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I've returned to exercising regularly after taking a short break from it to enjoy the first 50 lbs. I lost. While vanity does play a small role in my weight loss, I also want to be sure that my spinal cord has all the protection it needs, i.e. strong muscle supporting my back. The way I see it, the less I weigh, the stronger my core, the less I have to worry about hurting my back. I even went as far as procuring a Live Journal fitness community in order to keep on the ball without distraction.

Because of my injury, when I don't move regularly I experience pain in my lower back, numbness in my legs, mostly the right leg from time to time. I honestly don't want to have my pain get in the way of my work once I return to it so finally here's my point/question: Does anyone here suffer from any severe back pain, numbness/tingling in the lower extremities, sciatica? If so, how do you personally deal with the pain or discomfort?
ANY feedback would be helpful lol.
First of all, I'm not a doctor or a physical therapist. I'm just some monkey on the internet but I suffer from the same symptoms as you. At it's worst, my pain is almost completely debilitating. But if I'm good about doing my stretches and exercises, I can ALMOST completely alleviate the pain.

The stretches I find most helpful are:

1) Modified Superman:
Lay on your stomach, arms by your side. Raise your upper body as far as you can and hold for 10-12 seconds. Relax. Start with three of these and gradually increase to 10-12 (I do 15).

2) Press-Ups:
Lay on your stomach, palms down next to your shoulders. Push your upper body up off the floor, straightening your arms as much as possible. Keeping your hips on the floor. Hold for 10-12 seconds. Relax. Again, start with three of these and gradually increase to 10-12 (I do 15).

I also do some weight training for my back. Here's a link to some good exercises My personal favorite is the Stiff-Legged Dumbbell Deadlift.

Some other links that may help:

Hope this helps,
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I'm familiar with a few sites you've listed. I'm just more curious to know if anyone suffers from the same ailment and works full time. Stretches are a life saver half the time. As I stated before, I find that the more I exercise the better I feel. Thanks so much for the info, and for saying anything at all. :)
Gosh I feel your pain... Literally! LOL
I ended up getting a SI block. The epidural takes about a week to kick in and lasts about a year. Greatest thing since sliced bread LOL..
My husband has this problem and he's a full-time deputy with the sheriff's Dept. He doesn't do his exercises, His treatment is sitting on the couch for 2 days with a bag of oreos and me pouring him an endless supply of milk.
I've been telling him for years, showing him what to do, printing info out for him, taking him to the doc for the lecture, he just isn't having it. And when he has the pain and is on duty, he works through it with aleve. There have been a handful of times it was so bad he went to the doc for painkillers, but at least he doesn't do that until he absolutely can't stand it anymore. Then he gets the lecture again.

Funny enough, I have an anxiety disorder and get really bad panic attacks, and tachycardia. Exercise actually reduces my symptoms, along with limiting my sugar intake and not drinking any caffiene. I'm still medicated for them, but all of those combined pretty much eliminate my ailments.

It's amazing what a little exercise can do.
Also proven to help with depression...... and why is that everytime I see that excercise of the day on CrossFit that mentions running my heart sinks......
EMT_Chick said:
Gosh I feel your pain... Literally! LOL
I ended up getting a SI block. The epidural takes about a week to kick in and lasts about a year. Greatest thing since sliced bread LOL..

Usually when the pain begins to effect my legs I just take it easy. It's not often, just when the weather's very bad and I over-exert myself. I hope I don't have to do anything drastic once I return to work though. :sad:
Wingnut said:
My husband has this problem and he's a full-time deputy with the sheriff's Dept. He doesn't do his exercises, His treatment is sitting on the couch for 2 days with a bag of oreos and me pouring him an endless supply of milk.
I've been telling him for years, showing him what to do, printing info out for him, taking him to the doc for the lecture, he just isn't having it. And when he has the pain and is on duty, he works through it with aleve. There have been a handful of times it was so bad he went to the doc for painkillers, but at least he doesn't do that until he absolutely can't stand it anymore. Then he gets the lecture again.

Funny enough, I have an anxiety disorder and get really bad panic attacks, and tachycardia. Exercise actually reduces my symptoms, along with limiting my sugar intake and not drinking any caffiene. I'm still medicated for them, but all of those combined pretty much eliminate my ailments.

It's amazing what a little exercise can do.
Oh man, it's the worst when men (or ANYONE you care about for that matter) are stubborn about things like this. I tend to be a bit stubborn myself about it, but when the pain starts twinging, I listen lol.

I suffer from panic attacks and depression, too. But since I started working out again I realized that both have eased a good deal. Along with that, my back is getting stronger, so my spine won't be so easily injured if I'm careful... at least, that's what I'm aiming/hoping for.
I have to keep muscle tone in my back and legs I HAVE to work out three years back I fractured my neck and back... as well as quite a few broken bones, because of the wya my verterbrae healed the sciatic tends to get caught between the two fused verterbrae and pinched Ive found that by doing the weight bench and stretches it keeps the nerve from catching.

