Anybody taken P-FCCS before?


The New Beach Medic
I'm thinking about taking one of these classes. I've never heard of it before, but it is being offered to me. Is it worth my time?


I know a guy who knows a guy.
A free class is certainly better than one you need to pay for.
In reading the description, it looks like another pedi critical care class. Nothing earth shaking, and not well known enough that I knew the acronym right off the bat.

why not take it? I usually get something of value from every class I take,even if the lesson is “this was a waste of time”


The New Beach Medic
I live in California, but mostly work in Kansas. The class is in Kansas and is covered, but they won't cover my travel, hotel, gas, etc. like they usually do for work. They have several classes. In the middle of one of my two weeks on, I can try to giveaway days or use paid time off to go to the class. I could try picking up shifts before or after the class so they'd pay for the travel for those shifts and I just happen to be taking the classes around the same time. I just started the travel thing like two months ago, but I already have enough points with Southwest to cover one flight there or back, but not enough points for both legs. So the class itself is free, but it's kind of not. I can see my schedule until June. They have classes in September and November so I can maybe wait and see if my schedule would work better those months. At the moment, my schedule doesn't quite work with it without me making some effort to trade, giveaway, use paid time off, pickup shifts, or use airline points and pay partially for it.


Forum Troll
AMC required us to take that course back in 2020 however it was the online version.

It wasn’t groundbreaking by any means but was a good review.


The New Beach Medic
I'll probably wait to see my September or November schedule and see if it works better with those.

Carlos Danger

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
I never took the pediatric version of FCCS, but I took the regular (non-ped) version a couple times. The courses are all about the first 24 hours of care of a critically ill patient by non-intensivist clinicians. Think about a really sick patient being taken care of in an ED or regular hospital floor who for some reason has to wait hours until transfer, a scenario which became much more common in the past couple of years. The info is relatively basic critical care stuff, but it's presented very well and logically and the SCCM does a good job of integrative the most recent evidence and practice updates into the curriculum. All the SCCM instructors I've interacted with have been excellent.

Personally, I would definitely take either class (FCCS or PCCS) if they were convenient, but I probably would not travel far or spend much money to do so.


The New Beach Medic
I never took the pediatric version of FCCS, but I took the regular (non-ped) version a couple times. The courses are all about the first 24 hours of care of a critically ill patient by non-intensivist clinicians. Think about a really sick patient being taken care of in an ED or regular hospital floor who for some reason has to wait hours until transfer, a scenario which became much more common in the past couple of years. The info is relatively basic critical care stuff, but it's presented very well and logically and the SCCM does a good job of integrative the most recent evidence and practice updates into the curriculum. All the SCCM instructors I've interacted with have been excellent.

Personally, I would definitely take either class (FCCS or PCCS) if they were convenient, but I probably would not travel far or spend much money to do so.
It seemed interesting and I feel like I need to do more CEs than usual because I am a newly certfied FP-C and CCP-C. I am thinking it is a matter of just waiting to see if the timing is better for me in September or November or just seeing if I can pickup a shift where travel will be covered.