Handouts - Crowdfunding Paramedic School



I know a guy who knows a guy.
And what is really so sad about it is how quickly things changed.

Read Tom Brokaw's book "The Greatest Generation" and compare it to today's culture.

Hell, I just turned 40 (yeah, I know that sounds almost dead to a lot of you) and I think the generation gap between people my age and my kids is probably the greatest that has ever existed. When I grew up I had to split wood for heat and bail hay and take care of cows and horses to make money for my wrestling shoes and pretty much anything else I wanted that wasn't a bare necessity. I never had pizza delivered until I joined the military and moved away from home. My wife grew up on a farm and they literally ate only what they grew and raised and didn't even have a telephone. Our dates (or "hookups") were school dances and basketball games and bonfires that our friends and us would build on farmer's fields out off the backroads. Not everyone lived like that when I was a kid, but it wasn't uncommon, either.

Nowadays, my kids whine that they don't have the newest iPad and that their favorite show isn't on Netflix yet and that my truck doesn't have wifi in it. I don't begrudge my kids for it - it's all they know - but the difference is what it is.

I know I probably sound like some crotchety old dude (almost as bad as @DEmedic, maybe :)), but that's just the truth.

I'm an old crotchety ****. I'm still think you should work for it.


Forum Deputy Chief
I watched this gofundme to it's completion..

A hairless cat so we don't have to deal with the dander and hair which causes allergies...methinks someone did not do their homework, as I often have to school my cat owning friends when I tell them I cannot come inside and they reply with "the cat is in the other room and I vacuumed extra good just for you". Umm, it is not the hair which triggers the response, with cats it is the proteins from the saliva and the skin shedding. So unless you get me a mouthless, skinless cat that is not on a dinner plate in China, then no deal!

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
It's so fun to look around the classrooms after 8 weeks and guess who's schoolin' on their parents' dime...

I watched this gofundme to it's completion..

My parents paid for my medic school. I graduated valedictorian.

Who pays for it doesn't make any difference.


Forum Chiefess
Sweet baby Jesus. I was able to ignore the requests for paramedic school and just move on with my life, but that one made the bile rise up in my throat a little bit.

Whatever I guess. People will spend their own money on all manner of stupid things. It doesn't affect me, but I still wish I hadn't clicked on that link.

You made me look.


Forum Probie
I don't see it as a problem really.. Not everyone can get FAFSA.

For example, I don't qualify for it my parents make too much money according to the government. But my parents can't afford to send me to college they barely afford other important things like keeping gas in their cars or keeping the electric on.

I have paid for most of my college by myself out of my own pocket while I was working 3 full time jobs to make ends meet to keep my apartment, electric, keep food in the apartment car insurance. I personally would never do a gofundme. I won't even go on welfare for food stamps when I needed them. But for some people that are out of options for all you know these people have full time jobs and are barely making ends meet and want to go to school to get a better job.


Forum Captain
It does if you're begging for it.
I completely agree. If you really want something, you have to work your a** off to make it happen and asking random people for money is just wrong. As a 21 year old, college student, working, EMT, volunteering, and paying for everything on my own, I will never ask random people for help pay for medic school. I will be working my a** off and will try to get some scholarships, but otherwise have full plans to pay for it all on my own. My parents have refused to help pay for any of my schooling, so I know how hard it is out there, but that's no excuse.


Forum Chiefess
I don't see it as a problem really.. Not everyone can get FAFSA.

For example, I don't qualify for it my parents make too much money according to the government. But my parents can't afford to send me to college they barely afford other important things like keeping gas in their cars or keeping the electric on.

I have paid for most of my college by myself out of my own pocket while I was working 3 full time jobs to make ends meet to keep my apartment, electric, keep food in the apartment car insurance. I personally would never do a gofundme. I won't even go on welfare for food stamps when I needed them. But for some people that are out of options for all you know these people have full time jobs and are barely making ends meet and want to go to school to get a better job.

Unfortunately, a lot of people don't exhaust all options. I think what some of us are talking about are the people that don't even try to do it on their own. We're bothered by the people those that just want an easy way out..


Forum Probie
I see.

I think that people should have at least one full time job when they are trying to go to school before they do something like gofundme. A lot of people could afford it if they didnt pay for things that they didnt need like cable. I can understand internet because class stuff you need internet.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
It's so fun to look around the classrooms after 8 weeks and guess who's schoolin' on their parents' dime...

I watched this gofundme to it's completion..
What exactly does this mean? Is it somehow bad that my parents were smart and set aside money for me to go to college since they wanted me to be successful? I worked my *** off in college because of that, and I learned a lot of things that have helped me get ahead in EMS for someone of my age and relative lack of experience.

Please enlighten me.

I'm working my way through paramedic school on my own but I could have never gone to where I got my undergrad without my parent's help and not have crippling student loan debt that would likely prevent me from going to medic school.


Forum Deputy Chief
What exactly does this mean? Is it somehow bad that my parents were smart and set aside money for me to go to college since they wanted me to be successful? I worked my *** off in college because of that, and I learned a lot of things that have helped me get ahead in EMS for someone of my age and relative lack of experience.

Please enlighten me.

I'm working my way through paramedic school on my own but I could have never gone to where I got my undergrad without my parent's help and not have crippling student loan debt that would likely prevent me from going to medic school.
Come on, it doesn't mean everyone. But don't tell me that in all the classes you took you never saw someone who was obviously getting a free ride to whatever it was they were doing, didn't particularly care about the outcome because they had no real investment and had an attitude that reflected that.


Crowd pleaser
This is ridiculous.

Man, I have an idea on how we can all get rich though! :rolleyes:


Forum Crew Member
WOW, there a GoFundMe for everything now days!
I work full time job at a hospital, part time for a IFT system and go to school and starting paramedic school in Jan. SO i will work my full time 8-5 job then go to class 4 nights a week from 5-10pm, and pick up some weekend shift at my EMS job plus be a wife and mom to a 6 year old who dances competitively! Talk about crazy and all this I still have to take out a loan to pay for school because we make too much according to FASA :( so applying for scholarship and out of my own pocket here i come!

I Think everyone needs to pursue every option before begging for a hand out- even then it a low and i would never even think about, like come on the rest of us work our butts off to pay for school why cant they?? SMH


Forum Captain
WOW, there a GoFundMe for everything now days!
I work full time job at a hospital, part time for a IFT system and go to school and starting paramedic school in Jan. SO i will work my full time 8-5 job then go to class 4 nights a week from 5-10pm, and pick up some weekend shift at my EMS job plus be a wife and mom to a 6 year old who dances competitively! Talk about crazy and all this I still have to take out a loan to pay for school because we make too much according to FASA :( so applying for scholarship and out of my own pocket here i come!

I Think everyone needs to pursue every option before begging for a hand out- even then it a low and i would never even think about, like come on the rest of us work our butts off to pay for school why cant they?? SMH

WOW!!!!!! All I can say is: ROCK ON!!!!!


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Come on, it doesn't mean everyone. But don't tell me that in all the classes you took you never saw someone who was obviously getting a free ride to whatever it was they were doing, didn't particularly care about the outcome because they had no real investment and had an attitude that reflected that.
There were also plenty of people that knew they were taking on significant debt and still didn't engage much, all they wanted was that degree.


Forum Deputy Chief
There were also plenty of people that knew they were taking on significant debt and still didn't engage much, all they wanted was that degree.
It's not the not engaging with others, it's the "I don't care/why should I bother" attitude that a lot of people get when they have no stake in something.