Officially registered for EMT school. not sure what to expect


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So I turned in my information and papers today to get my upcoming EMT schooling set in stone.

The course starts August 17th, lasts through December. Two nights a week (Monday/Thursday) 6-10pm. The total was $500 for everything- tuition/registration, books, etc. I haven't got a layout/syllabus of the class, so I have no idea when the clincals/tests are or what we are learning and when. I'm assuming that will either arrive with my confirmation letter or on the first day.

Assuming I pass the class and the NREMT, about how long it will be before I get everything in line and can start work?

And is it possible to work as an EMT-B while in paramedic school?
Assuming I pass the class and the NREMT, about how long it will be before I get everything in line and can start work?
This is highly dependent on where you live. You may have to fill out another application and/or go through additional testing to get state certified before you can work. Many areas are inundated with a plethora of EMT-Bs, and getting a job will be difficult especially fresh from school. In my area, it seems like the private companies are always hiring, but that's likely because they treat their EMT-Bs like crap and the pay hovers just above minimum wage, so the turnover is extremely high.

Personally, I had to wait about 2 months to get my NREMT and state cert after completing the class and all the testing. I was hired about 2 months later, in a direct patient care position but not as an EMT.

And is it possible to work as an EMT-B while in paramedic school?

Yes. It depends on the pace of the program as well. I have 2 friends currently in paramedic school working part-time: one as an ER tech and one works for AMR. Both employers seem to be cooperative.
bro im not going to lie to you there may or may not be a goat involved.... lol
So I turned in my information and papers today to get my upcoming EMT schooling set in stone.

The course starts August 17th, lasts through December. Two nights a week (Monday/Thursday) 6-10pm. The total was $500 for everything- tuition/registration, books, etc. I haven't got a layout/syllabus of the class, so I have no idea when the clincals/tests are or what we are learning and when. I'm assuming that will either arrive with my confirmation letter or on the first day.

Assuming I pass the class and the NREMT, about how long it will be before I get everything in line and can start work?

And is it possible to work as an EMT-B while in paramedic school?

Okay, not to be rude but why would anyone enroll into a program without checking into it first?

Five hundred dollars is cheap but I am sure not for you. Did you ask the counselor or program coordinator? If not, why are you asking on a forum before doing so?

Most of the syllabus and information is usually handed out the first night of class for Basic level, since it is not that in detail. If you have your book, chances are you will be going over the first two chapters the first night. Read them ahead and you will be prepared.

Good luck,

R/r 911
If you have your book, chances are you will be going over the first two chapters the first night. Read them ahead and you will be prepared.

Good luck,

R/r 911

I would advise the first 4 chapters. Some schools breeze through all that how to help yourself, legal moral/ethical, history of EMS, etc.
Okay, not to be rude but why would anyone enroll into a program without checking into it first?

Five hundred dollars is cheap but I am sure not for you. Did you ask the counselor or program coordinator? If not, why are you asking on a forum before doing so?

Most of the syllabus and information is usually handed out the first night of class for Basic level, since it is not that in detail. If you have your book, chances are you will be going over the first two chapters the first night. Read them ahead and you will be prepared.

Good luck,

R/r 911

I checked into it as much as I could. I also checked other schools, and it seems all three of the main CCs in southern MS operate both paramedic and EMT the same way.

As far as the cost, I was merely posting that as a discussion point. I know everyone likes to chit chat about their training ;)
Expect half your class to fail out.

With my class it was a lot higher. We started off with close to 100 and only 23 people made it to the end.

MCT601, good luck with the class
With my class it was a lot higher. We started off with close to 100 and only 23 people made it to the end.

Um, WOW. We started with 36. 25ish passed.
That is about how many people (I did not do a head count but I am guessing)
were in class the first two weeks of class (only meet on Saturdays for 9 hours). Once we went over A&P, that is when we lost about 20. I know a few were in the class and a few that were not.
This is highly dependent on where you live. You may have to fill out another application and/or go through additional testing to get state certified before you can work. Many areas are inundated with a plethora of EMT-Bs, and getting a job will be difficult especially fresh from school. In my area, it seems like the private companies are always hiring, but that's likely because they treat their EMT-Bs like crap and the pay hovers just above minimum wage, so the turnover is extremely high.

Personally, I had to wait about 2 months to get my NREMT and state cert after completing the class and all the testing. I was hired about 2 months later, in a direct patient care position but not as an EMT.

