Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, your fired.


Forum Asst. Chief
This post could have been more productive had it been about you and not about the rest of us. I'll assume that it is all your opinion and the rhetorical questions are just that, not accusations.

Don't know what accusations you are now making since I did make it clear when a hospital or even the state says there will not be any information shared about patients in public be it in an elevator or on the internet they mean everyone from nursing to dietary. They do not single out just "one person" and not the rest. They mean everybody who works with patients in that state and the hospitals enforce the regulations or face penalties themselves. The patient privacy acts should apply to everyone who has patient contact and not just singling out one group. So get over being offended unless you can show me where EMS is exempt and not part of a health care profession which does patient care. Yes I do know there are several examples where it is very lax when it comes to EMTs and Paramedics describing patient injuries after a dramatic rescue to the news media so maybe there is an exemption there. I have not seen a nurse come out of the ER after a newsworthy patient has arrived to give an interview to the press. Doctors and hospital reps come out only after consultation with family and the hospital attorneys.

That said (harrumph), I basically agree with you. Although some cases have been made for exceptionally repulsive stuff being an amendment right, being unprofessional or presenting matter which injures the company /agency or its clients and employees can rightly get you fired and make it darn hard to get hired elsewhere. It could even lead to loss of license or certificate (doesn't yours have a clause about "moral turpitude"?).

And public employees....double that. Some states, if you are their employee you can lose your retirement investment (you get the principle back, you lose all accrued interest) for ANY felony. Gotta not only be sharp, but look sharp, too.

Now, party photos and etc., as long as they don't create a workplace issue, ought to be protected, I think. And if the workplace issue is due to someone else being upset about it, some counseling for both of you seems in order. Starting with "Grow Up".;)

The things mentioned should be communicated to the employees by the company. They should also post state updates and not just the "HIPAA" stuff which really does not apply in most of the situations mentioned. If your employer doesn't tell you, you should ask for written clarification. All companies should have policies now of some type. There have been enough examples of employees doing things which defy commonsense and good judgment for even the most clueless employers to get a clue. The same for employees.

I don't know of anyone who has gotten in trouble for party photos as long as they did not show drinking and having sex in uniform or in the workplace. Unfortunately there have been examples of that already which again defies commonsense to post something for the public to see which you know violates rules even without the social media aspect. It reminds me of the show "Dumbest Criminals" who videotape themselves doing the crime or the kids who vandalize, rape or beat up other kids just to post on YouTube.

The take home message is to find out what your state has to say about patient privacy and confidentiality. Your company should already have incorporated this into your policies. If they haven't, that still does not mean it does not apply if you are involved in patient care unless you can find an exemption specifically for EMS providers. Is there one for Public Safety? What about the prisoners you take care of? As far as I know we still have to follow patient privacy regulations when they are hospital patients. Is that not the same in the prison patient care setting or is that one of the rights they lose?

As for as non patient care photos and comments, you need to read your companies policies and open up the lines of communication with your employer.

The 1st Amendment has limitations. Freedom of Speech is not as broad or protected as some might think. Even back then the founders saw problems coming. Like HIPAA, it might be good for some to look up the 1st Amendment and read the original as well as the case law to see how it is interpreted. Interpretation can change but there are some consistent fundamentals. Freedom of Speech does not give you the right ignore other laws involving hate and malicious intent to do harm with words. Even unions have had to come to grip with their speeches and practices.

However, I would like to know if anyone can come up with an exemption for EMS or Public Safety when it comes to Patient Privacy as mandated by their state.


Forum Asst. Chief
Premium Member
From the link:

On Wednesday, a Facebook user identifying himself as FDNY EMT Anthony Palmigiano posted a snapshot of a man with a gaping neck wound on a Facebook group page called EMT/Paramedic, calling it a “table saw injury.”.......When confronted yesterday, Palmigiano claimed “someone hacked into my account and posted this. It’s absurd.”

Yea, I'm sure that's exactly what happened...



Forum Lieutenant
amazing the amount of "hacked" accounts are reported when people are busted for something.:rolleyes:


Community Leader Emeritus
Considering what can happen when someone leaves their computer/phone unattended I wouldn't be surprised if a certain % of these are from "hacked" accounts.


PS: as with tattoos, ever see a fire chief, or senator, whose career survives outrageous posting of material? Yeah, nor I. Word to the wise, unless you want to be frozen in your career ladder as a juvenile, ditch the t shirt with your naked GF on it and stop with the pouting onesies on Facebook.

Not sure what tattoos have to do with anything, as I've seen lots of succesful people with them including doctors and other highly regarded positions. But lets not get off subject.

I believe there is a place for ems in social media but common sense is required. Pages like Prehospital 12 lead ecg and Tac-Med LLC. are phenomenal education pages. Unfortunately many in ems lack the common sense to use social media properly. Perhaps this is due to the fact there is basically no requirements one needs to meet before entering an emt class.

I'm not sure how anyone can think its acceptable to post negative things about patients, pictures from scenes, or anything to the public that places your employer in a negative light.

This isn't limited to ems though. A lot of people in many professions have made these mistakes. I think its best to just post less, I know I've come to like many of my facebook "friends" less after reading their thoughts and what they have to say.
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Forum Asst. Chief
Not sure what tattoos have to do with anything, as I've seen lots of succesful people with them including doctors and other highly regarded positions. But lets not get off subject.

I believe there is a place for ems in social media but common sense is required. Pages like Prehospital 12 lead ecg and Tac-Med LLC. are phenomenal education pages. Unfortunately many in ems lack the common sense to use social media properly. Perhaps this is due to the fact there is basically no requirements one needs to meet before entering an emt class.

I'm not sure how anyone can think its acceptable to post negative things about patients, pictures from scenes, or anything to the public that places your employer in a negative light.

