9/11 Conspiracy.. Must Watch!


Forum Asst. Chief
With the five year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks passing, hopefully everyone has had plenty of time to collect themselves over the years since that day to formulate their own view and opinion of our governments actions. We have been lied to and as a result, many of our soldiers have paid the ultimate price in Iraq and Afganistan for the lies sold to and bought by the American people.

Dont believe everything you hear on the news or from our government officials. Anyone ever involved in politics knows politicians have their own agenda outside of doing whatz right and best for their constituents.

Questions need to be asked and for what its worth, a new investigation of all events surrounding 9/11. This video offers some very compelling evidence of a conspiracy by our government to inflict a long-term change in the thinking of all Americans as to attract support by this country for the inititive and agenda of our government. Without this new mindset and change in life since 9/11, our government would have had a very hard time selling its agenda to us. But they use 9/11 to play on our emotions as their stepping stone.

Watch and decide for yourself....

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Forum Lieutenant
I swore I wouldn't flame anyone on this site but you are worthy.

This website pisses me off and so do you for promoting it. If you think your government is such liars why don't move on and move out.


Forum Lieutenant
You disgust me. Get this off of this website. To think that you dared post that LooseChange on here still blows me away.

Yes, one needs to keep a global and wide perspective, but what you posted just there is utter fabrication and paranoia.

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Site Administrator
Community Leader
This topic can be very sensitive to some of our members. All I ask is that those who reply be careful of other's feelings.



Forum Captain

As carlos Mencia would say "Dee Dee Dee" I have heard of some ridiculous things but if you havent noted the disclaimer at the beginning the creators firefighters ect dont support the views expressed...

this being said let me add to it from a Military Houshold that my Better half was HIGHLY pissed whn he watched a portion of that, the men that give their lives give their lives freely so some paranoid A**hole can spew BS because he was possibly rejected from the Military.. I dont support nor condone supporting that video, those that enlist know the risks and choose too to protect freedom of speech...

Now as for 9-11 I was one of the National Guardsmen there pulling bodies out and using canine to track survivors..and until YOU have seen it from a firsthand glance like Im sure others on this site Have I suggest you shut it and not post anymore crap like that again.....

do you not take into consideration the people or families that suffered and that have an aniiversary they DONT want to look up too? do you not think someone on here that lived it is not going to see that and go haywire? do you not think that SOME of us had to go to thrapy to clear the images from our minds and still have nightmares about people they couldnt save????

My Mother ventures this site quite often and God rest her when she sees that video and God Help you if she decides to say something I hope you can sleep easy knowing your supporting a claim that shouldnt be or shouldnt have been brought on this site

Some of us still havent collected ourselves and still have nightmares thanks for the reminder I wont sleep tonight..Pleasant dreams @$$hole....
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Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
I swore I wouldn't flame anyone on this site but you are worthy.

Regardless of what you think of another's opinion, flaming someone here will only get you into trouble.

You disgust me. Get this off of this website.

While you and I don't agree with ResTech's viewpoint on this, he does have the right to express them within the forum guidelines. It is not your responsibility to determine what is appropriate here, because that is the function of our Community Leaders. Telling someone to leave here because you don't agree with them falls into this category.

This topic can be very sensitive to some of our members. All I ask is that those who reply be careful of other's feelings.


Yes, we are. I almost deleted this thread but decided not to because I felt that our members could discuss this in a reasonable and intelligent manner, being respectful of everyone here. If that is the case, the thread will be left open.

However, as anyone that's been around here for any length of time knows, the Community Leaders have ZERO TOLERANCE for personal attacks or flaming, and will take immediate and aggressive action to stop it. Keep it clean. Keep it civil. Keep it respectful.


Forum Lieutenant
Apologies for the first post, it was made in anger and was out of line, that I will acknowledge.

This thread itself reeks of disrespect. Disrespect for those who lost their lives that day as well as those who have paid the ultimate price overseas to keep an event like this from happening again. I share many close friends within the military community and public service and the statements made in these types of videos make my blood boil as I'm sure they do for many of you.

