Hurricane Irma


Crowd pleaser
Hurricane Irma is shaping up to be a real beast. She is already a Cat 4 and may intensify. The latest forecast models predict South Florida will take a direct hit.

The Governor has declared a state of emergency already, and from other sources I heard supplies and water at local establishments are already drying up due to panic buying.

My team and I are still in Houston; unknown if we will get tasked to the FL area... still too soon to tell frankly exactly what will be needed and where.

If you're there and can't leave, hunker down hard. If you can evacuate you should do so after you prepare your properties for the storm.

They weren't lying when they said this season would be highly active.

Good luck to anyone down in the path of this thing.


ex-Parole officer/EMT
Well I'm on my way, I don't know where I'm goin'......I'm on my way, takin' my time, but I don't know where!

Jus a little mood changer. My team along with the PJ's from NYS air guard, are technically still tasked in houston, but we're all 99% sure we'll be moving along over to help you folks in florida.

If you have a family try to load up your cars and drive inland. start moving stuff now.

If you cant leave, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get something stapled nailed to the roof it makes S&R from above 1 million times easier.
@SandpitMedic thanks for taking initiative and starting these threads.


Flight Nurse
All of our helicopters are back from Texas and I have not seen any info yet for Florida but will surely try to get on a team if it happens. Hopefully seeing the devastation in Texas will make people more cautious and better prepared.


ex-Parole officer/EMT
Correction drive north as far as possible

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Forum Deputy Chief
Since I maintain a house in Orlando and I can be on the beach via 528 in 25 minutes or less.....and Orlando is "central FL"....LOL Damn yankees....dont know nuttin bout nuttin.


Forum Deputy Chief
Today I am securing supplies and tidying up my properties. My daughter is in college here, so I am trying to decide what to do with her, do we hunker down where we are or head north and then try to get back so I can involve myself on local/regional scale. Or I can just fly to Maine, sit there and watch it all unfold via the news, take hot showers and eat warm meals....decisions, decisions....


ex-Parole officer/EMT
Today I am securing supplies and tidying up my properties. My daughter is in college here, so I am trying to decide what to do with her, do we hunker down where we are or head north and then try to get back so I can involve myself on local/regional scale. Or I can just fly to Maine, sit there and watch it all unfold via the news, take hot showers and eat warm meals....decisions, decisions....
PJ's as well as my team are being retasked to Kentucky¿? From what I'm told unoficially rn. Probably a pj base there. Then flying in via helicopter going straight to S&R after hurricane passes through. Not 100% but that seems to be the plan. Everybody at FEMA here(in Texas) seems to be crapping bricks rn. This is going to be a bad one(I'm told more wind not as much water) but I don't know for sure, I'm not a meteorologist.

Cajun navy come help again please, having people know where things are helps a lot


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Today I am securing supplies and tidying up my properties. My daughter is in college here, so I am trying to decide what to do with her, do we hunker down where we are or head north and then try to get back so I can involve myself on local/regional scale. Or I can just fly to Maine, sit there and watch it all unfold via the news, take hot showers and eat warm meals....decisions, decisions....
I would like to do an AMR DRT deployment, but I certainly did not regret my last week in Maine...
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Forum Deputy Chief
Everyone in Orlando is taking this very serious as opposed to storms in the past. I spent 7 hours today trying to buy propane, water, chain saw, oil, gloves, etc. There are no generators anywhere, there are people selling propane in parking lot with long a** line, no water to be found, all the wood at the home improvement places is gone, tarps gone, and no empty gas cans to buy larger than 2 gallon ones.

The gas stations all have long a** lines.


Forum Knucklehead
Well this will answer a question that ive have been asking for some time

What happens when all the close FEMA USAR teams are deployed in one area of the country and we get another disaster in another part of our country?

NJs USAR contingent was sent home yesterday with orders to refit and get ready to go back to florida. We are already packing for an IMT deployment at least. My bags have been sitting in my spare room since Harvey and i cant stop going over it.

And then Jose is lurking like right behind Irma


Forum Deputy Chief
Props to our Gov for declaring State of Emergency yesterday and suspending all tolls today.


ex-Parole officer/EMT
@Bullets just re allocation of resources. Nys tf-1&2(I'm on 2) is getting re deployed. Tf2 is staying with the pj's we worked with in Texas to try and keep some chemistry. We're bopping up to Kentucky from what I know to refuel regear and resupply. Not much sleep or time off but FEMA cuz reasons is my best answer. I'm getting told by the pjs that somebody has to do it lol.

Side note to anybody in Florida, get orange or green tape if possible and put it on the house that you'll be staying at before the storm gets there.


Californian, Lost in Texas
@akflightmedic , you know the answer to your question. It's the same as the "I'm having chest pain what should I do?". You already know the answer. Get your family and watch it hit on CNN, then go play in the rubble if that's what you're wanting to do. It's a lot easier to not worry about your family getting drowned.


Forum Deputy Chief
Only oldest is here as she attends of family lives in Maine. So, its really whether I want to ride it out or not. I see $$$ making opportunities if I stay. :) :)

Yes, I am helping and doing good, but this ol boy gets paid these days too! LOL


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
I spent 7 hours today trying to buy propane, water, chain saw, oil, gloves, etc. There are no generators anywhere, there are people selling propane in parking lot with long a** line, no water to be found,

I am by no means in hurricane country, but there is something to be said about being prepared for these types of situations. I am in earthquake country where the "big one" 10.0+ could happen literally at any given moment. Flats of water, MRE's, mountain house, bar oil, 50:1 fuel, extra gas, extra propane, and generators are all things that we have at the house. Why people wait to get supplies days before a storm is beyond me, these are things that people should already have in place. Chance favors the prepared mind.

Changing note it will be interesting to see how many resources get reassigned from Texas to Florida.


Forum Deputy Chief
We wait because we buy them, do not use them and then slowly end up using them throughout the year and following years....and unlike a sudden earthquake, we have 7+ days notice usually. :)

I have never been "surprised" by a hurricane.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
True true, but why not avoid the mass buying of supplies and get them early in the year?


Forum Deputy Chief
113 you want your $$ tied up in bulk products for which you might NOT use or need at all? Like I said, right now, everyone bulk buys cause its a near certainty we are getting the shaft soon...whatever we don't need will eventually get used. However, it is smarter use of your dollars to wait until you know you need to spend them. We do not need these supplies every year, so no it's not a regular occurrence/expense.


Forum Knucklehead
@Bullets just re allocation of resources. Nys tf-1&2(I'm on 2) is getting re deployed. Tf2 is staying with the pj's we worked with in Texas to try and keep some chemistry. We're bopping up to Kentucky from what I know to refuel regear and resupply. Not much sleep or time off but FEMA cuz reasons is my best answer. I'm getting told by the pjs that somebody has to do it lol.

Side note to anybody in Florida, get orange or green tape if possible and put it on the house that you'll be staying at before the storm gets there.

Yeah it just seems like they pulled from the east coast and now we got 2 more running at us. What package did you go with? Are they just sending another whole package down from your cache or meeting a cache from DC?