This isn't limited to ems though. A lot of people in many professions have made these mistakes. I think its best to just post less, I know I've come to like many of my facebook "friends" less after reading their thoughts and what they have to say.

A lot are educational, but others claim to educate in order to post pictures of gruesome trauma. I mean, how much of that do we see, and how hard is trauma to treat compared to complex medical issues?


With all the horrific events and patients which have been taken to the hospitals, how many times have you seen any details about the patients on the nursing forums?

I read allnurses.com when I need a good laugh. It's like a forum for high school kids. Just about the only place worse is the pre-allo and pre-osteo forums on SDN... but at least those two subforums aren't directed towards people who are licensed health care providers.


Considering what can happen when someone leaves their computer/phone unattended I wouldn't be surprised if a certain % of these are from "hacked" accounts.

...but I have very little sympathy with people who get "hacked" that way. Same thing with politicians use "What high school did you graduate from? as a security question for their email account.


A lot are educational, but others claim to educate in order to post pictures of gruesome trauma. I mean, how much of that do we see, and how hard is trauma to treat compared to complex medical issues?

Guess I havnt run into these, but agreed it's inappropriate. I have seen some individuals share pictures from some ems pages that post other types of inappropriate pictures and memes that I feel portrays ems in a bad light. Would link examples but im on my phone at work.


Community Leader Emeritus
...but I have very little sympathy with people who get "hacked" that way. Same thing with politicians use "What high school did you graduate from? as a security question for their email account.

Oh, I don't have much sympathy either. But it does happen all the time.

I really dislike websites that don't let you write your own security question. A lot of the time the ones they pick for you don't apply to me, or have absurdly easy to guess answers.


Still crazy but elsewhere
Aidey , my bro in law the computer expert told me a secret.

When they ask you for the name of your first cat, say "Green".
Elementary school? "3.1416"
First car? "Cocoanut". Or "H45S58TVtsrq"
But be danged sure you write it down!!!


Forum Asst. Chief
Premium Member
I spent a couple years modding on a military board.. It was remarkable how many members claimed hacked accounts as soon as an infraction or virtual hand-slapping was handed out when there was a TOS violation...

Mmm hmmm..


Forum Moron
Just notice this, but the title should be "you're."


Just notice this, but the title should be "you're."

Yes, thank you for that. Writing on an online forum while in a lecture on metaphysics often distracts me.


Still crazy but elsewhere
Even if legal online material is not actionable per se, it can flavor (or taint) your relations with others. Do you want that picture of you holding crossed AK-47's in the back yard in the back your boss's mind when there is a dispute involving you on his or her desk? Or when you meet your date's folks?

The part which chaffs me is that anyone with a cellphone can take your picture or video, post it without context or with slurs, and it goes everywhere. If it is tagged with your name....bullseye.

The lesson is, when you don't want to spend your life wondering if someone saw you passed out or wearing a sumo suit online, don't do it. Period. Google yourself frequently and put people who post stuff about you straight, and if its injurious, try to tell the ISP (or so I've been told).


Forum Crew Member
I have afcebook, been on the local volunteer fire department for 5 years, riding on the local ambulance for the past year. Never had any trouble. Some times I have wondered if I crossed the line...but then I play through my head, did I anywhere violate HIPAA in that comment or post? Did I say anything that could have been too revealing if it could be a crime scene? Did I say something that could offend anyone? if not... I leave it, if yes, I delete it. no pictures, no names, no nothing not needed.


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
question: outside of pubic safety, are there any jobs that you can be fired because you post unpopular comments?

what about DPW or the local garbage man? Can a postal employee who is a skinhead be let go for what they post on FB?

What about a reporter? if he or she takes a picture of a severed corpse, and posts it on facebook, can they be fired?

hypothetically speaking, if I was a racist :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:, who attended KKK meetings, could I be terminated from my job due to my affiliations? It doesn't affect my job, I'm just a racist :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:, but I still treat everyone equally and they all receive the same quality of patient care.

what if I don't post that I work for FDNY EMS, but I do post racist things. can I still be fired? nowhere on FB is the FDNY logo, but someone sees me on a call, and Googles my name after seeing it on my shirt, and finds my profile, than what?

what if you don't take the photo, you are just in it? 4 FFs standing around the unconscious person, are they being disciplined, or just the guy who took the photo? what if you are tagged in the photo?

As mycroft said, can I post a picture holding a AK-47 in each of my hands? What about holding a black water pistol up against my idiot brother's head? Can I post a picture with a swastika in the background (which has a huge positive history before the nazis tainted it)? Can I, and over 21 individual, post a picture holding a beer at a post work social event, or can I be disciplined for it?

Personally, i think this will continue to go on until the US Supreme Court takes a case that decides on whether or not free speech applies to social media. After all, regardless of the medium, you still have first amendment rights, as long as they don't endanger others.


Forum Captain
Delta Air Lines fired a flight attendant several years back for "inappropriate" pictures she posted on her personal blog.

She had taken pictures of herself in uniform, on company property (aircraft), in rather "risqué" poses (no nudity, but definitely suggestive). Airline management saw, did not like the image she was presenting, particularly since the pictures were taken in company uniform on company property, and fired her.

She fought the termination in court, lost, and has lost every appeal. Delta is based in Atlanta, Georgia, at "at will employment" state, and Delta flight attendants are not union-represented. She had no leg to stand on, the company was free to fire her for posting inappropriate pictures on a blog.

Yes, this does happen in other industries.

Before posting something online, remember that once you click "send/post" it is OUT THERE. Even if you go back later and remove it, it's still been out there for someone else to save to their computer or get Google cached.

If there is even ONE PERSON in the world who shouldn't see what you're about to post.. don't post it. Period. Think before posting.