the 100% directionless thread


Family Guy
I don’t know what I don’t know [emoji2373] Even Ventura Co had it pretty rough and from what I heard, things are changing for the worst there.
Fair enough, brother. I have no experience with Ventura Co. I don’t have any beefs with the fire guys though.

But again, LA and OC? Whole nuther animal.


I know a guy who knows a guy.
I’m guessing that you never had to work for a system where FD had the ultimate say on everything, and used you more or less as a U-Haul driver. Plus, every time you showed initiative, it ended up as an incident report because the beefcake with the medic patch felt like his authority is being threatened. It could well be that I cannot play nice in the sandbox, but if the sandbox requires me to turn into a professional *** kisser - screw it.

also known as king county Washington


Emergency Medical Texan
Had my first creepy guy. Pretty large guy, around 40-50.

Backed the truck into pts drive. Hopped out to help partner get out and get pt unloaded.

He was obviously staring at me, semi-sprawled against a non working vehicle.

He says hello, I say hello back.

As we go in, he asks my name. I give it.

Pt changes her mind, wants to be in a WC and not in her bed. We take her back out of the house (too tight to put her in a WC inside, barely fit the stretcher)

As were trying to get her moved into a WC, we're both focused on here, the guy "Psp Psps" at me like I'm some kind of animal and I look at him and he winks at me.

We get her into the chair and then he asks me if I'm married. I tell him "I am not, sir", plainly and flatly, trying to get him to leave me alone.

I probably should have lied, but I don't like to lie. What's a good way to tell him he's being a creep and to leave me alone and let me do my job?

We get her situated in the chair and he confirms my name.

We leave her with her family outside because she wants to and it's a nice day and leave asap.

What's a better way to handle it?

Edit: He was also staring right at me like the entire time.


Forum Deputy Chief
I’m guessing that you never had to work for a system where FD had the ultimate say on everything, and used you more or less as a U-Haul driver. Plus, every time you showed initiative, it ended up as an incident report because the beefcake with the medic patch felt like his authority is being threatened. It could well be that I cannot play nice in the sandbox, but if the sandbox requires me to turn into a professional *** kisser - screw it.
That bad? No. But I did work for a place that had an ALS non-transporting fire department. We would actually transport for a couple that would downgrade their patient and give to us. I just never had any issues with them. I have the *** kissing problem with a couple field sups, but our FD I work very well with.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
As we go in, he asks my name. I give it.

As a general rule I never give my full name. It's my title and then my last name. ie Firefighter/ Paramedic CALEMT.

We get her into the chair and then he asks me if I'm married. I tell him "I am not, sir", plainly and flatly, trying to get him to leave me alone.

Mistake. Should've lied. Yes you're always married... unless you're trying... actually never mind.

What's a better way to handle it?

Be assertive and direct. You're not there to converse, you're there to do a job. Get him off the scene.


Emergency Medical Texan
As a general rule I never give my full name. It's my title and then my last name. ie Firefighter/ Paramedic CALEMT.

Mistake. Should've lied. Yes you're always married... unless you're trying... actually never mind.

Be assertive and direct. You're not there to converse, you're there to do a job. Get him off the scene.

Oh I didn't give my full name. Though it is on my badge...


Just a dude
I’m guessing that you never had to work for a system where FD had the ultimate say on everything, and used you more or less as a U-Haul driver. Plus, every time you showed initiative, it ended up as an incident report because the beefcake with the medic patch felt like his authority is being threatened. It could well be that I cannot play nice in the sandbox, but if the sandbox requires me to turn into a professional *** kisser - screw it.

I got bad news for you - everyone's job to some extent is to be a professional *** kisser.. I won't speak for your system directly, because I don't work there and it's possible that everyone on the FD you mentioned sucks but generally speaking respect is a 2-way street. If you show up already pissy that you're running with the FD, already planning on them treating you differently than you'd like, with your heart on your sleeve, then it's entirely possible your poker face isn't what you think it is and they don't want to deal with a jackass anymore than you do.

We all deal with this on different levels, the key to happiness in this business is to learn to navigate it.

Then again, I'm sure it depends on the departments culture as a whole, and the training coordinators spearheading their EMS divisions. @FiremanMike I'm looking to guys like you as a positive example.

