NEW EMS Saftey Product


Forum Probie
Hello fellow officers I am on the job in NJ as a police officer. I am also the President of our local EMS squad and life member of the FD of 10 years. I work about 15minutes from NYC. I developed a safety product that I feel can save a lot of lives out there. My product is mostly for officers / EMT'S and firefighters in urban areas. Have you ever had a job in an apartment or townhouse where the door was auto locking and you had to get "buzzed" in? Well the answer is most likly "Yes!" Most of us including myself will use something to keep the door open such as a flashlight, newspaper or the doormat so back up / first responders can get in. The problem is when another resident leaves the buliding lets say to walk the dog they will remove the item you propped the door with and now your locked in. The back up units / first responders will now have to get buzzed in to help you. How many times have you sent your partner to get a reeves from the ambulance only to hear on the radio from your partner "Im locked out can you buzz me back in?" Now you need to leave the PT to let in your partner. Another scenario is your pt lets say an EDP becomes violent you call for PD and now their locked out of the building! Do you see where this is going? Check out this site please post on the forum and tell me what you think. Stay safe and thanks.
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Forum Probie
Lifetabs / EMS LE Safety Product gets NTOA approval.

Life Tabs: Member Tested and Recommended by National Tactical Officers Association

Overall Score: 4.6 out of 5.0

Created by NJ police officer Jeff Stewart, Lifetabs take the place of a doormat, wood chock or any other available items used to prop open a door, preventing first responders from being locked inside a building as well as allowing back up units to gain entry.

Read what the Tester's had to say...

"...I found that the tags (sold in packs of ten) fit nicely in a uniform shirt pocket. When tested, I discovered that the tags preformed well on both residential and commercial doors. Note that they have to be used on doors with a jam; they will not work on some magnetic locks. Lifetabs aren’t just for doors either. Say you need to make entry through an unlocked window. A Life tab stuck to the glass quickly lets other officers know where you are. I can see where Lifetabs can be handy for EMS and Firefighters too. Lifetabs are a clever yet inexpensive tool that should be found in every officers’ pocket."

-Tested by a police officer from Pennsylvania

"The life tab is a yellow piece of firm cardboard or paper that is used to place in a door so that it can not latch on you or you or your partner. It also has direction on it for whoever sees it not to remove it because it is being used by emergency personnel. I found the life tab products to be very easy to use. They also filled a gap for a very extremely small and portable way to keep automatic doors from closing on you. What officer has not used what is immediately accessible to him/her to hold an automatic locking door open for there partner. I have used a pen, asp, rug, coupon flyers, and phone book to keep a door from locking behind me so my partner could get in. I tested the life tab on several doors. It was very rugged and worked on almost all doors. My only complaint is that it did not work on doors where there was a large strike plated on the outside."

-Tested by a police officer in Minnesota

"The SRT has used life tabs on several exercises and felt they were very useful. The team stated life taps should be given to each officer as part of the equipment and also for all patrol officers."

-Tested by a police officer in Arkansas

"Tab4life emergency personnel cards worked fairly well, they are very sticky and easy to apply. Durable and easily identifiable as to their purpose. I carried the pack in my shirt pocket for several weeks during hot days and they seemed to hold up well. Only a little bend on the end but the whole pack still serviceable. I tried on several self locking doors and the tabs worked on all. I highly recommend these tabs for inner city agencies with lots of apartments and self locking doors."

-Tested by a police officer in Oregon

For more information on Life Tabs, visit


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Multiple threads merged into one.


Forum Crew Member
Interesting new idea.
In my area we don't have to worry about things like that, beause we really don't have any appartments or buildings like that.
But I visited your website, and it looks like a pretty cool product.


Forum Chief
We used to carry a roll of duct or electrical tape for such situations. Liability can be an issue if left in place.
We also use radios or phones and keep dispatch informed of where we are to further alert the necessary crews if needed.

I can see a downside to this product. For our "inner city" apartment complexes we may have PD respond with us since there is still a safety concern for the many other people that live in the apartment complex. Security doors may be there for a reason and I do understand the plight of some that are trying to protect their families and property by living in a locked building. These tabs could also be very easily left in place allowing easy access for all the wrong people long after the emergency personnel have departed. For those that live in June and Ward Cleaver's neighborhood, it may be a great idea.

Quite possibly the police officers that tested these tabs didn't like being a door stop for EMS.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Quite possibly the police officers that tested these tabs didn't like being a door stop for EMS.

Now that's funny.


Forum Crew Member
It's actually a really simple idea..! I have never seen a "buzz-in" apartment in my life (due to the fact that I don't think we have those here :p) but it sounds like a really easy fix. Nice, I say..:)