Hello to all.
Back in EMS for ten years for a second run at it- thus "Two-Timer".
Went from First Aid to Medic at the end of the 70's then got away from it in the early eighties. College, work in psych hospitals and non-profits, family stuff. Years passed but every other work was second-best to EMS.
Since coming back I have spent a lot of time in the burn-out mill of personalities and politics by serving on Boards, as an officer and by organizing mandated training. Many years spent working with truly crazy people helps me keep perspective and keep focused on giving good patient care. EMS is my full-time "job" and I am presently an Intermediate for a small service in central New England (4000+calls/7 ambulances). I would like to leave the politics behind and practice as a Medic again while I still can. In my spare time I am also an interior-FF with the volunteer department my father and grandfather belonged to. As long as I can be useful I am not leaving EMS again.
Glad to find this forum. Looks like there is a huge amount I can learn here.
Hello to all.
Back in EMS for ten years for a second run at it- thus "Two-Timer".
Went from First Aid to Medic at the end of the 70's then got away from it in the early eighties. College, work in psych hospitals and non-profits, family stuff. Years passed but every other work was second-best to EMS.
Since coming back I have spent a lot of time in the burn-out mill of personalities and politics by serving on Boards, as an officer and by organizing mandated training. Many years spent working with truly crazy people helps me keep perspective and keep focused on giving good patient care. EMS is my full-time "job" and I am presently an Intermediate for a small service in central New England (4000+calls/7 ambulances). I would like to leave the politics behind and practice as a Medic again while I still can. In my spare time I am also an interior-FF with the volunteer department my father and grandfather belonged to. As long as I can be useful I am not leaving EMS again.
Glad to find this forum. Looks like there is a huge amount I can learn here.