We are doing some things right, but we obviously have a chunk of folks who are much more interested in fire than EMS. We have a small number of people who really aren't that great at their job, despite endless counseling, but admin doesn't want the fight of getting rid of them. All I can do is plow ahead, continue counseling where I can, alter my QI process to the level of each individual, and work for change..

I've said it before, and it's worth mentioning again. I think one of the big differences for us is that ALS EMS transport is almost entirely FD run. There is one larger third service in our area (10+ stations in the county to the north) and one small one (1 station) in the county to the west, other than that, everything is FD run. Firefighters just expect to be paramedics here, and at least at our department, there's no seniority based bidding, so everyone rides the medic.. I believe this helps with a lot of the "f--- EMS" attitude.

As an aside - I enjoy a lot about my job. I enjoy teaching, I enjoy the ability to spend my day learning, I enjoy having a staff car that I can jump runs with, and I enjoy being home every night. That said, 40-hour life doesn't really allow for part-time jobs, and I miss critical care dearly.


Nationally Certified Wannabe
I got bad news for you - everyone's job to some extent is to be a professional *** kisser.. I won't speak for your system directly, because I don't work there and it's possible that everyone on the FD you mentioned sucks but generally speaking respect is a 2-way street. If you show up already pissy that you're running with the FD, already planning on them treating you differently than you'd like, with your heart on your sleeve, then it's entirely possible your poker face isn't what you think it is and they don't want to deal with a jackass anymore than you do.

We all deal with this on different levels, the key to happiness in this business is to learn to navigate it.

There’s the occasional diplomatic peck on the *** cheek and then there’s the “oh yeah man, spread it open so I can rim you proper”. You must’ve not read the addendum; it’s a system wide issue that anyone from LACo and OC are familiar with. It has nothing to do with personal attitudes and has everything to do with the departmental culture.

As for my poker face - believe me when I say it, even my wife has difficulty reading me sometimes.


Just a dude
There’s the occasional diplomatic peck on the *** cheek and then there’s the “oh yeah man, spread it open so I can rim you proper”. You must’ve not read the addendum; it’s a system wide issue that anyone from LACo and OC are familiar with. It has nothing to do with personal attitudes and has everything to do with the departmental culture.

As for my poker face - believe me when I say it, even my wife has difficulty reading me sometimes.

Welp, then that's the work environment you have to deal with.. What can you do to make it better, or at least not affect you in such a negative way?


Nationally Certified Wannabe
Welp, then that's the work environment you have to deal with.. What can you do to make it better, or at least not affect you in such a negative way?

This subject was brought up as a response to why there’s a sharp decline in potential FD recruits. In SoCal, signing up with a fire service is considered somewhat akin to winning a lottery, since the pay and the benefits trump anything with a similar educational level. That forms the attitudes, because anyone landing an FD job is treated as a 1%-er. Then their egos are being inflated even more when they’re being told that they’re the city/county’s sole hope for survival, and that they have the little private EMTs to “help” them with anything they need. Translated into a real world’s language, the FD will mostly stand idle while you’re struggling with moving patients, or will dump anything they don’t feel like doing, on you. And if, god forbid, you have a presence of mind to try and start any kind of productive discussion, they’ll immediately armadillo on you. Not to mention the service’s supes who will readily get rid of you just because the FD told them so.

Obviously, I’m not looking for a way to change this. Plus, it’s been almost a year since I had to deal with this **** (which had done wonders to my mental and physical health).


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
I’m not looking for a way to change this.

Playing devils advocate, but if you're not doing anything to effect change then why are you complaining?

E tank

Caution: Paralyzing Agent
Even my dogs are acting whacked over all of this...My 8 year old GSP just curled up and wedged himself in a half full laundry basket...never does stuff like that...


Californian, Lost in Texas
We’re 21.5 into a 24 running 0.72 UHU and partner is exhausted, he made the mature choice before I mentioned it and called our time out. I really like and respect that. Safety first!


Forum Deputy Chief
So... is this what an Article 15 feels like? Whole country feels like we're in 45/45 restriction/confinement to quarters and half pay (well at least I dont have to worry about that last part, but others do...)


Family Guy

Got to play P.E. teacher to the girls who are home from school UFN. Honestly, the most fun I’ve had working out in a while.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
First day of spring and it's 30 degrees and it snowed last night... we sure that it's spring?