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  1. tpchristifulli

    Arterial Lines

    Does an Art Line have to be zeroed at the phlebostatic axis, or does it not matter?
  2. tpchristifulli


    I was reading about the molecular size of different Ions and how their specific channels can allow only the size or small of the ion. Magnesium has the largest size out of all the electrolytes. Can magnesium block calcium channels?
  3. tpchristifulli

    ACE Cough

    What is the mechanism of action behind the dry cough associated with people who begin taking ACE Inhibitors? I know that the angtn1 to angtn2 primarily takes place in the lungs, wonder if this plays into the MOA?
  4. tpchristifulli

    Syringe Drip Chart

    Me and a co-worker converted a lot of drips we can start to a syringe concentration. This makes it very easy to switch over infusions and avoid air bubbles during transport. Feel free to save this drip chart.
  5. tpchristifulli

    ERAD In V-Tach

    I was reviewing axis deviation today and wondered why Vtach is commonly ruled out if axis isn't extreme right. I would think that this would have to depend on where the focus is originating and the direction it depolarizes. Does vtach always depolarize towards the SA node or right side of the...
  6. tpchristifulli

    What would you do?

    Dispatched to an assisted living center for a 70 yr female pt with shortness of breath, diarrhea, and vomiting.Pt has normal mental status. Upon arrival you find your patient sitting in her recliner in obvious distress. She states she feels very nauseated and sick to her stomach. Onset of...
  7. tpchristifulli

    Keeping Intubation Skills Sharp

    As we all know intubation is slowly catching a back seat in recent studies and treatment. While studies show that intubation should be used carefully, the majority of us do not intubate on a daily basis. As with all skills that are not regularly used, practice is needed. I am working on setting...
  8. tpchristifulli

    Nitro Drip for CHF

    I recently had a patient who was having an exacerbation of CHF. Pulse ox was 80%, hr 120, Bp 220/110, ventilation rate of 38. I initiated CPAP, ran a 12 lead, and started a nitro infusion. Pt showed major improvement and was almost asymptomatic after our 30 minute transport to the hospital...