"Dissent is what created this country" though a true statement has it's LIMITS.
There are many going around with their horns blaring about conspiracy who are simply being uneducated sheep for some far left movement.
I am a liberal/moderate, I share much skepticism regarding our foreign policy, especially the foreign policy which the united states has had towards the middle east over the last 30 years or so. That being said, I know the LIMITS which Restech clearly has lost of notion of.
The Loose Change Video has a simple tactic, which is to take advantage of many people's doubts surrounding the Iraq war and carrying them over to a terrorist attack carried out independantly. Using "Quote Mining" and irrelevant sources to try to build some sort of case which many welcome to take as fact. The reason for the popularity of this movie and why you're so convinced Restech is the simply fact that people become so biased to one side that your index of suspicion is WAY off balance.
One needs to have a wider, global picture in order to make any valid statements regarding the events which have unfurled in the last 5 years. Educated yourself and instead of telling US to rethink how we see our our government, how about you RETHINK how you handle information given to you. Right now you're sucking up conspiracy theories harder than a thai "urban intimacy consultant".


EMS Guru
Wow.. it should had been called "loose screws", instead of loose change. So sick and tired of sophomore to grad liberal filmmakers attempting to be another Michael Moore.

I was heavily involved with FBI, CDC and many other governmental agencies for long period of time for OKC bombing. I was unfortunately was Assistant Director of State Trauma Systems Division at that time. We too heard and seen conspiracy theory and so called "plots". All from building pieces and parts of hear say and bits and parts of documents.

Still now, there are still those that make outlandish claims, that the Government purposely "caused the bombing".. now, really why?

The same as the WTC.. with all the pay out to families, victims, business loss etc.. Would it not had been more simple to give the "extra cash" to these business instead of doing such destruction. There are under the table deals and tax right offs all the time. Again, something as to be more than what was done or seen.. Shame, those with such vivid imagination does not have more of a life, and actually start using and placing that education on something worth while... Think of how many PSA' s could had been done with that film instead of this trash...

R/r 911
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Forum Captain
i'm sure that i won't be one of the people who believes what the movie has to offer, but i do like to keep up on what the other half are thinking. however, i can't seem to watch this movie. how are you guys able to see it, or have you seen it before? this link doesn't lead me to anything that lets me successfully watch it. help?


Useless without caffeine
oh man.

Google for "Screw loose change"

That entire movie has been ripped to tiny shreds. I've watched both of them, and aside from being offended by the idiot wannabe filmmaker and his arrogant, conceited attitude, I was really disappointed by his fact finding. Or, should I say, lack of facts. It's conspiracy theorist trash at its very worst.

For a group of people that want to be called "truth activists" they really are full of misinformation and lies.


Community Leader

Holy Cow.

The emotion, drama... Gee... We haven't seen this, well, ever.

Hot-button issue, anyone?

OK... I've looked at some of the websites real quickly just now... I don't know... I would want to see the movie before I say it is total BS... but it reeks of conspiracy theory.



Community Leader
I've heard some of it... like how flight 93 was shot down, etc...

Beyond Snopes.com, I trust nothing online ;)


Forum Lieutenant
(Me singing loudly)

O say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming!
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there:
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore, dimly seen thro' the mist of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep.
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream
'Tis the star-spangled banner. Oh! long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footstep's pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation,
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the Heav'n - rescued land
Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, for our cause is just,
And this be our motto--"In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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Kip Teitsort, Founder
Glenn Beck on CNN was just debunking a bunch of the conspiracy crap the other day................

I watched a special not too long ago on why some people wil fall into a conspiracy theory.............

It was on Lee Harvey Oswald. When we look at our great country, we find it so hard to believe a nobody like him could kill the most powerful man in the world.

So with that comes dounbt, then somehow we say .... it must have been a conspiracy.

9/11 has a lot of the same feelings tied to it. People are passionate about this subject. I just have a hard time believing there was a conspiracy (on the part of the USA) to do 9/11.


Forum Asst. Chief
To preface...

The reason this was posted was to spark thought and give attention to other information out there surrounding 9/11 that is different then what is engrained in our minds by the mainstream. I know nobody on here knows me personally cause if they did they would maybe understand my truely objective, curious, and fact finding nature. I am not a conformist that goes along with mainstream societal views just because it is the majority and commonly accepted thing to do. I say screw that. To each is their own and I believe in individuality to its purest form. And my view and my post here is my individuality being expressed which I know is not well accepted and that is ok. Cause if we all played follow the leader and never challanged anything our society would be so regressive.

