Are You Prepared or Just a Wacker?

Just remember, That glass of water you had this morning is going to give you cancer too!

I never said I agreed with bunker gear in a POV. I was saying that everything will cause cancer. You can not hide from it!
Cancer? What can't dihydrogen monoxide due?
You know what the single biggest cause of cancer is?

LIVING. You dont like it, QUIT! :P

And I'm sorry, but don't FF's weare that gear to protect themselves (in part) when running into BURNING BUILDUINGS! And cancer is the biggest concern you have when it comes to dying?
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DHMO does a lot more then cause cancer. See
I only carry gloves...for deer hunting. haha

I like having my license in my wallet, dont need to make my truck an ambulance too.
Stuff in my car - (I actually just cleaned it out yesterday, so the list is shorter, now)

1. Fire Extinguisher
2. Pocket Mask (in my purse - I haven't taken it out since my EMT-B course was over. We had to have them to do our mouth-to-mask skill drills) And sorry, unless I really like you no way are you getting anything other than compressions if I'm off duty.
3. Equine First Aid kit
4. Bunker gear and helmet - I'm still going through recruit academy, and don't have my own peg to hang up my duds on yet. :( (But it's in the trunk, so hopefully I won't sprout another head in the next few months.)
Yeah, I have two fire extinguishers in my car, so I guess that makes me a fire whacker.

I have a pair of trauma shears for cutting myself out of my own seatbelt in an emergency (had a bad experience with that once), nitrile gloves for checking my oil and pumping gas with, and a blanket for napping at rest stops on long road trips. I suppose that all three of those can serve double duty in an emergency, but that would require me to actually stop at an accident, which isn't at all likely to happen.

Other than that, not even a Band-Aid, unless you count the ibuprofen.
Not to get off topic, but what is in an Equine First Aid Kit?

Equine = Horses. Not sure what might be special in there specifically for horses as I'm not really a horse person....
Equine = Horses. Not sure what might be special in there specifically for horses as I'm not really a horse person....

I knew what equine meant, my family had horses for many years. I was just wondering what someone who is not a vet (as far as we know) would carry for horses. I probably should have worded my question a little better.
I knew what equine meant, my family had horses for many years. I was just wondering what someone who is not a vet (as far as we know) would carry for horses. I probably should have worded my question a little better.

Ah, My bad...
Maybe a wacker?

I carry a small jump bag in my car, BVM, dressings, airways, and BP Cuff/Scope. It's about a foot by a foot by a foot so it doesn't take up room. I'm used to rural WA too though (the peninsula), where the volunteers are given green dash lights and required to wear pagers at all times. That includes keeping all your kit in the your car because you respond from home/work when your tones drop.

I live in LA now, but I've had to use that bag four different times, and my fiancee has an autoimmune disorder which has given her several cases of severe SOB requiring a 911 response, so I mainly keep it for that.
Equine = Horses. Not sure what might be special in there specifically for horses as I'm not really a horse person....

An epic rectal thermometer.

If I come across anyone with severe hypothermia they are in trouble. :p

But seriously, It's just larger dressings, and a few horse-specific items like a twitch. Oh, and suturing material. (Not that I would use it on a human, it's made for horse hide) I live out in the boonies, so if I am ever in an accident, I want to have enough dressings and stuff on hand to deal with it.
I knew what equine meant, my family had horses for many years. I was just wondering what someone who is not a vet (as far as we know) would carry for horses. I probably should have worded my question a little better.

No, not a vet. It's the kit we kept in the trailer for road emergencies. Had some bute, large animal stethoscope, etc. Like I said, I keep it in the car for the dressings and Quickstop powder. (I bleed like a stuck pig.)
I've got a small bag full of just a few basic things (this is my personal bag)

pocket mask
vinyl gloves
gauze pads
bp cuff w/ stethoscope
tape (dressing/duct/and electrical)
81mg chew aspirin and po glucose

as for the disaster bag issued by our county MRC

hepa masks (lots of them)
mylar blanket
anoher BP and stethoscope
2 first aid kits
reflective vests
START triage tags - and colored tape
Pocket knife
and more random junk that wont really serve a purpose

I do carry my power tools though for both SAR or off roading with friends
Dewalt cordless drill and sawzall!!!

you can never ever go wrong with a sawzall.!! it's helped me more times than not
You made me look into my car

Spare glasses and charger for my LAST cell phone and one for the current one...2 horse 1950's electric motor for my lathe...oh, yeah, my CERT bag, a used "B4" bag with two man tent, tarp, stakes and mummy bag (all used/xclnt condit totalling under $50), two three liter bottles full of factory water, six flares, one reflective triangle, jumper cables, and often my jump bag for work (very similar to BossyCow's).
Oh, and about forty empty deposit cans and bottles in case I need ready cash.
I keep a small first aid kit in the glove box, tow strap and jumper cables in a bag, and tools to do emergency repairs.