Having Trouble Passing NREMT-B - Suggestions?

April Johns

Forum Ride Along
Don't give up, and don't be hard on yourself. It took me three times to pass the test. It's seriously the hardest test I've ever taken. I feel it's literally designed to make you feel like a failure. I personally used emtprep.com to study before my third test. I felt I failed the third time, but I passed. Don't give up.


Forum Ride Along
I’m taking my EMT assessment this Saturday (NREMT Exam for people who are under 18) but it’s pretty much the same. Nervous I think I have it down and I feel like the EMT Prep app really helped me a lot throughout my studying. I’ll let you guys know! Wish me luck!!


Forum Ride Along
I took the emt-b nremt exam and fail it..I need some advise on how to begin studying I'm planning on retaking .Any resources you thing I should purchase that can help.


Forum Asst. Chief
I took the emt-b nremt exam and fail it..I need some advise on how to begin studying I'm planning on retaking .Any resources you thing I should purchase that can help.

It's not about how big your resources are, it's how you use them.


Forum Ride Along
It's not about how big your resources are, it's how you use them.
I understand what you mean I live in the caribbean and the collage i went to did not prepare us for the exam as far as the laws and regulation was quite different. I never knew about Jblearning until i came on this site. So thats why i asked for resources to help with exam prep. So would you recommend Jblearning navigation 2 exam prep.


Forum Ride Along
I understand what you mean I live in the caribbean and the collage i went to did not prepare us for the exam as far as the laws and regulation was quite different. I never knew about Jblearning until i came on this site. So thats why i asked for resources to help with exam prep. So would you recommend Jblearning navigation 2 exam prep.


Forum Asst. Chief
I understand what you mean I live in the caribbean and the collage i went to did not prepare us for the exam as far as the laws and regulation was quite different. I never knew about Jblearning until i came on this site. So thats why i asked for resources to help with exam prep. So would you recommend Jblearning navigation 2 exam prep.

There are pretty much only 3 reasons you may have failed the test:
1) You didn't have a good enough foundation of knowledge
2) You weren't good enough at applying your knowledge to the questions
3) Test anxiety

JB Learning is one of the most commonly recommended sources of practice questions for the NREMT. If you failed because of reason #2, then it might help you. If you failed because of #1 then you have more work to do. You could still use JB Learning as your main resource, but you'll have to do more self-teaching (looking things up and reading about them on your own after you get a question wrong).


Forum Ride Along
There are pretty much only 3 reasons you may have failed the test:
1) You didn't have a good enough foundation of knowledge
2) You weren't good enough at applying your knowledge to the questions
3) Test anxiety

JB Learning is one of the most commonly recommended sources of practice questions for the NREMT. If you failed because of reason #2, then it might help you. If you failed because of #1 then you have more work to do. You could still use JB Learning as your main resource, but you'll have to do more self-teaching (looking things up and reading about them on your own after you get a question wrong).


Forum Probie
I feel like the only way to pass the test is to be as prepared as possible. Honestly, I didn't feel like the test was that hard. I also read every chapter in the book,(some of them twice) and did pocket prep app tests daily.

I was really worried about not passing, because I had to wait a month to take the test after my class was over, and I was in the accelerated course.

Have confidence and don't second guess your answers.


Forum Ride Along
There are pretty much only 3 reasons you may have failed the test:
1) You didn't have a good enough foundation of knowledge
2) You weren't good enough at applying your knowledge to the questions
3) Test anxiety

JB Learning is one of the most commonly recommended sources of practice questions for the NREMT. If you failed because of reason #2, then it might help you. If you failed because of #1 then you have more work to do. You could still use JB Learning as your main resource, but you'll have to do more self-teaching (looking things up and reading about them on your own after you get a question wrong).
Could someone post a link to the exact JBlearning program for the NREMT basic exam? There's several and im not sure which one is the one everyone uses.


Has no idea what I'm doing.


Forum Crew Member
I don't know if this advice helps or not

I used the JBLearning and EMT Dummy sites online.

Feel majority of the questions were not what was on the NREMT test.

I feel Dummies helped you remember class subjects and JBLearning allowed you to accustom yourself to the test structure.

Say I studied for two months 4x a week and then 5x I think the last 2 weeks.

At a point their is such a limited bank of questions. Think 500 each so you kind of new the answers but I just read the feedback they gave why the answer to the question was this that helped.

Reread in the book my weak area's, respiratory.

Good luck everyone taking the exam.

Not sure if this allowed, can take this out, one big thing is refresh yourself on physiology of the body.
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Emergency Medical Texan
I bought the EMT Crash Course book
Paid for the EMT Pass premium app (the guy helped make the NREMT or something)
Paid for pocket Prep
And yet another online subscription
JBL test prep came with my course

I took it in 15-20 minutes and passed.

But I also logged 200+ hours on the course, and spent probably another hundred studying. Instead of going out, I studied. Instead of a full night's sleep. Instead of playing video games (uninstalled every single once from my phone and PC), I studied. Took myself off Facebook, discord, etc. My goal was to become an EMT, so I cut out my distractions.

I'd work my 40 and study nights and weekends since February. I really crammed that last week, too, though.

I was still nervous until I started taking the test. By question 40, I'd lost all my anxiety and forgotten I was taking a test it seemed more like a reflex, I knew the answers. Then it suddenly shut off.

Next morning, a pass.


Emergency Medical Texan
Just that you crushed it if you finished ~70 questions in 15-20 minutes! Congrats!

Oh yeah, it was over and done so fast I was just blown away. I REALLY tried to slow down and take my time.

But, yeah. I know I'm a fast test taker, but even that had me stunned.

I thought it was supposed to get harder... but it didn't. The whole thing was the same level of easy...
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Forum Ride Along
Thanks for all the advice everyone. The "letter" I'm talking about is one the website says they'll send you and the message they gave me said you'll get a letter which highlights your areas of strength and weakness.

A buddy of mine in another class said when he failed the letter shows six categories and it shows you if you were above, at, or below the "passing" percentage of that portion of the test. So I'm really interested in what it'll say aobut my performance.

Are the Brady books better studying material than Kaplan?
mine also showed the 6 categories