Yes. It depends on the pace of the program as well. I have 2 friends currently in paramedic school working part-time: one as an ER tech and one works for AMR. Both employers seem to be cooperative.

Well, MS is in such a need for EMTs/paramedics that they are willing to pay for EMT schooling through our local WIN Job Centers. The problem with that for me is that I'm still a dependant on my father, who makes decent money. The state rapes us on taxes and I'm almost 100% sure I wouldn't qualify for help.

I was looking into working at Louisiana, but their main ambulance service close to me would be Acadian (private, I think), and they pay $7.25-8/hr for EMTs. Around Baton Rouge pays more, but farther away, so its best I just do my certification and work here in MS.

As of right now, I'll be working for AMR if I stay in my area (assuming all goes well with school and whatnot), or EMServe in Hattiesburg. Hopefully they work with me on paramedic school.

With my class it was a lot higher. We started off with close to 100 and only 23 people made it to the end.

MCT601, good luck with the class

That many wash out? I'll be sure to not let it happen to me. I'm a good listener, and fascinated with all aspects of medicine/anatomy.

100 people in a single EMT class?

The heck?

I wouldn't be surprised if mine were that big. Its the only class PRCC is running this semester, but its relatively new and they were recruiting hard so I imagine its just as likely to be small as it can be big (does that make any sense?). Jones CC and Mississippi Gulf Coast CC both have established EMT-B/P programs so alot of people go to them instead. Not to mention they both offer the paramedic side, where as my PRCC only offers EMT-B.
We started with 22....15 passed the course...several have now failed the state practical or state written exam.

Expect to study alot.
Correct Info...

I was looking into working at Louisiana, but their main ambulance service close to me would be Acadian (private, I think), and they pay $7.25-8/hr for EMTs.

Sorry, but for the record, your salary information is not current. You, or anyone else, may contact me for a quote. And yes, I am a recruiter, so I am always available to discuss career opportunities with candidates. We now cover 40 parishes/counties from Texas, Louisiana, and into Mississippi.

Thank you,

Ext 1571
we started with 17 one drooped out and one couldn't test with us because of age (got a scholarship for this particular class but has to wait till august to test) still waiting on the practical results so we will see lol.... good luck tho I really enjoyed my class
The problem with these statistics is that they all say the number that passed the class. I could not possibly care less who or how many passed the class, I could start a school tomorrow and make a class so insanely simple that 100% pass, I would have great numbers and people would think I'm just that good of a teacher. That's what many schools are doing, they are being run as a business making sure that everybody passes so they don't have to give money back and so their numbers look better. I wish there was a way to see the % of people from any school that pass the national registry the first time. Yes I know the test is really pretty easy but it is the current standard of national testing in EMS so go off of that and see the numbers.

Our class had 21 start, 20 graduated (1 died during class everyone passed though) yet only 7 of us passed the registry the first time. If I had read those numbers prior to starting I would have driven the extra hour to the school with an excellent NR pass rate and in fact due to that fact alone I have transferred up there to finish out the last couple classes on my associates.
Meh, not too many people like counting Registry passes because some people view it as "teaching the test"

But, if you want to count it, my school is in the top 11 in Texas at number sent to NR, and has the highest pass rate (93%), for EMT-B (Texas post the NR rates every year in its own magazine)
Dude, so my biggest recommendation is: TAKE NATIONAL REGISTRY RIGHT AFTER YOUR EMT CLASS!!! Take it while the info is still fresh in your mind. The class is pretty easy, the natl reg test is harder. Some of the questions they ask are really obtuse, so know you shiznit and remember; when in doubt go with your gut but remember that a bunch of the questions are based on your skills exam and are a "what do you do next" type thing.

Just read your book, study like you know you should and most importantly, keep your mouth shut and your ears open. Nobody likes a know-it-all, especially when the know it all is an idiot who likes to hear their own voice. IT'S EMT-BASIC!!! It's easy shiznit so don't think that you know anything about anything!! Just remember that the TAs and the instructor are having laughs at your expense later!
Just read your book, study like you know you should and most importantly, keep your mouth shut and your ears open. Nobody likes a know-it-all, especially when the know it all is an idiot who likes to hear their own voice. IT'S EMT-BASIC!!! It's easy shiznit so don't think that you know anything about anything!!
I'm in the same boat and your advice is exactly what I plan on doing. Sitting with my mouth shut and learning while having already read the entire textbook.

Can't wait til August.