Tired when driving the bus


Forum Crew Member
I keep seeing on news sites like EMS1.com etc.. ambulances that have gotten in terrible car accidents. EMT's ending up in critical condition or worse. What causes it? I know for the most part the crashes are caused by other drivers, but could having a tired driver play a part in it?

I did my first long transfer the other day which totaled to nine hours of straight driving. More than once I felt myself getting sleepy and zoning out. I hate this feeling, and it literally scares the crap out of me thinking I got tired driving with so much in the back of the bus. I couldn't have switched out because I'm a basic and ALS was needed in the back.

My questions to you are:

Have you ever gotten tired driving before?

How do you deal with it? Because it's not like you can stop.


Community Leader
Community Leader
My questions to you are:

Have you ever gotten tired driving before?

How do you deal with it? Because it's not like you can stop.

Oh yes, I've been tired driving before. I've never come too close to falling asleep while driving an ambulance or medic truck, but I've been darn close to dozing off driving my POV before.

9 hours driving straight? Your company needs to have a better system in place. Either a relief driver to switch off with on fuel stops or a midway break of 30-60 minutes to unwind and wake up. Besides that, I just have the usual advice. Get enough sleep the night before work, crank the AC up high, turn the music up, and drink some caffeine...


Forum Crew Member
Oh yes, I've been tired driving before. I've never come too close to falling asleep while driving an ambulance or medic truck, but I've been darn close to dozing off driving my POV before.

9 hours driving straight? Your company needs to have a better system in place. Either a relief driver to switch off with on fuel stops or a midway break of 30-60 minutes to unwind and wake up. Besides that, I just have the usual advice. Get enough sleep the night before work, crank the AC up high, turn the music up, and drink some caffeine...

Yeah it was a long one! I shouldn't say straight driving, as we did stop for fuel twice and a couple rest areas. The night before I did another local transfer, and was tired from that as well.

I've also come really close in my POV. Didn't get to that point on the transfer, but got to the point of just driving and not really thinking.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
Yeah I've been tired driving. Back when I worked graveyard (2200-0800) we did a LDT from a hospital in the Coachella Valley to Pasadena/Burbank area at 0300 in the morning.

My partner and I were running calls previous to this one so we were already feeling tired. To combat that we loaded up on caffeine, nicotine, and had a bite to eat. All in all it was about 4 or 5 hours of driving, plus if I were starting to fall asleep at the wheel my partner and I could have pulled off and switched if we needed to.


Forum Troll
LDTs are a common occurance for our BLS units. They average 1-2 LDTs per shift.

I have gotten tired before but never anywhere close to falling asleep. For me, it helps to make myself uncomfortable while driving. A/C on if it's cold outside, heater on if it's hot. Windows down sometimes. Energy drink. I try not to eat before a LDT because that will make me that much more tired.


Forum Captain
I have gotten tired and on a long distance transfer, I will stop if I need to, stretch my legs and even ask the other EMT to switch off with me. There is no reason to endanger anyone due to sleepy driving


Forum Asst. Chief
many times I have been tired driving.

I am in a system with 2 basics so I know if I feel that I would be too tired to drive I ask my partner to drive.

The best step is preparation A good nights sleep, healthy eating and snacking through the day. If you eat a large meal before a transport its going to make you tired. I use caffeine and Energy drinks a lot. Stop and pull over if you feel you need to, If your partner gives you grief tell them look I felt like I was getting tired or nodding off. I stopped for everyones safety. Mine yours, the patients and the other vehicles sharing the highway.

I work the graveyard shift and a few of my partners feel as if they can just come in with their pillow and blankie and sleep the night away. when we get a ton of calls its becomes an issue because they haven't slept all day or all night. Now they are so tired that they cannot perform. So if you work days, get a good nights sleep. If you work nights try to get at least a good nap during the day. I aim for a 4 hour nap on my nightshifts.