Jury reaches split verdict in Burks trial: Watch the dash cam video


Forum Deputy Chief
With granted powers or abilities, there comes responsibility. Ours, which we are all hopefully true to in all our actions, is first do no harm.

With the power to deprive someone of life, liberty, and property, comes even greater responsibility to do the right thing. And what this officer did was not the right thing.

To those arguing scene safety, the women jumped out of the car not to threaten the officer, but because she had arrived at her destination, the ER. The officer could have told the women to calm down, than helped her with the wheel chair, and than wrote her the ticket for the very serious turn signal violation. To those saying I will remember this post when I am getting the :censored::censored::censored::censored: beat out of me, that is taken out of context. If we as americans see injustice from our government, it is our right and our duty to act against it. I would be more than happy to have a properly controlled and responsible police force. I would be even more grateful if they had helped me in a time of need.

To me, this is fundamental. An officer of the law should first do no harm, help those who need her/his help and enforce the laws he is sworn to uphold, properly.



Forum Deputy Chief
What if that women just happened to be any of our mothers, with our father in the car having a CVA? An our mother was in a panic and jumped out of the vehicle for help, and the officer detained her. Than our father, with a ALOC, saw this man as an attacker harming his wife and beat him with the cane?


Forum Lieutenant
It's BS. I believe the cop acted perfectly fine. The lady was driving crazy, did not follow orders and was conrontational. And then on top of it her husband who needed a wheelchair so badly get out and assaults the officer. The man is lucky he didn't really need an ER due to a GSW.

The officer acted appropriately and the man should have been found guilty on all charges. Being sick or injured does not give you the right to break the law in any way. If that was the case on the way to the hospital, you could just pull over and assault someone for cutting you off in traffic, because you were in a hurry.

What else came of this story? Drugs in the vehicle? Strange........


Forum Probie
I can't believe this thread even exists! For EMS personnel to wish harm on another person is just insane! The cop got what he deserved...WTF! Remember we are in the business of saving lives... regardless if you thought he was wrong... but to say he deserved to get hit!! WOW! SOme of you need to think about maybe going into a different profession...


Forum Captain
So what if it was just a minor infraction, like others have said, many major offenses have been found from minor traffic stops. 100% with the officer on this one. I just can't verbalize how stupid and absurd this whole topic has gotten from playing the race card, to police brutality, to shoulda-coulda-woulda's....it's just...crazy.

But my favorite quote by far from the whole thing:
"Oh S%$#, there's an ambulance coming, we need to move our cars"



Forum Probie
Oh yeah..100% with the officer!


You have GOT to be kidding me!?!

This is utterly phenomenal. I don't know which is more ludicrous; the video or this race-based thread. However, I must admit that seeing the cop get cracked on top of the head with a cane was pretty funny.

Yes, we don't have enough information about this. Being pulled over for a minor infraction does seem out of place. Granted most LEO's wouldn't even bother... maybe. Did the name in whom the car was registered have any outstanding warrants? What were the warrants? Don't know. Could have been probable cause for coming out of the car, not with gun drawn, but with side arm unholstered (notice he did put it back). The paper did say the female's verdicts were still pending. Why are they still pending?

I believe both sides could have handled things differently.

I must say that what disappoints me here is the "race" issue on this forum. I honestly and humbly believe that we, as human beings, tend to get caught up in a "hurd mentality" at times. I think this has less to do with race and more to do with cultural differences than people may realize. This is not genetics. It is the result of how people are raised. The quintessential nature v/s nurture.

If you are taught to think, act, react, or believe a certain way, you will contiue to think, act, react, and/or believe that certain way until you are taught differently and accept that teaching.

My humble two cents.


Forum Chief
However, I must admit that seeing the cop get cracked on top of the head with a cane was pretty funny.

If the cane has not broken on impact, the LEO probably would have been more serverely injured or dead. I don't see humor there.

Tough job and I would not want to wish harm to come to anyone that does it.


If the cane has not broken on impact, the LEO probably would have been more serverely injured or dead. I don't see humor there.

Tough job and I would not want to wish harm to come to anyone that does it.

Vent, I wouldn't wish harm on anyone either. Truely I wouldn't. Honesty is the best policy, and I honestly believe that was funny. I have that kind of a sense of humor and it tickled my funnybone. If I were there when it happened, I'd treat him with all the respect a patient deserves. But seeing it was just funny as hell. I mean, come on. Dude allegedly fell and was supposed to be injured. Yet he STEPPED out of the car, WALKED up to the officer without using the cane, and then used it as a weapon.

That is the best way I know how to explain the first part of my post. The rest of the post is completely serious.

With respect.

So. IL Medic

Forum Lieutenant
I am still baffled by so many posters that don't get it. She broke the law. She fled from an officer. If she had pulled over immediately, there would have been no problem. If the man was having serious medical issues, an ambulance wold have been called or the officer woulod have escorted them to the ER and then written any warnings or citations. But no! She failed to stop deliberately. A much more serious violation of the law. She got out and confronted the officer, a very stupid and dangerous act. The man then comitted a felony assault on an officer. Jail time no matter what.

The fault completely lies with the occupants of the car. They made the conscious choices to violate laws.


Forum Deputy Chief
Beat that dead horse!!!!


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Beat that dead horse!!!!



ORLAND -- A man wanted on a parole violation may have used a medical emergency to escape an arrest warrant, police said.
It's situations like the one above that can give rise to the one in the original post in the thread. A person claiming a medical emergency to avoid law enforcement can cause the cops to be more skeptical the next time they encounter a similar situation.


Forum Lieutenant
I'm sorry, but the way he treated the situation was uncalled for. I do not say that the man who hit him over the head was in the right for doing so...

Rather check the facts first, if the lady says that her husband is injured, check it out before assuming she is lying! If you are then uncertain, get a backup squad to assist and get the man in the ER then deal with the lady.

At least you wont end up with a attempted murder case against you. Here we get numerous cars that arrive at the ER with patients in the back. Sometimes DOA and sometimes full blown code red, it is not unusual. If a cop tries it here... we will most probably be called to go and pick him up with an ambulance.

Rather follow the vehicle, assess the situation and then act...humanly...