Need some encouragment


Forum Crew Member
I need some backing from everyone that with experience I will get more proficient in reacting to an emergency and following through easily at most with my skills. I'm a new EMT going through intermediate school. 6 months experience but my company so far only does ift and some emergency calls. So I hardly ever use any EMT skills. (Acadian in Houston) Please share and advise, thanks.

oh and ill be attending paramedic school in January. hopefully by then I will be a more competent EMT.


Forum Troll
Practice makes things a lot easier. Just give it some time and you be get better at performing skills and they will be easier for you.


I need some backing from everyone that with experience I will get more proficient in reacting to an emergency and following through easily at most with my skills. I'm a new EMT going through intermediate school. 6 months experience but my company so far only does ift and some emergency calls. So I hardly ever use any EMT skills. (Acadian in Houston) Please share and advise, thanks.

oh and ill be attending paramedic school in January. hopefully by then I will be a more competent EMT.

This post reads as though you are wanting the one thing that cannot be taught: experience. If you do not believe you can aquire the expertise you desire in the time frame you are alotted, then you might want to consider the possible options of either another employer with a higher volume of emergency calls, and/or waiting a year to allow yourself to opportunity to acquire the experience you may need.


Forum Captain
This post reads as though you are wanting the one thing that cannot be taught: experience. If you do not believe you can aquire the expertise you desire in the time frame you are alotted, then you might want to consider the possible options of either another employer with a higher volume of emergency calls, and/or waiting a year to allow yourself to opportunity to acquire the experience you may need.

couldn't have said it better


Forum Crew Member
If going to a new agency isn't a viable option, are there any agencies in the area that allow ride alongs? Even if you couldn't act as an EMT, just being at the scenes, seeing how the EMT/Medic/Fire/PD interact is invaluable experience. If nothing else it will get you much more comfortable with the emergency/9-1-1 environment.


Forum Lieutenant
Cypress Creek and Harris County Emergency Corps both have active volunteer programs that will get you the 911 experience you need AND give you a "safety net" of being the third crew member and having two other providers to back you up. Either will give you the experience you need -- and quickly.

rob the mexican medic

Forum Probie
I need some backing from everyone that with experience I will get more proficient in reacting to an emergency and following through easily at most with my skills. I'm a new EMT going through intermediate school. 6 months experience but my company so far only does ift and some emergency calls. So I hardly ever use any EMT skills. (Acadian in Houston) Please share and advise, thanks.

oh and ill be attending paramedic school in January. hopefully by then I will be a more competent EMT.

It's not you bro or sis :) it's acadian. I used to work there and would be SOOO nervous on even the lamest calls. I was dying to get out of ems. But then when I went government 911 after about 6 months of strict emergencies I felt super comfortable. I could eat a tuna sandwhich during a trauma code now :) Acadian is a good place to get your foot in the door. Even if you have to volunteer you should really think about going 911 . My 3 cents


Forum Ride Along
Hi Rob,
You will become more proficient and comfortable in situations with more time and experience. My recommendation would be to make sure you are riding with a Paramedic partner. Speak with your supervisor and ask if there is a certain shift/ unit / location that typically run more ER calls.

I work for Best Care EMS in Houston and they staff basic and paramedic trucks. I asked to ride with a Paramedic so that I can constantly experience and learn from my partner on the ER calls. The company has contracts with a number of hospitals and clinics, so we run ER calls all day long… and I mean we RUN…
Good Luck!