Evaluating a Volly Service


Forum Lieutenant
Ok..so I am in the process of finding a Volly service to be a part of. There is a firehouse no more than 5 mins from my house that I figured would be perfect for me. So last year I submitted paperwork to become part of it...at that time the person I was talking to said they were not taking any new people because their deputy cheif was just indicted on fraud and the whole firehouse was under investigation and changes had to be put in place...ok..sucks but I understand..I guess.

Fast forward 9 months...I see on their website they are taking volunteers again...GREAT!!!

So I called the firehouse asking if they still had my application...took a few days to get back to me, but the final answer was 'no'. No biggie...got another one...copied all my certs..dropped it off. They LT said that I could be getting a call in a day or two for an interview...a week goes by and I call to check on my application status. The person I talked to said to come down to the station tonight..there is training, so come early. Awesome..I did that. Got there and the LT said that whoever told me that was wrong and that I have to meet with the committee and that I will hear from them in a day or two. Another week goes by...hearing nothing..I call them..left a message..no reply..called again..left message no reply..called again..the Captain called me back said that I had an interview in a few days...FINALLY (it was suppose to be yesterday). I called yesterday to confirm...left a message. Got a call back saying that they had to postpone it until this coming Tuesday at 6..before the monthly meeting.

Question...is this normal? Does this seem a bit unorganized to anyone else? Should I find another firehouse??

There are 2 other firehouses within 15 mins of my house that are volunteer...should I just look at them??

I need input from people who have been through this process please


Forum Lieutenant
Not really the same situation, but I have some general information...

Recently I decided to get back into EMS, and under a sense of urgency I applied to about 4 local companies, and 25 other companies within a decent commute.

If a company wasn't hiring I heard from them within a couple days and that was that. Aside from that, the companies that I went through the hiring process for were very exact and punctual. If they told me they would call, they would call. If they said be here for something, there were ready and waiting.

Can't lump companies into one category, but I'd say constant confusion, and being told different things isn't very professional or the normal. Being in public service, it's just that... public. Most companies volly or paid have an image to uphold in the community. If they can't keep simple things organized, I'd have to question the service they provide in general.


Forum Deputy Chief
Parts of what you're dealing with are normal -- administrative inefficiency, for example -- but overall, it sounds pretty extreme. Maybe it's just not meant to be. Why not investigate those other options you mentioned.


Site Administrator
Community Leader
Personally, I would attempt to contact one of the other neighboring stations.

Oh, and don't do any bad mouthing of the station mentioned above. You never know when you're going to have to work along side them.


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
remember a couple things about volunteer services:
1) most have monthly meetings, and a lot of their administrative stuff is done at that monthly meething.

2) they don't have full time secretaries. playing telephone tag is common, since they will call from the office, you will call back and get an answering machine, and they will call you back. it takes a while, be patient.

3) the whole fraud investigation is a red flag. but don't let one bad apple spoil everything else, because if the investigation finds only the deputy committed the crime, don't group everyone else in with the criminal.

4) whenever you speak to someone, whether it be at a volunteer service or paid one, GET A NAME. everyone knows everything, and is often just trying to help. if you speak to someone get a name. try to only speak to a supervisor/officer, until you have the meeting, and get in. This way, in theory, you have a person who knows what is going on.

lastly, I was considering joining my local volly EMS service. it's about a mile from my house. I made an appointment with the appropriate person, for 3pm on a sunday (since I work nights, a night meeting was out). at 3:30pm, no call, no one showed up, and I said I won't be coming back anytime soon, because standing up a new (experienced at my FT job) applicant, is grossly unprofessional. At least you got a phone call before you showed up and were stood up.

As long as they are still communicating with you if there are any problems, accept them as the nature of the beast.


Forum Lieutenant
Maybe they don't want you?? THEY evaluated YOU??


Forum Crew Member
I'm not in EMS yet, but I volunteer with other organizations and the type of issues you're seeing are pretty typical because they are not being paid and have other stuff going on that probably takes priority. Although I think what you've experienced is a bit extreme. I'd give it another shot and if you continue to get the runaround, try another service and see what happens.


Forum Lieutenant
@ Traprmike

I thought about that too and came too 2 conclusions:

1. Are they THAT unprofessional that they would much rather string someone along as opposed to saying 'thanks but, no thanks'? When you apply for a job and you don't get it, usually when you call to inquire, you get told that.

And 2. What did they evaluate me on....my hand writing on the application? My choice in summer footware when I dropped it off? My handshake grip? My point is that they haven't had a chance to evaluate anything. Now in my FT career when we have an opening, we get a lot of resumes/CV's and I am huge on 'if it doesn't stand out, it get's tossed' but I don't think I have even had a chance to make a first impression.


Forum Lieutenant
Question for everyone

Again, I am new at this....if you cannot respond as an 'on call' FF/EMT, do Volly services allow you too have duty time in the house?

The other houses are just to far away to respond to a page (1 house is 10 mins, the other is 15) so can I just put in 4 hours on any given night to hang around the house and see what happens?


