

Forum Lieutenant
So, do you guys get 'set' partners that you work with mostly?

I have been partner jumping since joining Metro EMS and I'm so irratated about it, I never know who my partner will be and can't seem to get a hang over how each one works.

I can't demand a set partner either because 1) I'm new (only with Metro EMS for 2 months) and 2) I will be leaving on the 25th to go on ILS/AEA/EMT-I but still... it sucks working like this!



I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
You only have a couple more weeks of it, surely you can make do until you go back to school.

I worked part-time and pretty much had a new partner every shift. Some I really liked, others I couldn't stand. One benefit from it all is that I got to learn something new from each one. Sometimes I learned what not to do, but I still learned something.

Also, you've only been there two months. Maybe I've always worked in the wrong profession, but I've found that the new guy doesn't really have a choice. Put your time in, prove yourself, and then start making demands.

Good luck!
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Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
You only have a couple more weeks of if, surely you can make do until you go back to school.

I worked part-time and pretty much had a new partner every shift. Some I really liked, others I couldn't stand. One benefit from it all is that I got to learn something new from each one. Sometimes I learned what not to do, but I still learned something.

Also, you've only been there two months. Maybe I've always worked in the wrong profession, but I've found that the new guy doesn't really have a choice. Put your time in, prove yourself, and then start making demands.

Good luck!

Take his advice to heart. If nothing else, having a new partner most shifts means you need to bring your "A" game to every shift so you can keep a positive reputation. There are other advantages too, if you get along with most people and show yourself as a good provider, your reputation will spread a lot quicker and that can only mean good things. I've had FT staff request me as a partner without meeting me, not only is that a nice confidence booster but the management will notice too.

There's also nothing wrong with talking to your partner at the start of the shift to get expectations and rolls sorted out either. Be proactive and you'll be fine. Plus once you do get to bid partners you'll have a good idea of who (maybe) you want to work with and who you don't.


Forum Captain
We have set partners. Usually the only time i work with someone else is if there on an ot day. I have had 3 total partners full time and a handfull of ot partners. I give everyone a chance. I can put up with anyone for 24 hours. I didnt get into the profession to be an a hole. Im a people person.


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
Where I'm at the full time folks are assigned a partner for a year at a time. Of course this can vary due to promotions ect. This can be good or bad. Pay your dues and in time all good things come :)


Forum Asst. Chief
We rotate through various partners, usually working with one until one of us goes on holidays, then rostered with someone else. Like any job you will work with good and bad partners. You can only hope time with the bad ones is short!


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
Almost all of our full time employees are assigned a permanent full time partners. The only time you don't is when there isn't a full time employee assigned to you, and then it's per diem or whomever picks up OT. I love having a permanent partner, because I know how he or she will respond. going from random per diem to random per diem means you don't get into a groove until hour 11 of the 12 hour shift.

That all being said, if you are the new guy, or the new per diem, you are going to be jumping around until you get a FT spot and a permanent partner. we all did it when we started, just get through it, see who you like to work with and who you don't, so when you do get high enough on the seniority list you can pick who you want.

At my old job, paramedics rotated partners every 6 months, always on the same tour. BLS didn't rotate, because we didn't have enough employees who worked the same schedule to rotate (or because the scheduler doesn't want to, I left before anything was implemented after 3 years of tossing the idea around).

At my new job you work with the same partner until you ask for a change, or management decides you need a change. But if you don't have a full timer partner, that's its random per diems until you one get hired.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
Full timers have set partners here Except for FTOs. New shift bid every 4 months, they tried to switch it to 6 but all the operations employees were against it.

Being per diem I've had a bunch of different partners but was generally with the same FTO most of the time helping train new intermediates or filling FMLA holes for our schedule girl. Starting best week I'm swapping to full time and have a set partner.

I liked jumping around because I got to see all different styles of doing things an picking out what I like and don't like but that's just my opinion.


Forum Deputy Chief
Changes daily, but there is only 5 medics and 4 basics so it isn't too bad. A couple I would rather not work with, but will put up with them for 10-36 hours when I have to


Forum Deputy Chief
A different partner every day just means you gotta be "ON" every day. It does get annoying not being able to get into a routine though.

For us it's pretty much set to the same person every day until someone puts in a schedule change request and there is an opening to move to. Some of my folks have been on the same unit/shift for the last 3 years(when they were hired).


Forum Chief
I have a regular partner at the Evil Empire. A medic I worked with for a while at my 911 service. But my 911 service everyone gets random partner assignments, and if I'm on a 36 hour shift I might have three different partners. Deal with it.