Now to address the superheated replys....

First, I am not gonna begin to try to persuade anyones opinion on this issue as that was never my intention. Everyone has the right to believe and express their opinion as strongly as I do and I respect that. I do have to say however that I am disappointed at some of the personal attacks made but I am open enough to understand the sensitive nature and feelings ppl reside with as a reason for such post.

It is my impression that ppl are not accepting of this video because they are clouded by their own personal experience and emotions from 9/11. And I think it is ignorant to totally discredit and blow off the information contained in the video. Im in no way saying one has to totally believe or accept it, but at least analyze the information and know whats on both sides of the fence. That is the whole point to all of this.

I am totally supportive of all our troops overseas. They are doing their job as ordered and do a great and awesome job!. I am angered that they are losing their lives for a war that was fabricated on lies and false intelligence. Saddam Husein was not the great threat to the US. We been in Iraq how long now? Where are these weapons of mass destruction that we were in such imminent danger from? Yeah it sucks Saddam treated his ppl with the inhumane and cruel treatment he did but we are not the worlds police force. And if were gonna do something, we need to have FACTS, not fabrications and LIES as the basis for going to war.

The majority of support for the current war was conjured from emotions from 9/11. What would everyones view or support position be if we were presented with the prospect of going to war with Iraq pre-9/11? Not as great I know that. We have so many military resources committed in Iraq and Afganistan and we now have a real threat looming in Iran and North Korea.

Im starting to stray off the original point of my post so I should stop here. Just to clarify one more time, I do support our troops, I feel horrible for the ppl who died on 9/11 and the survivors and families of those lost. And I am not saying that I totally agree with everything in the loosechange video, although I do agree with some of it and I think our government used 9/11 to play all of us.

Take it how you want. That is one of the great things about living in the democracy that we do. All I ask is that you refrain from personal comments.


Useless without caffeine
It is my impression that ppl are not accepting of this video because they are clouded by their own personal experience and emotions from 9/11. And I think it is ignorant to totally discredit and blow off the information contained in the video.

Well, the biggest problem that I saw was that the video was totally full of crap. Factual errors, poor research, and blatant misinformation everywhere.

Thinking that the current Iraq situation is a mess is one thing. Lots of people think that it's a mess and things could be a lot different. But there's a huge difference between not agreeing with the Bush administration on the handling of Afghanistan & Iraq and putting faith in a video by some extreme left winger that was ditching high school classes to smoke pot on 9/11. Some people carry their dislike for Bush *way* too far, and this guy and his friends are definitely among those people.

The turkeys that made this movie have also backpeddled a bit. The website says "Also, take nothing we say at face value." But the problem is that people are doing just that. There's already been an investigation, but these conspiracy theorists refuse to accept the facts that were presented to them because they insist that there's some huge evil conspiracy that Bush himself came up with.

Either way, I think that this video is doing nothing but stirring up bad blood on both sides of the fence and isn't helping anything. It's probably a subject that we forum citizens should tread lightly with because it does produce heated emotions, and that's not what we're here for.

I'll shut up now. :)


Forum Captain
To preface...

The reason this was posted was to spark thought and give attention to other information out there surrounding 9/11 that is different then what is engrained in our minds by the mainstream. I know nobody on here knows me personally cause if they did they would maybe understand my truely objective, curious, and fact finding nature. I am not a conformist that goes along with mainstream societal views just because it is the majority and commonly accepted thing to do. I say screw that. To each is their own and I believe in individuality to its purest form. And my view and my post here is my individuality being expressed which I know is not well accepted and that is ok. Cause if we all played follow the leader and never challanged anything our society would be so regressive.

Now to address the superheated replys....

First, I am not gonna begin to try to persuade anyones opinion on this issue as that was never my intention. Everyone has the right to believe and express their opinion as strongly as I do and I respect that. I do have to say however that I am disappointed at some of the personal attacks made but I am open enough to understand the sensitive nature and feelings ppl reside with as a reason for such post.

It is my impression that ppl are not accepting of this video because they are clouded by their own personal experience and emotions from 9/11. And I think it is ignorant to totally discredit and blow off the information contained in the video. Im in no way saying one has to totally believe or accept it, but at least analyze the information and know whats on both sides of the fence. That is the whole point to all of this.