I actually have several routines, I do yoga... I have two tapes that I do two days a week I have bellydance classes 3 days a week and I incorporate weights... Id rather be safe then sorry not to mention there are enough unhealthy people I dont need to add to it
Celtictigeress said:
Id rather be safe then sorry not to mention there are enough unhealthy people I dont need to add to it
^_^ It's incredibly refreshing to hear another EMT say this, and I totally agree -- it is our job to care for unhealthy people, not become them (if it can be helped, of course). I'm so used to people in EMS taking little or no care of themselves so that they end up getting burned out, injured, and just plain sick all the time. It concerns me quite a bit...
I learned after having to lift a 300+ pt onto the back of an ambulance how one wrong move.... Yeah Ill stay healthy I want to be the one driving and tending not riding and being tended.....

of course I spoke with the First responders...and batted my the big guys to do the lifting for me...
I Agree With You Chimera,all The Time We Tell Our Pt To Eat Well And Get Enough Excercise But You Can Tell Some Of Dont Say What We Preach.i Think All Ems Personnel Should Stay Health.i Know Its Hard Working 12 Hour Shifts,especially In New York!!,but We All Need To Monitor Our Selfs,and Set Are You Doing With That Anxiety You Talked About?
I know how it feels...I'm out on medical right now for my second back injury (literally a year after my first).:sad:

It's not fun and I am currently having a difficult time controlling it. I'm on muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories but may change tomorrow. I've already had the relaxants changed once since this injury. Tomorrow they may change them again. :wacko:

I'm currently in physical therapy (started this past weekend) and he has me doing those pressups previously mentioned. We're prolly going to be doing more this week but so far I'm feeling much worse than I did going in. :wacko:

I can only offer my sympathy and hopes you do well.
nyc.ems said:
I Agree With You Chimera,all The Time We Tell Our Pt To Eat Well And Get Enough Excercise But You Can Tell Some Of Dont Say What We Preach.i Think All Ems Personnel Should Stay Health.i Know Its Hard Working 12 Hour Shifts,especially In New York!!,but We All Need To Monitor Our Selfs,and Set Are You Doing With That Anxiety You Talked About?
My anxiety has lightened recently, but I suspect that once I start certification for NJ it'll come back. The most stressful thing about working as an EMT in Manhattan was the DRIVING lol! Anyway, I'm hoping that won't be the case, or that if it does that all the exercise and sports activities I've been engaging in will help ease it. Thanks for asking. ^_^

Where in NYC do you work?
Beegers said:
I know how it feels...I'm out on medical right now for my second back injury (literally a year after my first).:sad:

It's not fun and I am currently having a difficult time controlling it. I'm on muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories but may change tomorrow. I've already had the relaxants changed once since this injury. Tomorrow they may change them again. :wacko:

I'm currently in physical therapy (started this past weekend) and he has me doing those pressups previously mentioned. We're prolly going to be doing more this week but so far I'm feeling much worse than I did going in. :wacko:

I can only offer my sympathy and hopes you do well.
Oh god. :sad: Here's wishing you a speedy recovery.

They kept switching up medicine on me, too. I was surprised I didn't crap a pharmacy! I really loved physical therapy though -- it was administered by this big Russian guy. Just take it easy and don't overdo it, and if something hurts say something. They can't have you do things that hurt, what could will that do for your back and the pain it's in??

Again, feel better. Keep me posted if you like.
Celtictigeress said:
I learned after having to lift a 300+ pt onto the back of an ambulance how one wrong move.... Yeah Ill stay healthy I want to be the one driving and tending not riding and being tended.....

of course I spoke with the First responders...and batted my the big guys to do the lifting for me...
Ah, yes. That's always a good lifting technique. :lol: But it works better when yer purdy (so it didn't always work for me). :P ;)
Chimera911 said:
Ah, yes. That's always a good lifting technique. :lol: But it works better when yer purdy (so it didn't always work for me). :P ;)
Got ya all beat.

When I was down for Katrina, we had a transfer from a "special needs shelter" (Big nursing home shelter). Lady was well over 300 lbs. My crew (2 BIG guys) was with another crew from Philly. They were somewhat smaller and female. They got the first run, the REALLY BIG lady.

Getting the patient off of the bed she was on and onto the strecher was a challenge, took the 4 of us and 3 DMAT folks. Then we got the strecher up 2 notches off the floor (bed was low). We got the strecher outside, and had 4 very nice National Guardsmen, my partner and myself lift the strecher up and in. BEST LIFT ASSIST EVER! (The female Guardsperson was left holding the guns ;) ).

Well they took me off Cataflam and put me on something else...Can't remember what though...the script is getting filled.

He has me stopped on Soma and gave me Vicodin.

This should be interesting.
Be warned beegers....only take it if you need it, I'm currently suffering from 8 months of pain management atm. I'd give anything to feel the pain instead of this.:sad: