OK - So I'm done.

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Forum Asst. Chief
I am one of those posters with the signature line that is now in violation of the new rules. I am also one of the posters that experienced an inability to log onto the site for a couple of days. I thought to myself - do I have a virus? is the site really really busy at Christmas? is it possible that this is in retaliation for my support of a banned individual? - Nah - that's just paranoia.

I believe I have been a good contributor to this site. I don't diss people and generally post well thought out, often humorous, and certainly geared towards improving ourselves and our positions.

I am offended and outraged at heavy handed attempts to silence me. I have no other recourse but to get off this site. I know that no-one will give a s**t because what is my voice in with the thousands among this site but its all I got.

I was hoping to get some goodbyes and well wishes, but this thread will probably get locked, deleted or otherwise silenced as well. I will check back because those wishes would mean a lot to me and then I will delete my account.


Forum Deputy Chief
I am one of those posters with the signature line that is now in violation of the new rules. I am also one of the posters that experienced an inability to log onto the site for a couple of days. I thought to myself - do I have a virus? is the site really really busy at Christmas? is it possible that this is in retaliation for my support of a banned individual? - Nah - that's just paranoia.

I believe I have been a good contributor to this site. I don't diss people and generally post well thought out, often humorous, and certainly geared towards improving ourselves and our positions.

I am offended and outraged at heavy handed attempts to silence me. I have no other recourse but to get off this site. I know that no-one will give a s**t because what is my voice in with the thousands among this site but its all I got.

I was hoping to get some goodbyes and well wishes, but this thread will probably get locked, deleted or otherwise silenced as well. I will check back because those wishes would mean a lot to me and then I will delete my account.

Orrrr, you could have chosen to not raise a stink when the mods followed through on policy thus, continue to enjoy the forum. There were choices. We all have the right to express ourselves.... within the boundries as outlined in the forum rules.


Flight RN/Paramedic
I am one of those posters with the signature line that is now in violation of the new rules. I am also one of the posters that experienced an inability to log onto the site for a couple of days. I thought to myself - do I have a virus? is the site really really busy at Christmas? is it possible that this is in retaliation for my support of a banned individual? - Nah - that's just paranoia.

I believe I have been a good contributor to this site. I don't diss people and generally post well thought out, often humorous, and certainly geared towards improving ourselves and our positions.

I am offended and outraged at heavy handed attempts to silence me. I have no other recourse but to get off this site. I know that no-one will give a s**t because what is my voice in with the thousands among this site but its all I got.

I was hoping to get some goodbyes and well wishes, but this thread will probably get locked, deleted or otherwise silenced as well. I will check back because those wishes would mean a lot to me and then I will delete my account.

Kaisu, it's been a pleasure. I know that we've had some interesting conversations and discourses, and hopefully we will be able to continue doing the same on other sites. I can completely understand your frustration, and I hope you find a site that works better for you. I may be switching over to a different one soon as well (not going to mention the name, PM me if you want). Good luck in your career and stay in touch!



Forum Ride Along
Orrrr, you could have chosen to not raise a stink when the mods followed through on policy thus, continue to enjoy the forum. There were choices. We all have the right to express ourselves.... within the boundries as outlined in the forum rules.

Orr the mods could allow open discussion and not hide what they are doing instead of being rather Stalinesque when they do things like banning MountainResQ, Ventmedic, and Summit then pretend that those posters never existed in the first place. If you mentioned their names, you'll get banned. If you criticize their decisions, you'll get banned. If you disagree with them, they'll make the site unusable for you. That is not how a healthy community is run.

Good luck to you Kaisu!
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Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Orr the mods could allow open discussion and not hide what they are doing instead of being rather Stalinesque when they do things like banning MountainResQ, Ventmedic, and Summit then pretend that those posters never existed in the first place. If you mentioned their names, you'll get banned. If you criticize their decisions, you'll get banned. If you disagree with them, they'll make the site unusable for you. That is not how a healthy community is run.

Good luck to you Kaisu!
We don't discuss those actions out of respect for our members.

Do you want your boss discussing disciplinary action you've received at a company meeting? No, because it's not appropriate. But when it comes to an anonymous internet forum, you think you have the right to know what disciplinary action another member receives?

We're not going to do that...but to make you happy, we'll be more than happy to make a public announcement on the forum any time YOU receive an infraction, since you seem to think it is a public matter. How does that sound?


Forum Deputy Chief
Orr the mods could allow open discussion and not hide what they are doing instead of being rather Stalinesque when they do things like banning MountainResQ, Ventmedic, and Summit then pretend that those posters never existed in the first place. If you mentioned their names, you'll get banned. If you criticize their decisions, you'll get banned. If you disagree with them, they'll make the site unusable for you. That is not how a healthy community is run.

Good luck to you Kaisu!

Understood. But, there is a protocol in which the owners of the forum decided and unless that changes to allow for free-for-all's, we have what we have.


I see dead people
I hate to see you go Kaisu. I understand why you feel it is best, but it doesn't change the fact that we will be loosing another intelligent, informative member in the process.


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
Kaisu, thank you for your contributions to the EMTLife community over the past two and a half years. I sincerely looked forward to reading your posts, and you will be missed. I hope that you'll return in the future.

I wish you all the best, and hope you have a great 2010!


Side note: It is unfortunate that once again some of our members feel the need to pick sides in this battle that no one win. Having said that, this thread will not be used as a means to violate our community rules.


Forum Deputy Chief
Never really noticed any of your posts... But w.e they broke the rules, so they got banned. Plain and simple. If you don't like it, leave, but you don't have to make a big deal about it, honestly - Nobody cares, this forum will continue to thrive because of it's member base who are for supporting the site and do not make it their life.


Forum Deputy Chief
We don't discuss those actions out of respect for our members.

Do you want your boss discussing disciplinary action you've received at a company meeting? No, because it's not appropriate. But when it comes to an anonymous internet forum, you think you have the right to know what disciplinary action another member receives?

We're not going to do that...but to make you happy, we'll be more than happy to make a public announcement on the forum any time YOU receive an infraction, since you seem to think it is a public matter. How does that sound?

It is unfortunate but MO, made many a comment concerning his desire to be banned. Sometimes, being the humans we are, we set the stage ourselves. I already miss Mo. I will miss Mo's contributions and his helpful and unique insight into his specialty. In fact, I'm a wee irritated he went and got himself banned....knowing full well what he was doing and what it would lead to.


Forum Captain
Side note: It is unfortunate that once again some of our members feel the need to pick sides in this battle that no one win. Having said that, this thread will not be used as a means to violate our community rules.

I agree... this age-old debate has been proven over and over again to be irreconcilable. On the one hand you have the Mods who create the site, maintain the site, and pay for the site, and then on the other hand you have the vibrant community which makes creating, maintaining, and paying for the site worthwhile. Both essential, yet neither self sufficient, and when they disagree, well...

See ya later Kaisu, I was a lurker who enjoyed your balanced and insightful thoughts.


Forum Captain
Never really noticed any of your posts... But w.e they broke the rules, so they got banned. Plain and simple. If you don't like it, leave, but you don't have to make a big deal about it, honestly - Nobody cares, this forum will continue to thrive because of it's member base who are for supporting the site and do not make it their life.

Guess that depends on what "thrive" means

In my opinion daily thread counts don't equate to quality conversation


Forum Deputy Chief
Guess that depends on what "thrive" means

In my opinion daily thread counts don't equate to quality conversation

In terms of a website, thrive means constant visitors and constant registrations. This website will continue simply because of it's name being out there, and its ranking on google.


Forum Captain
In terms of a website, thrive means constant visitors and constant registrations. This website will continue simply because of it's name being out there, and its ranking on google.

New registrations and visitors would portray the definition of a "thriving" website if thats website's goal was advertising hits or the sale of products and services.

Hmm, I don't see any ads on this site. I thought the goal of this site was expanding EMS knowledge through thoughtful discussion. New members and visitors don't equate to "thriving" discussion and content. I am not arguing for or against the rules, but when the important contributing members of a forum leave. Then the knowledge and TRUE conversation is no longer growing, is stagnant, and no longer "thriving".
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FF-EMT Diver

Forum Captain
Well I don't know what's going on and don't want to know. But I don't think you should leave the site, we come here to get insight from peope dealing with the same issues that we are, when you leave you only hurt the ones that could gain from your insight on issues, I won't say what my personal opinions of the situation is But if you need more reasons to stay PM me.

If you do choose to go then I wish you luck!!!


Forum Deputy Chief
I agree with diver. Maybe take a break, don't just run. I really enjoy your posts.

I know that the descision is up to you, but if I were you, I'd stay. I don't agree with everything that goes on here, but I see the logic in most of it. If you let people get away with a little they take a lot.

If you do decide to go, it has been a pleasure being on here with you and I wish you the best and hope to run across you again someday.


Forum Chief
To all those who are leaving EMTLife: Please don't. I think it's foolish. Vent isn't even banned anymore. You can tell because you can send her a PM again.

I think it's rash and just as childish as slowing down someone's account to leave in a huff. I think when everyone calms down, things will get better and back to normal.
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Lifeguards For Life

Forum Deputy Chief
To all those who are leaving EMTLife: Please don't. I think it's foolish. Vent isn't even banned anymore. You can tell because you can send her a PM again.

I think it's rash and just as childish as slowing down someone's account to leave in a huff. I think when everyone calms down, things will get better and back to normal.

This situation has happened before, the forum always resumes it's normal function many of you have grown accustomed too.

* when a member is "banned" does that constitute a permanent dismemberment from the forum? Recent events(over the past several months) would suggest that it does not. Are there different levels of "banishment", or has the EMTLIFE management, re evaluated some of it's decisions?


Forum Chief
This situation has happened before, the forum always resumes it's normal function many of you have grown accustomed too.

* when a member is "banned" does that constitute a permanent dismemberment from the forum? Recent events(over the past several months) would suggest that it does not. Are there different levels of "banishment", or has the EMTLIFE management, re evaluated some of it's decisions?

Of course it does, but I know some people are saying things to get themselves banned, and I would hate to resume normal function without my favorite posters.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
This situation has happened before, the forum always resumes it's normal function many of you have grown accustomed too.

* when a member is "banned" does that constitute a permanent dismemberment from the forum? Recent events(over the past several months) would suggest that it does not. Are there different levels of "banishment", or has the EMTLIFE management, re evaluated some of it's decisions?

There has always been different levels of "banishment" - mostly dealing with how long a member is banned. We generally don't start off with a ban, but will usually issue a warning first. If the problem persists, then we move on to short term bans and work our way up the ladder.

There are very, very few things that will permanently ban a member for, and even fewer that will will do so without a warning first.
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