Need Help: Texan with Criminal History


Forum Ride Along
I am about to start school Monday... Everything is in order. I received my driving history and it is perfect ( BUT... I did have a DUI 7 or 8 years ago, it never showed up).

My gut wrenching question is this.... I was charged with shoplifting or 7 years ago. I didn't do it. I paid the fine in court. I was so embarrassed that I was afraid to fight it or tell anyone. I did fight it when I tried to get unemployment with a judge and I won. I had a belt on my shoulder and walked out of a store by accident. I was going through HELL at the time and I was just pretty numb..... DUMB!! SO, I was filling out the application and the question about convicted for a crime is there.......... I FROZE. I sent in my Criminal Background check but its not back yet will the DUI also be on that? And I screwed? ... Will I get in to school? Get licensed?? Will I be able to get a job?? I am in the state of Texas. GOOD GRIEF..... PLEASE...ANY IMPUT?


Forum Captain
Both a DUI and a shoplifting charge can affect your ability to obtain employment, school, professional license. A DUI can significantly effect your insurability as an ambulance operator. The best thing you can do is contact a local attorney who can advise you of your options moving forward. I am not familiar with Texas law but perhaps you can qualify for some type of expungement or seal of records. Don't lie on any applications.


Forum Crew Member
Charged is a little different then being convicted. On a side note, because they are asking you about your past,the best thing to do is just be honest with them, and state what you learned from your experience both good and bad, and I don't think you will have any issues. It was almost a decade ago people make mistakes,just be honest.


Forum Captain
A good point, I quickly read and assumed your adjudication status. A lot of it depends on how the cases were resolved.


Forum Ride Along
I need help texans

Thank you so much for responding ! I was beginning to wonder with so many views and no response If I was doomed.
My driving history can back PERFECT!
I am now waiting for the background ... This all went down in another state as well. Will my my future hinge on that back ground coming back clean ?? And if it is ... Will I ever need to bring up the past ?? I don't want to even think about that very dark time !

AGAIN !!! Thank you !!


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
First, welcome to EMTLife!

Your driving history is perfect except for a DUI, one of the more serious offenses when attempting to gain employment where driving is a significant part of the job.

As an EMT you'll be welcomed into your patients' homes and have access to their valuables and often their wallet. A shoplifting charge doesn't support the notion of you being an honest, trustworthy public servant.

Though you don't want to think about it, your past may have a profound impact on your ability to gain employment in the EMS profession. I certainly would be honest on the application and be willing to explain your past actions. Though you don't want to think about that very dark time, a DUI and shoplifting conviction don't paint a positive picture.

I can't answer your questions about getting into school, becoming licensed, or gaining employment. I'd ask your school, contact the licensing agency, and ask employers what they think. Create an anonymous email account and start asking questions. Hopefully they'll have the answers you're looking for.

Good luck!


Forum Lieutenant
According to what you've posted, you probably WON'T be able to find a job with a FD.

There's too much liability in hiring someone who's made such poor decisions in the past, regardless of how long ago. We live in a "litigation-happy" society. Hiring anyone with a criminal history such as yours and putting them in such a trusted position as a firefighter/emt or medic is a quick way to finding your department as the lead story on the news and in court. PDs are doing AMAZINGLY detailed criminal background checks nowadays. I know our police department has taken it as a personal challenge to weed out new recruits by looking into EVERY aspect of their personal life. It's insane what they can find out.

You could probably still find a job doing IFT, but who knows. Sorry man, but maybe a different line of work would be a mechanic or roofer. Something that doesn't require a background check or trust.


Forum Ride Along

It's for a EMT position .
#2. .08. 8 years ago !
#3 I stupidly pleaded guilty for shoplifting but didn't do it. It was a accident. Walked out if store with a belt on my shoulder .

We all make mistakes ... I do appreciate everyone's honesty!

Sadly what's not on the record is the YEARS of work in 3rd world country's , in housing projects and so many years of volunteer work. :(


Forum Lieutenant
Globespun: That sucks. And believe me, I appreciate that we all make mistakes. Like I said, you probably will be able to land a gig doing IFT or something with the privates. Those aren't bad deals.

But if you're looking into 911 or a FD, I really doubt it, regardless of the mistake or accidentally walking out with a belt on your shoulder. Nobody on the hiring board or in PD cares about the specifics. They only care what is on the background check.

And believe me, there's going to be HUNDREDS of applicants who DON'T have any baggage in their history who will get selected over a person with even a minor infraction. That's how in demand these FD jobs are. It's like winning the lottery. It's truly the best job on Earth. It's been 5 years since I got hired and I still can't believe I made the cut when I think about how many ladies and gentlemen were fighting for the same position (which at the time was only 4 openings). :wacko:

Hang in there. Like someone else said, maybe hire an attorney to get your background cleared up, if possible.

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Forum Crew Member
I am about to start school Monday... Everything is in order. I received my driving history and it is perfect ( BUT... I did have a DUI 7 or 8 years ago, it never showed up).

My gut wrenching question is this.... I was charged with shoplifting or 7 years ago. I didn't do it. I paid the fine in court. I was so embarrassed that I was afraid to fight it or tell anyone. I did fight it when I tried to get unemployment with a judge and I won. I had a belt on my shoulder and walked out of a store by accident. I was going through HELL at the time and I was just pretty numb..... DUMB!! SO, I was filling out the application and the question about convicted for a crime is there.......... I FROZE. I sent in my Criminal Background check but its not back yet will the DUI also be on that? And I screwed? ... Will I get in to school? Get licensed?? Will I be able to get a job?? I am in the state of Texas. GOOD GRIEF..... PLEASE...ANY IMPUT?

I would also advise you get your affairs in order before applying for school. It would be pointless to spend all that money for nothing. Stay positive, if you want it bad enough you'll do it. Take care


RN, Paramedic
I would strongly recommend an attorney! A good one could even help you have your record expunged.

Also be upfront and honest and ASK FOR HELP!! A friend in AZ had a similar situation and contacted the AZ Dept of Health before taking his EMT course. The Dept of Health actually walked him through the steps to get his record expunged so he could apply for his license and not be denied.

EDIT: My friend had an old (8 years in the past) DUI charge that he was able to get removed.
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Forum Captain
Good advice... talk to a lawyer....

I would strongly recommend an attorney! A good one could even help you have your record expunged.

When I was a yoot, many decades ago I was busted, lied, charged with criminal impersonation then left the state on my own ecognizance. I then moved on to college, a nice career, family, etc...

Well... about 15 years ago I decided I wanted to have a CCW permit so I contacted the hospital lawyer. She is slightly aesthetically challenged but I have always "flirted" with her and treated her nicely.

Glad I did... she gave me the name of a lawyer who comes from the state where I was arrested and one six pack of beer later "it never happened" and I have since been able to get CCW's, become a firearms instructor and of course an "illustrious" EMS career :)

He made one phone call.


Forum Lieutenant
Here is my opinion, I too have a DUI charge (5 years ago). I do not have any theft charges on my record but I do have a charge of Forgery back when I was 17 (I am now 30). I got hired on as a firefighter/EMT with a local fire department, my criminal/driving history isn't nice an shinny by any means. These people telling you, that you have no chance are totally wrong. I know people excluding myself that have been hired within 5 years of a DUI charge onto well known fire departments I actually got hired just before I hit my 4 year mark after my DUI. It's possible but just keep your hands clean and be honest in everything when it comes to applications and oral interviews. I do not know about Texas laws but I know in my state that there you can't be licensed as both an EMT/Paramedic with Felonies but misdemeanors you can still be. It's not impossible but it's definitely an up hill climb. Good Luck to you!