Forum Deputy Chief
I am going to immagine they run the local volunteer Ambulance as well so here is a good list of questions and things to look for:

- What sort of clinical support do they have? Are people left to rot and have thier skills burnout or is there a regular continuing education and clinical support program?

- If there is regular CCE who teaches it? What are his qualifications? If there is clinical support, who are the CSOs?

- How involved is the Medical Director? Is he just a signature on Guidelines or does he get involved in active participation with his clinical people?

- What sort of clinical audit process is in place? Is it just for avoiding lawsuits or is there some sort of active feedback cycle between the hospital, medical director and volunteers?

- Look for neat, clean and tidy vehicles with equipment properly stocked and ready for use.

- What sort of presentation is the station in? If it's dirty and got old crap piling up that's probably not a good sign.

- How are the other people there; are they friendly and nice and encouraging or old stallworts who are only interested in maintaining the "boys club"

Hope that helps


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
1. Are they THAT unprofessional that they would much rather string someone along as opposed to saying 'thanks but, no thanks'? When you apply for a job and you don't get it, usually when you call to inquire, you get told that.
really? Back when I applied for jobs after I graduated college, I applied to probably over 100 jobs. I heard back from maybe 10%. In fact, they said right on the online submission "we have many submissions for every position, you will be contacted if we want you, please do not call us for status's, as we will not notify you if you are not selected for a position." I wouldn't call that unprofessional, I would call that dealing with any type of bureaucracy.
And 2. What did they evaluate me on....my hand writing on the application? My choice in summer footware when I dropped it off? My handshake grip? My point is that they haven't had a chance to evaluate anything. Now in my FT career when we have an opening, we get a lot of resumes/CV's and I am huge on 'if it doesn't stand out, it get's tossed' but I don't think I have even had a chance to make a first impression.
you would be surprised. for your first meeting, were you wearing long pants or shorts? a clean shirt? shoes or flip flops? were you clean shaven? did you appear enthusiastic? willing to learn? was your hand writing neat? it is important when it comes to documentation. I don't know, I don't care, but don't think just because it's a podunk volunteer organization they aren't sizing you up to see if you are a good fit.
Question for everyone

Again, I am new at this....if you cannot respond as an 'on call' FF/EMT, do Volly services allow you too have duty time in the house?

The other houses are just to far away to respond to a page (1 house is 10 mins, the other is 15) so can I just put in 4 hours on any given night to hang around the house and see what happens?
it depends on the agency. some will allow it, some won't. it is all agency specific.

I will say, spending 4 hrs every night at the FD week after week gets old, esp if you don't get any calls and aren't doing anything. if the call volume is only 300 a year, it will get old really quick. if the call volume is close to 2000, then it might be a better deal. but it all depends on your individual agency.


Forum Lieutenant

I know what you mean about applying for jobs and the employers not hiring. What I meant about unprofessional was the fact that they had a fraud issue in the department (it was all over the news), one guy told me to come to the firehouse for an appointment and when I got there they were not prepared and told me to come back after they contacted me, had an interview scheduled and when I called to confirm they changed it to another days. That is what I meant....


Forum Lieutenant
So I had the interview scheduled again for tonight (3rd time) and I get to the house and they forgot to call me to inform me it was cancelled.....again. Again I ask....should I be weary of this particular department?

I did go to a different house tonight and dropped off application materials...gotta keep the options open.


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
So I had the interview scheduled again for tonight (3rd time) and I get to the house and they forgot to call me to inform me it was cancelled.....again. Again I ask....should I be weary of this particular department?
seriously? I'd go elsewhere. you have given them a second chance, and now they canceled the meeting and neglected to tell you? look elsewhere.

If your heart is in this particular department, because they are the closest and your respond to calls from home, than I would stick with it, since that is the easiest FOR YOU. if other departments are busier, maybe a little farther away but they do standby shifts and always respond from the firehouse, then I would look elsewhere.

Your call, let us know what you eventually decide.


Forum Probie

my volly service doesn't do enough calls for me should I try to volly somewhere there is more action?

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The fire extinguisher is not just for show

my volly service doesn't do enough calls for me should I try to volly somewhere there is more action?

honest answer? NYC is the busiest EMS system in the country. It has the highest call volume. It also has something like 300+ ambulances (might be close to 500, I don't remember the exact numbers), which means in a typical (paid) 8 hour shift, you might do between 2 and 5 calls. NYC is def not the busiest "calls per ambulance" system.

if you want to volly, look at NJ or LI. lots of EMS agencies looking for people, and many are busier than an NYC unit. and almost all are part of the 911 system, and the busier ones don't have any residency requirements and ride from a station. or you can try to get a per diem EMS job somewhere


Forum Lieutenant
Well I finally go on with a vollie FD in my area. After a month of waiting to get interviewed, I was allowed to submit my application for members to vote me in next month..but I can go on runs and was issued turn out gear.

I will offer a word of advice to people looking at vollie services...dress professionally with the interview. I was 1 of 4 people interviewed..spoke clearly and asked questions. I was the only one they accepted and the other 3 were denied 'employment'. Take it seriously. I did not dress in a suit..golf shirt and dress slacks. People judge you when you enter their firehouse because potentially their lives could be in your hands someday.