The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread


Forum Probie
Hey everyone. I'm an EMT in Tulsa, OK who signed up because i saw someone hating on my beloved company, but he has since come back into the Borg. And now I apparently need five posts to reply to a private message so here I am.

Hopefully, I'll be a decent medic one day.


Hi My Name Felix i am EMS Manager for Capital City Ambulance in Denver Colorado. I also signed up because i saw someone hating on my beloved company, And now I apparently need five posts to reply to a private message so here I am. Me and Boris run good company and we have many knew ambulances. We are constantlly setting up interviews for the position of EMT.


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
Hi My Name Felix i am EMS Manager for Capital City Ambulance in Denver Colorado. I also signed up because i saw someone hating on my beloved company, And now I apparently need five posts to reply to a private message so here I am. Me and Boris run good company and we have many knew ambulances. We are constantlly setting up interviews for the position of EMT.

Thans fer joinin. Hopeflly yu can cleer up sum misconceptions of you're company.


I wood like to tell you that we have changed a lot since I become in charge. I make sure ambulance a/c and heat work for pations and we always have 02 on ambulance know. It is hard to keep empoyees working for me now becasue of old reputation. What wood you like to no?


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
I wood like to tell you that we have changed a lot since I become in charge. I make sure ambulance a/c and heat work for pations and we always have 02 on ambulance know. It is hard to keep empoyees working for me now becasue of old reputation. What wood you like to no?

How you can operate an ambulance company but struggle mightily with written communication?


Forum Ride Along
Greetings from Nebraska

Hey everyone. Getting ready to start EMT-B (after putting it off for awhile), right now I plan on continuing on to EMT-P through my local college's paramedicine degree plan. Must say so far I love this site and all the support and member activity. Looking forward to spending a lot of time on here.


Forum Probie
Hello folks! My name is Trish and I am an EMT-B in Virginia. Have been for about 15 years now. I am also finishing up my final year of nursing school. Glad I found this board, it's interesting to post with people who are in the same line of work.


Forum Ride Along
Hi, I'm Nicole just got my EMT-B in march, I have not got a job in EMS yet but I am trying I live in Texas but interested in working in California because I want to go to school there.


Forum Ride Along
I am a new Medic (6 months) training in the new zealand army (we do 2 & 1/2 years study at uni/clinical shifts). I have done a little bit with the ambulance a couple of years ago, am hoping to get back into it again on the weekends while training.



Site Administrator
Community Leader
To all of our newer members, welcome. We're glad you decided to be part of our community.


Forum Ride Along
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the EMS world. I've had my NREMT-B for 4 years now. I was an Army medic until last year and had mostly NOTHING to do with EMS. I'm now settling down in a new city and looking to absorb and share as much as I can.


Forum Ride Along
Another Newbie ;)

Hi all, I've been lurking for a few weeks reading new and old posts - there's some great info here. I'm in Central Texas, female, and will have just turned 40 when I start EMT school in January. I keep thinking I must be bonkers to start at this age, but I don't plan to do it full-time, but rather as a volunteer. But then again, I could really love it once I start & want to make the career change, who knows? :)


Forum Ride Along
Howdy! I'm a 21 year old male from Oregon. Been an EMT for over a year now, and am working currently as an Army medic. Figured I'd connect with some fellow EMT's.


Forum Probie
hello, 23 year old student from Arkansas. Been reading a lot on this forum and I am trying to learn as much as possible.


Community Leader
Community Leader
hello, 23 year old student from Arkansas. Been reading a lot on this forum and I am trying to learn as much as possible.

Welcome Ugly!

Don't worry, I'll call you Jon. I just wanted the opportunity to say that.


Forum Asst. Chief
hello, 23 year old student from Arkansas. Been reading a lot on this forum and I am trying to learn as much as possible.

Where are you going to school? You can PM me later if you aren't comfortable posting it openly. Welcome to the forum!


Forum Ride Along
Can you hear me now?

Hi folks,

I'm a volunteer FF in the small community I live in and recently took the plunge and got my EMT-B certs so I could apply at a private 911/IFT service in the next town over.

I had to get both AR and TX licenses to do this (still waiting on the TX bureaucracy to send me my license, omg those people are slow).

I'm 47 y/o and finally have the wherewithal and time to do what I've wanted to do for a long time, and this is it

I will be starting medic school this next semester, so wish me luck!



Forum Ride Along
newb checking in, thinking about a career change

Hello all,

I'm 33. Thinking about changing career paths.

I've been a welder for about a decade, but am starting to suffer from "repetitive stress injury" to my off hand from feeding many miles of aluminum wire through my fingers while fighting the resistance of heavy gloves.

I'm not a good surgical candidate as it's basically all inflammation from the rapid, repetitive hand movements. But that's good, everyone (myself, docs, therapists) think we can get my hand back into working shape with PT. And everyone agrees that if I stop doing this specific job, my hand would be up to doing just about anything else that isn't similarly intensively repetitive.

But how long it lasts doing what I do now is anyone's guess, so I'd like to take advantage of my company's tuition reimbursement program while I am working.

I've always been interested in medicine. So here I am, looking to learn as much as I can about the field.

I can read books and take the classes, but what I really want to know are what people already in the field think about their job, the directions things are going (good/bad), the roles each specialties plays, pay, and how satisfied are you with your own career choice. Forums are perfect for this.

My plan is to go to community college and begin amassing general math and science credits that I can transfer to a four year school while concurrently taking the EMT-B short course to "test the waters" in medicine.

Then I can either go full on into a RN or RPA track, or slink back into my mechanical role and go the engineering route.

I have no kids, my parents are retiring and told me to go to med school, and they'll help. But I think I'm a bit too old to begin that level of schooling. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to. I just don't know if I'm too old to start down that road.

I have some college credits from years ago, probably expired. But I am not shy of math, science, or hard work.


And just because everyone in the medical field is always interested to know, I build MRIs. We're currently working on the first prototype live, MRI guided LINAC for targeting cancer in moving tissue.


Forum Probie

Hey everyone!

I'm a 27 year old direct support professional working with adults with intellectual disabilities. Not as easy as it sounds though, I can't count the amount of times I've been spit on, peed on, bitten and had feces flung at haha(I say haha because I can look back and laugh at it now). I've been on the job for the past 2.5 years and truth be told, I pretty much fell into it. I'm currently pursuing my bachelors in psychology and have about a year and a half left and while there's plenty of wiggle room in my foundation with a degree, I don't see myself staying here for more than another two years. I've never had set in stone career aspirations growing up. I've never cared about having a career that pulls in major money. I've only wanted to do two things: help people in need and constantly learn. After spending a while doing some "soul searching", I guess you could call it, I personally feel becoming an EMT(and later paramedic) is a decent fit for me. Don't get me wrong, I don't have starry-eyed ambitions of being a hero, I just want an ever-changing work environment where I can help different people as much as possible. My strong suits have always been attention to detail and being able to work well under pressure(I've been described as 'eerily calm' in crisis situations) Do you feel this a good field for me?