FDNY EMS Candidates

I live in sugar hill Harlem in manhattan. I love it. Easy commute to any borough. The academy was rough but after that all is well.

Yea I hear PT can be rough if ur not in decent shape. If you don't work out, I suggest you start from what I hear from friends. Practice on your cardio and push-ups.
From just having gone through the process

Good luck to everyone

If you are low on the list, expect to start roughly a year from Submitting Date

If you are a little higher expect 1.5 years (i was in the 400's i fell in here)

For those of you who just got letters expect an agility test spring/early summer, a psych & medical in the fall, as well as an investigation

Obviously if you are higher or very high expect a little sooner and vise versa for those of you lower

If you mess up on your investigation, miss/forget/mess up paperwork, move without notifying, lie, cheat, etc. etc. push out your time or expect to be removed from the process. Look at prior posters, if you are not on top of your paperwork/investigation they will skip over you, you are replaceable with the next few hundred people in line.

If you do what you're told, do what you have to do, listen & follow directions, keep your head down ears open & mouth shut you will all be fine & will have a nice easy process.

Be patient, if you really want it, you go through the steps its more tedious than anything.

Again good luck to everyone.

And fyi they are still calling from the 2012 list, an academy is starting in april-ish
From just having gone through the process

Good luck to everyone

If you are low on the list, expect to start roughly a year from Submitting Date

If you are a little higher expect 1.5 years (i was in the 400's i fell in here)

For those of you who just got letters expect an agility test spring/early summer, a psych & medical in the fall, as well as an investigation

Obviously if you are higher or very high expect a little sooner and vise versa for those of you lower

If you mess up on your investigation, miss/forget/mess up paperwork, move without notifying, lie, cheat, etc. etc. push out your time or expect to be removed from the process. Look at prior posters, if you are not on top of your paperwork/investigation they will skip over you, you are replaceable with the next few hundred people in line.

If you do what you're told, do what you have to do, listen & follow directions, keep your head down ears open & mouth shut you will all be fine & will have a nice easy process.

Be patient, if you really want it, you go through the steps its more tedious than anything.

Again good luck to everyone.

And fyi they are still calling from the 2012 list, an academy is starting in april-ish

Best post and I completely agree! Head down, ears open, mouth shut, and follow directions to the T.
Thats a good point, ears open, mouth closed

Can anyone who went through the process state what kind of documents they ask for during intake such as birth certificate etc, so people can start getting them ready.

Thank you in advance
Thats a good point, ears open, mouth closed

Can anyone who went through the process state what kind of documents they ask for during intake such as birth certificate etc, so people can start getting them ready.

Thank you in advance

They give you a list during ur physical. You will have plenty of time to get the items together.
Doors anyone know what that agility test consists of? I know there's a stairmill, but what else?
Doors anyone know what that agility test consists of? I know there's a stairmill, but what else?

Copy and paste

The Hiring Process…
Is a pain in the neck, not gonna lie. You have the Physical agility test which is a stair master (with a 40lb vest on) for like 3 minutes, then upper body and lower body endurance tests… You’ll be given a sheet with the mailing for the notice to appear for the test on what to expect that day. The psych isn’t hard just tedious, when I took it there were about 700 true or false questions total on anything and everything you could ever think of, plus you had to draw 3 pictures (not kidding and I SUCK at drawing haha) The medical is from what I hear the step that trips everyone up. That’s a LONG day at FDNY HQ (MetroTech) and they do: vitals, blood work, eyes and ears testing, a chest x-ray, then they weigh you and you meet with a Dept Doctor. The weight part disqualifies a lot of candidates, but not for good… They give you the opportunity to loose the weight and come back right where you were in the hiring process. Get through the Physical agility test, the psych, the medical and a meet with your investigator you’re done. Then you wait and wait AND WAIT for the call… When they call they’ll offer you the job and the academy begins.

The Academy….
Was AWESOME, great experience! The FDNY EMS academy is 9 weeks long and starts with a refresher course (or basic EMT course if they’re putting a class of civilians with NO medical training through). The refresher part is just about the first 5 weeks of the academy. Combined with daily physical training (Running and weight training) you’ll also work on a lot of EMS skills ex. moving and lifting patients with EMS equipment and your regular state skills. Once you pass the State exam they let you wear the uniform… Then the fun begins, you’ll start going through the EVOC training, rotations (in the field on an ambulance and at the FDNY EMS dispatch)… you go through some HazMat training, you’ll do some drills at the FDNY Fire academy on Randalls Island. You also do Ops training (some boring lecture classes on the operations of the FDNY EMS, they’ll give you a Ops Guide the size of 4 textbooks haha) Also scenarios, that’s where they give you a radio an ambulance and equipment and set up a fake call, you’ll go in and perform your patient assessment, treatments, packaging and moving the patient to the ambulance. It’s a great time, stressful in some aspects but you come out of it a better EMT… Trust me, if you put your mind to it and work for it, you’ll get it.
Awesome top have a good breakdown of what to expect. Thanks a million.
Awesome top have a good breakdown of what to expect. Thanks a million.

You're in the 100s
The whole process will be fast for you :)
I really can't wait. Between waiting my whole life for this opportunity, like most. I almost cried when my wife sent me the picture of my letter and number lol. Where are you in the 200`s? Low or high?
I really hope so. Been waiting to long for this.

Yes, I don't want to work any private, nor Any hospital as much as I want fdny
I received my medical date in the mail last week but had to reschedule, i will be in the west coast that day. Think i got myself put on the bottom of the list again? :unsure:
I received my medical date in the mail last week but had to reschedule, i will be in the west coast that day. Think i got myself put on the bottom of the list again? :unsure:

What day is your medical scheduled for? And where are you on the list?
I received my medical date in the mail last week but had to reschedule, i will be in the west coast that day. Think i got myself put on the bottom of the list again? :unsure:

You're from exam 3024 sept 2012 right??
And most likely, got to call and ask to reschedule
Yes, I don't want to work any private, nor Any hospital as much as I want fdny

I hear ya. Been working private up here since 2008... I'm just tired of dialysis lol. Private is not why I went to school. It's not why I'm in the field. I understand people have to get out of the hospital to rehab or cant drive..... call a family member. Not that I'm not caring, i am, but you can only take so many years of the renal round up before things start to get frazzled lol
I hear ya. Been working private up here since 2008... I'm just tired of dialysis lol. Private is not why I went to school. It's not why I'm in the field. I understand people have to get out of the hospital to rehab or cant drive..... call a family member. Not that I'm not caring, i am, but you can only take so many years of the renal round up before things start to get frazzled lol

I agree I recently became an EMT and after a month or two I was tired of dialysis and Er discharges which is why I work now ALS and on the weekends there are two reasons for this working ALS we don't have Dr discharges nor dialysis as it is on the weekends we have emergencies they went from chest pain to an mi and also I get to drive the mod which prepares for the FDNY EVOC and just in general I gain experience driving lights and sirens and working with paramedics