations and hands on experience.


Ask your lead instructor for a letter of recommendation. Ask your volunteer peers for a letter or recommendation. Get letters of rec from your former LEO positions (that seems to be the closest applicable experience you have)

as far as unwanted suggestions (kinda oxymoronic that you posted that - cause everyone is going to think they have something useful to reply to you... which you seem to be having the same reaction as you do to your girlfriend and parents.)

your cash cushion, sadly is going to have to come from another profession. (maybe you shouldn't give up your sugarmomma physician girlfriend...)

if you can't find a job in the area that you are in, MOVE.

If you are certified, then you have the basis of the knowledge that you want, you are already prepared. Want to be more prepared, but dont want to work at getting into emt-p school? Buy and EMT-P textbook and start teaching yourself.

What if society ends tomorrow and you never get to be a "pro" you'll have to teach yourself anyway or learn it road warrior style.

Sounds like you are very proactive in every way except: relocation and positivity.

take your instructors advice and represent yourself well.

If you believe no one will hire you, no one will.

...I handle useless suggestions by saying, "thank you." and dropping it.
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emt seeking first job

Forum Asst. Chief
Thank you everyone, I read everything everyone posted, time to go to my vollie.......

Ask your lead instructor for a letter of recommendation. Ask your volunteer peers for a letter or recommendation. Get letters of rec from your former LEO positions (that seems to be the closest applicable experience you have)

as far as unwanted suggestions (kinda oxymoronic that you posted that - cause everyone is going to think they have something useful to reply to you... which you seem to be having the same reaction as you do to your girlfriend and parents.)

your cash cushion, sadly is going to have to come from another profession. (maybe you shouldn't give up your sugarmomma physician girlfriend...)

if you can't find a job in the area that you are in, MOVE.

If you are certified, then you have the basis of the knowledge that you want, you are already prepared. Want to be more prepared, but dont want to work at getting into emt-p school? Buy and EMT-P textbook and start teaching yourself.

What if society ends tomorrow and you never get to be a "pro" you'll have to teach yourself anyway or learn it road warrior style.

Sounds like you are very proactive in every way except: relocation and positivity.

take your instructors advice and represent yourself well.

If you believe no one will hire you, no one will.

...I handle useless suggestions by saying, "thank you." and dropping it.

My girlfriend is staying with me until Sept 15, she starts new job.

Even if she could pull strings, I would not want to be that guy in the ems squad that had no experience and got the job because of her, and I doubt ANYONE could get an emt job at that facility that way. The hosp runs the regions ems service....

If she meets someone else so be it. We had some nice times, we can both move on.

....and buff some calls.

I will get hired by a private eventually.

There is one down my block, I call every two weeks.

If I dont get that one another.

Really, I could pay my rent and sustain myself with a private service job. I can and will live w/0 a car and perks. I will vollie and go to church and visit the monestery where my priest lives.

I dont miss travelling or going out. I miss the money I squandered doing that for 15 years.


right on man.

honestly i was expecting you to reply with "thanks"



Level 25 EMS Wizard
In NYS, paramedic schools require EMT experience, a test, and an interview, unlike EMT school.

Paramedic schools also include vastly (compared to nil in emt school) more extensive clinical rotations and hands on experience.

There were a few brand new EMT's in the NY Methodist program years ago. They just make the inexperienced EMT's do 40 hours or so of BLS ride alongs before the ALS rotations start. They also have payment plans.

If your GF is pressuring you to do the medic thing, it's likely that she expects you to have ambition to better yourself, like she did. She walks it like she talks it, and probably expects you to do the same. Get her to help you in some fashion, either by a loan or by shacking up and paying less than 50%.

She'd probably like you to go EMT>medic>2 year healthcare dergree>four year healthcare degree>high paying admin job within the health system. I know quite a few that have done this and are now doing very well. With all the online classes available nowadays, it's easier than you think.


Forum Lieutenant
Maybe you should open your mind to the possibility that some suggestions might not be as useless as you think? If nobody makes any suggestions that are even remotely helpful, just be honest and say, "I don't really want to hear your ideas". There's no way to make people who care about you stop trying to help without hurting their feelings, so either you do that or you smile and thank them and continue about your business.


Forum Crew Member
For example, my parents just told me to call my emt-b school and ask them for job hunting advice or 'placement services'....

I calmly and politely heard them out, and then answered that I made a list of every possible paying ambulance service that hires emt-b's, that I can commute to in under two hours each way (train/bus-no car). I am in NYC.

I either filled out their application or if none posted on-line I wrote a letter with copies of my certifications.

I followed up with the private services with short written letters, and one service, where I know the name of the hiring person, via telephone, at leat once every three weeks.

There is no other place to apply to. My EMT school has no way to get me "in" a company before anyone else.....and there is no reason, I have no experience.

The online ad jobs are generally the "EMT wanted for some function/party or camp, yadda yadda", which aside from the camp jobs are sort of gray area as I heard there is no medical director/control (aside, it is appropriate only for a seasoned veteran anyway).

I am vollieing for the moment to get some experience, but the service only operates 2-3 days a week. A more active service nearby is only taking new people in the fall.

My girl friend keeps making stupid suggestions....

I really dont care. I am 44. I have my health. People think I am 34. And I am not just saying that.

All I want is a full time job at a private near where I live. That can cover my rent. I will brown bag my food. I can work a little OT. I will vollie a few times a month for the 911 type experience. My down time I will excercize. If I can get Sunday mornings off, I will go to church, and in my times off, I like to visit a monestery. I help with chores, projects, etc. or we read and discuss things....

Most other people I have lost touch with. A few friends and one cousin, we communicate via email.

I squandered a lot of money and time in my other careers, as an insurance investigator, then an LEO.

I feel being an EMT is my calling for the moment. I dont need to hang out, go out, or even have a girl-friend anymore.

I just want to become an EMT that can react and handle anything that comes my way.

So when my girlfriend or parents make suggestions on what I should do, I hear them out than explain how logistically or practicality-wise what they are telling me is not useful. How can I get them to stop.

My girlfriend is starting her first neurology job, a physician, after finshing her training soon. It will be out of state. Her hospital hires part time emts, and then picks full time from them, so I will apply, maybe if her chairman has some pull, but I doubt it....I really don't care if she meets someone new there, I would wish her well.

Any ideas anyone ? There must be others going through this ?

When I'm offered useless info, I just nod, smile and say "Wow I'll look into that" just so they feel that they made a very bold step in offering me their version of advice.

. . . I'm too nice if you couldn't tell -_-


Forum Chief
Too nice?

You make ducks attack each other for crumbs. I've seen it with my own eyes!


Community Leader Emeritus
I'm going to come off as judgmental here, but I can't think of a different way to say this.

You seem to have an unrealistic view of what your options are as a brand new EMT B in NYC. None of the volunteer agencies meet your standards, you rant and rave that a private agency won't hire you because you don't meet their requirements. You come off as someone who believes they are entitled to the exact job you want, regardless of reality.

Good for you that you are willing to brown bag it, and exercise, and go to church, but you aren't any more entitled to a job than some other guy just becuase you are willing to give up your life for EMS. I read this post and I see someone who is developing an unhealthy obsession with being an EMT. I mean this respectfully, but did you do any research on the job market before dropping everything and going to EMT school?


Forum Deputy Chief
EMS is a small community where people know each other even throughout the state and country, and even internationally.

How do you know your school can't do anything to help, and has no potential connections, without asking?

So true. If you want to find out for yourself just how connected to one another the EMS community is, just bad mouth an ambulance service director with +10 years experience and apply for a job on the other side of your state. See what they say..

emt seeking first job

Forum Asst. Chief
this thread is getting off topic...

I'm going to come off as judgmental here, but I can't think of a different way to say this.

You seem to have an unrealistic view of what your options are as a brand new EMT B in NYC. None of the volunteer agencies meet your standards, you rant and rave that a private agency won't hire you because you don't meet their requirements. You come off as someone who believes they are entitled to the exact job you want, regardless of reality.

Good for you that you are willing to brown bag it, and exercise, and go to church, but you aren't any more entitled to a job than some other guy just becuase you are willing to give up your life for EMS. I read this post and I see someone who is developing an unhealthy obsession with being an EMT. I mean this respectfully, but did you do any research on the job market before dropping everything and going to EMT school?

You get me 100% wrong. Its not you, everyone seems to read into what people post with a negative spin.

I do not blame anyone for the situation.

I do not feel entitled to an entry level EMT job. I never wrote that.

Objectively, I simply missed the boat and was too late for the days (1-2) years ago when if someone had an emt-b certificate and handled themselves politely, they could get a job in a private same day as walk in.

THE ISSUE IS, well meaning people such as my girlfriend making suggestions that are not realistically actionable, like "just go to paramedic school" etc....

I have a job as a driving instructor, which depends on getting appointments, it hovers between 25-25 hours a week.

She thinks I should get a part time job for when I can't work there, or ride in the ambulance when I cant work, without realizing that one can not always make his or her own hours in a part time job to fit in with a full time job etc.

There has to be a need for a worker, and at a time when that worker is free, which I may not be because of my regular job.