BLS Recruiting


Forum Deputy Chief
It says we need to seriously clean house, especially in New England where there is still the belief that this substandard level of care is remotely acceptable. I am so tired of hearing about tradition and that "we were the first blah blah blah". This is a prime reason why this industry has gone no where in 40 years. Lets move on, there is really no point continueing this debate as the OP's limited vision will only see how great his system is despite other professionals knowing that is a complete liability and joke to the industry.

Now to think of a subject so raw that we can get all of the CL's involved in one thread. Hmmmmmm..........................................................................................

hey now, we're far from the worst ems crews in the country. there are still towns out there using a first aid squad as the primary ems agency that might be able to get medics from three counties away if they arent too drunk.

we may not be riding right at the cutting edge, but it can get(and is) much worse.....
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It means that we aren't expecting enough out of EMT-Basics. Yes, many of the "skills" that EMT-Bs hold so near and dear to their hearts are taught to boy scouts.
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Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Now to think of a subject so raw that we can get all of the CL's involved in one thread. Hmmmmmm..........................................................................................

We have a whole forum devoted to that...we just don't share it. :p


Forum Deputy Chief
hey now, we're far from the worst ems crews in the country. there are still towns out there using a first aid squad as the primary ems agency that might be able to get medics from three counties away if they arent too drunk.

we may not be riding right at the cutting edge, but it can get(and is) much worse.....

I was really torn on how to make that statement. I hated to group all of New England together, but specifically stating that New York and New Jersey are the root cause of bass ackwards EMS may have offended some...........................(D@mn, did it again!)


EMS Guru
One has noticed I have stayed out of this mess. I personally believe EMS in most of the areas discussed is their form of population control. They deserve what they get if they want to continue this type of care. I would believe placing EMS back into the funeral home would be better. At least embalmers and those with funeral science have detailed anatomy training but again; one could not see the jump suits and clown mentality.

What upsets me the most is the public places their trust into organizations to provide the best care possible. The public is being lied to and misinformed that what they receive is quality care and the best is being delivered when in reality those that do this know they are lying to them. Yet, their self egos supersede the desire of doing what is right. Yup, true heroes...just ask them.

Sorry, patients do not know when ALS (Paramedics) is needed or not. It does not matter if it is a college student, grandma or the bum on the street if there was an call for an EMS unit, then a Paramedic should be the one to evaluate the patient. PERIOD. Sorry, your week-end first aid classes does not nor it should it ever be considered to be enough to give the authority or presumption of knowledge, you know when a Paramedic is needed or not. Again, those speaking and making determination for others when they are not qualified or should be allowed too. Shame no hungry attorneys have not explored this area yet...

The excuses (and that is what it is) of no one or we would have to do without, is finally running out as the volume increases and volunteerism is dying (thank God!).
I do wish those areas would come up to the 20th century mark in providing EMS. Shameful that a television show over 30 years old demonstrates prehospital care more advanced than that provided in a lot of U.S. communities.

EMS in many areas of U.S. is not even a joke, it is just dangerous. Unfortunately, we attempt to blame the citizens but in reality it is those involved that are to blame.



Forum Deputy Chief
I was really torn on how to make that statement. I hated to group all of New England together, but specifically stating that New York and New Jersey are the root cause of bass ackwards EMS may have offended some...........................(D@mn, did it again!)

im ok with that.