lay rescue

Ewok Jerky

Just had my 3rd lay rescue. At this rate I'm getting 1 every 2 years. I feel like that's a lot. Is this what happens when you become CPR certified?

Anyways, I left my rotation (l&d) way early cause nothing was happening. Driving home I see some cars pulled off the freeway and someone is already doing CPR with 3 or 4 others just standing around. So I pull over and go for my pocket mask in the glove box, but I bought a new car and forgot to switch it over. Oh well. I run over "anybody trained in CPR?". Guy doing compressions tells me is a medic then says "you got a pocket mask?" while we are switching out I here the others talking about being ACLS trained but don't know what to without drugs and monitor...EMS supe shows up with AED and we get 2 shocks in with an OPA and BVM before handing over to EMS.

Pt was younger, found unresponsive slumped over steering wheel just off exit ramp. No pulse, agonal respirations. No signs of trauma, no damage to vehicle, no evidence of drug or etoh. No alert bracelet. As soon as we got him on the gurney I bounced.

Anyways, I feel like this is happening more frequently than is normal.


Amazing Member
Well you are going to get two responses to this one. "Cool good job I have stopped before to help too!!" Or "Just dial 911 and keep driving.. too much paperwork and liability to stop and I just got this shirt cleaned and it is my favorite and I dont want to get blood on it.
Personally for me it is all situational.. am I stopping on the lodge at 3am in downtown detroit. Hell no. If I am in the middle of nowhere and there is no one around or no one helping. Perhaps.

How many times has this happened to you that you think it is getting excessive? There are always accidents it just a matter of right time and place.

Reminds me of that one time on the highway a sheet of plywood slid off a car infront and just about sliced the entire roof off. Stopped for that one. Was to crazy not to. Was just a few cars behind over a lane. No decapitation. Luckily for the driver.
Ewok Jerky

Ewok Jerky

Haha, yeah I didn't think about how many times I've said eff that and kept driving.

Honestly what made me stop was it was just one guy doing CPR with noone helping. My first thought was to help HIM. Plus I was already in scrubs.

To answer your question I've lay rescued 3 times in 8 years being certified. My first CPR instructor had never done it.


Forum Troll
My question would be why did you leave a clinical rotation early? You are required to meet a certain amount of hours in the clinical setting if it's for a school or program.
Ewok Jerky

Ewok Jerky

My program (PA school) has no requirement on hours. Even if they did I'm working about 60 hours a week right now on L&D. Besides sitting at the nursing station waiting for inductions to happen is not the best use of my time.


Amazing Member
At some point you need to make this your avatar:


And this your signature:

"Prevent gas naturally before it starts with Beano" and or "Take beano before and there will beano gas!