Truck accident


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Here's a picture of an accident from last week, a fully loaded tanker carrying milk rolled over 2 times and taking 2 electric poles. The truck and trailer was originally on the driver side. It took 1 and half hour for the firefighters to get the driver out of there.


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Were there any lactose intolerant workers? Could have been a much more messy scene.
Something is wrong with that picture. I click on it and the browser keeps asking me about cookies.
I hope no one cried over spilled milk...
There's gotta be an easier way to make butter.
Earlier this year we on-viewed a trailer roll-over with a load of some sort of grape seed extract or first I thought it was maple.

In order to get to the driver I had to wade shin deep through the stuff for about 20 feet.

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Here's a picture of an accident from last week, a fully loaded tanker carrying milk rolled over 2 times and taking 2 electric poles. The truck and trailer was originally on the driver side. It took 1 and half hour for the firefighters to get the driver out of there.

Esh... That is a bad one. We had one kind of like that about a month ago. It took us almost three hours to get the driver and his cat out of there. And yes we did extricate the cat too. They were fine.
No photo, but we had a truck carrying "refuse" from a meat packer/ slaughter house roll over on a state highway.
You can't imagine how greasy the road gets after 10+ tons of fat and bowels are spewed across 4 lanes.
Had a truck carrying concentrated juice (about 1000 times more concentrated than the cans that you mix with 4 parts water) get hit by another truck. Leaked onto the highway, we had to shovel it into the ditch. Cars driving through actually got stuck. couldn't walk through it at all.
holy cow.... but in all reality thats crazy that he only had those two fractures out of a roll like that.