The importance of a good education



Forum Probie
Here's the deal.. I can teach to pass the test. This is what "mills" do. Unfortunately, it does not ensure one to be a good provider of medicine.

The bottom line is why are you entering the profession? What is the hurry of getting through and do you want to be the best ... or just get the patch?

Most employers know these shake and bake programs and I have yet seen any respectable EMS hire any of their graduates. Yeah, you got the card and the patch.. it does not mean you will get the job.

Which would you rather have .. a physician that has studied for over six year at a collegiate level and additional three to six years of residency or.. one that attended a two year school and six months or residency... Get the point?

R/r 911

Message well recieved. Thank you for the insight. The patch means nothing to me if I'm not the best.