Leaving Medic School


Forum Lieutenant
So I have decided to leave Medic school after this quarter. Well decided is a strong word, most likey I wont be allowed to go back. lol. Which is sorta a relief to me. I know that sounds strange and no I am not planning on quitting forever. But this quarter has been really really hard. I have failed my last 3 test. And My makeups are tomorrow. And while I know understand what I was missing on EKG reading, I just feel that I would be a better medic if I take a step back now, work as an EMT-I, take some refresher courses in A&P and start again in September.

I am so stressed over how far behind I am. Part of it has not been studying. It just sucks because it means I have to push everything back a full year. But I dont want to become a medic who has no idea whats going on. I dont have the confidence when doing trials and I try to avoid being called on.

Im relieved and sick to my stomach at the same time at the thought of walking away for 7 months. But it is either that or be the Frank Burns of EMS


Forum Deputy Chief
I took time off from school on more then one occasion, remember its twice as hard to go back. I also know people who left medic school because they simply were not prepared, they returned and today are fantastic medics. Education can be overwhelming at times. Its a balancing act especially the older you get, identify the biggest issues you faced and address them make sure your in a good place when you return. You will no what to expect next time.

Good luck.


Forum Chief
He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day.


Forum Crew Member
Either I'm missing something or but the EKG piece should have been covered in the EMT-I cert...but before you go back make time to figure out your learning style or what you need to do to succeed.


Either I'm missing something or but the EKG piece should have been covered in the EMT-I cert...but before you go back make time to figure out your learning style or what you need to do to succeed.

It depends on his states definition of what an EMT-Intermediate is. The scope, and subsequent educational requirements, for EMT-I varies drastically from state to state.


Forum Chief
I actually am doing something similar. Life has reared it's ugly head and I most likely will be going back to NM this summer and starting work towards my RN.


Forum Deputy Chief
So I have decided to leave Medic school after this quarter. Well decided is a strong word, most likey I wont be allowed to go back. lol. Which is sorta a relief to me. I know that sounds strange and no I am not planning on quitting forever. But this quarter has been really really hard. I have failed my last 3 test. And My makeups are tomorrow. And while I know understand what I was missing on EKG reading, I just feel that I would be a better medic if I take a step back now, work as an EMT-I, take some refresher courses in A&P and start again in September.

I am so stressed over how far behind I am. Part of it has not been studying. It just sucks because it means I have to push everything back a full year. But I dont want to become a medic who has no idea whats going on. I dont have the confidence when doing trials and I try to avoid being called on.

Im relieved and sick to my stomach at the same time at the thought of walking away for 7 months. But it is either that or be the Frank Burns of EMS

Makes sense. Good luck.


Still crazy but elsewhere
OP, take heart. There IS life after "EMS". (Warning, autobiography alert!)

When I went into nursing from fire and private EMT I was aiming everything at working in, then running, an ER. I did, for a whle, but I lacked the proper amount of that type of experience, plus I lacked the second "X" chromosome one of my superiors thought all nurses should have. I was crushed, but I kept working (in an acute care clinic) and eighteen months later wound up in a better job for me which I could do longer and help as many or more people as through the ER.

If you don't like the paramedic training experience, you have two options: decide if it's the paramedic thing you don't want, or if there realistically was a flaw in your school. There are other ways to be a care provider for those in need (various technician positions, volunteering for rescue or other organizations, or even going into nursing, god help you).
Talk to a schoool counselor about educational options. Be a shame to toss out the time and units you have accrued and paid for so far, no?


Forum Crew Member
Im in the same boat. Thinking about quitting, Im about half way threw. Just when I think something is starting to sink in I fail another test. Ive only been an EMT for about 2 years, mostly IFT. Im thinking about dropping the class, testing out for intermediate. I feel that Im not ready and not as confident as I was on day 1. Next week we start EKG, it'll be my make or break point.
We'll see...