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Tactical Medic

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We must remember that while we in the military have trained and experienced some hardcore motivating situations we have a responsibly to our nation, especially now at a time of war. With that being said I will ask that any information being divulged be carefully screened and any names, units, and dates/times be left out of your post.

This is for current operations/missions ONLY and might include censor of past missions if the information is deemed sensitive.

I ask the powers that be to please sticky this...

Thank you for attention..... now get back to work :P
Agreed, and done.
Tac-EMS forum

And here I thought OPSEC was a new TV show,....sounds like it has enough letters to be yelled out as you make entry to a room , "ala NCIS"...ugh, i hate that show too...HAHAHAHAHAHH

On another note, props and Thanks to the moderators for making this small sub-forum for the specialty folks, much appreciated !!-Cheers:ph34r:
No problems. The only issue with the forum was naming it. "Luno's Lounge" was hard to turn down. :P
If I was around more often, I would have seconded that... :P
Great as if i wasnt' paranoid enough!!!
I came up with that while training combat lifesavers. Most of which were ROTC brats who just finished college. Some of them actually ended up using the skills. Others just do it because it looks good on paper.
I had one of my Marines today tell me she helped a co-worker who had suffered an MI, she told me that she recognize that her co-worker was in shock, and she took care of her (PFA really) untill the ambulance arrived. She was really greatful regarding the CLS training... B)
We must remember that while we in the military have trained and experienced some hardcore motivating situations we have a responsibly to our nation, especially now at a time of war. With that being said I will ask that any information being divulged be carefully screened and any names, units, and dates/times be left out of your post.

This is for current operations/missions ONLY and might include censor of past missions if the information is deemed sensitive.

I ask the powers that be to please sticky this...

Thank you for attention..... now get back to work :P

No worries, the NSA guys are probably already on it. :ph34r:

I wouldn't have to worry about the above. Being only a MSgt. in the AFJROTC. The most sensitive information we handle is when were going to be holding CQB Exercises in the hallways.
We must remember that while we in the military have trained and experienced some hardcore motivating situations we have a responsibly to our nation, especially now at a time of war. With that being said I will ask that any information being divulged be carefully screened and any names, units, and dates/times be left out of your post.

This is for current operations/missions ONLY and might include censor of past missions if the information is deemed sensitive.

I ask the powers that be to please sticky this...

Thank you for attention..... now get back to work :P

we must remember that while we in the military have trained and experienced some hardcore motivating situations we have a responsibly to our nation, especially now at a time of war. With that being said i will ask that any information being divulged be carefully screened and any names, units, and dates/times be left out of your post.

This is for current operations/missions only and might include censor of past missions if the information is deemed sensitive.

I ask the powers that be to please sticky this...

Thank you for attention..... Now get back to work :p

opsec kitten


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