That is about the most arrogant statement i have ever heard, "Don't argue with me" the only one that ever got away with that statement was my loving Mother.
I'll just sum up where you are obviously coming from, "I'll just consider the source"
furthermore, the basics of CISD are to talk it out, not bottle up what one might not fully understand, and if you think that doesn't work, ,,,
Why i will pray for you.
Sorry, but you want to ignore proven medical and scientific facts. You want to debate an anecdotal feeling over proven facts, then I suggest to do so against those that studied CISD systems for years and on thousands of people. They did not come up with this idea overnight. Like anything in medicine, all treatments should be evidence based. Which means, it should be studied prior to being placed to real people, events and patients. This is why it is no longer recommended, it has been proven not to be effective for the reason it was established and again, potentially harmful. Would you endorse a medication with the same outcome?
For our system (EMS) to continue to endorse such programs that has been proven to be harmful is dangerous and shameful, especially to members of our own profession.
Post traumatic stress may not be immediately seen for years or even decades, again CISD has
not been shown to do any good to prevent such occurrences. As well, it has been shown to possibly to cause harm by not having real professionals interviewing and as well by placing "false beliefs" that it actually did good at the time.
Having professional licensed mental health counselors that are properly educated and trained in such speciality should be the goal of EMS providers. Not all people need " to vent" and open up, and in some can cause more problems, as well some need intense therapy to deal with the inner personal psyche of the event. CISD teams need to be composed of professionals educated and licensed in mental health, rather than some non-mental health care workers attending a few session in debriefing techniques. There is reason why it is no longer endorsed or recommended by disaster relief and rescue organizations world wide.
I highly recommend to read current literature and the reasons of why such continuation and practices are no longer recommended before having an attitude of non-compliance of changes.
Like in medicine, treatments change continuously and sometimes are a myth to begin with, in similarly as many still believe in the urban myth of the ..."Golden Hour"...and MAST trousers which never was proven as well.
All though proven never to work, both are hard to eliminate in the mind sets of most EMT's that refuse to adapt changes in medicine.
You may not like me, or what I write, I don't care. I don't post to be liked. Rather what I attempt to do is to educate and remove myths, ignorance (not knowing) then direct to proven and factual medical care, than anecdotal beliefs that may not be in the best interest of patient's or the EMS System.
Many EMT's do not keep up on current medical care. We are a division of medicine, which is science and therefore our treatments and procedures should be based upon that.
p.s. thanks for the prayers.. I can always use those
R/r 911