I am totally supportive of all our troops overseas. They are doing their job as ordered and do a great and awesome job!. I am angered that they are losing their lives for a war that was fabricated on lies and false intelligence. Saddam Husein was not the great threat to the US. We been in Iraq how long now? Where are these weapons of mass destruction that we were in such imminent danger from? Yeah it sucks Saddam treated his ppl with the inhumane and cruel treatment he did but we are not the worlds police force. And if were gonna do something, we need to have FACTS, not fabrications and LIES as the basis for going to war.

The majority of support for the current war was conjured from emotions from 9/11. What would everyones view or support position be if we were presented with the prospect of going to war with Iraq pre-9/11? Not as great I know that. We have so many military resources committed in Iraq and Afganistan and we now have a real threat looming in Iran and North Korea.

Im starting to stray off the original point of my post so I should stop here. Just to clarify one more time, I do support our troops, I feel horrible for the ppl who died on 9/11 and the survivors and families of those lost. And I am not saying that I totally agree with everything in the loosechange video, although I do agree with some of it and I think our government used 9/11 to play all of us.

Take it how you want. That is one of the great things about living in the democracy that we do. All I ask is that you refrain from personal comments.

This is all well and good... but to spark interest and give attention to OTHER thoughts surrounding... We are all well aware of the conspirortists theory as long as there has been man there has been conspiracy....but you placed it on a sight and are trying to justify you being right through statements on YOUR feelings for the war when you realized that it was a touchy subject that offended people....(Please make note this isnt a personal attack But if we are to "Discuss" I feel both sides of the fence should be heard...)

Individuality is NOT being expressed when you state your support of a consiratists theory... if you support it to an extent it isnt being an individual its still following... For example the man that stated "the sky is green" followed individuality for the fact that the guys statement meant that he wasnt supporting that someone else said the sky was blue when it could be any color...basically "Just because someone says it isnt doesnt mean its not"

My intake is that Reality is real only to the one that perceives it....everyone is entitled to their rights of opinion but bringing this video on this sight with people that have dealt with 9-11 is the same concept as hacking up a cow in India....or ating a hamburger in a Vegan resturaunt.... its somthing that you KNEW would cause crontroversy... touchy feelings...and outbursts as well as anger and dispute its like poking a rattlesnake with a stick...your GOING to get bit....

The USA plays the Big Brother ie Vietnam for example... or Korea.... but the USA has this thing with "Oh no lil Islam is in trouble lets go rescue it" why? because AMERICANS believe that every country should be a Free Country because Americans cant stand to see Human suffering or discontent.... Because Americans are proud civilization that wants others to better ... besides think about it.... when that country loses 3rd world status wouldnt you want their support???Each American that has died in the namesake of America knew it was a risk and knew it was a risk they were willing to take...

you think its ignorant to blow off the information contained in a video and you think that we are angered because of personal experiances?? Damn right I am! I was there YOU were not... Now the whole "I think" and "Information credited" oh yeah your reeeeeeeeeeally marching to a beat of a different drum arent you? Ummm no, your not you fall right in there with the lot of them...my say to you? dont always believe what you see on TV or Internet... Please tell me as a youth you didnt run around clicking your heels together with "theres no place like home".... the media tends to ruin 90percent of the going ons....anyway.....they like to twist words being said....

Loosechange as many said on here is made by some paranoid mary jane addicted youths that had nothing better to do then spnd hours with a cricle jerk and a bottle of sauve lotion and in the middle of it Im sure one guy shot himself in the eye and came up with the brainstorm "Lets make a name for ourselves"..This being stated do you know HOW easy it is to make that video appear as it did? to twist words to add words ??with the right equipment you can take noise and mimic it, you can mend words together to form sentences and you can alter images.... Enough said


Forum Asst. Chief
Ok, I can't help myself, I'm going to have to jump into this one. I love a good conspiracy theory. One of my favorite psych regulars and I have long discussions about every thing from illuminati to the bilderburg group. The loose change video takes the cake. Not even my psych pts will fall for this one. People are lazy and want other people to think for them. People, please exercise your minds a little bit. Dust off the old common sense and use it every once in a while. This is getting ridiculous.....


Forum Crew Member
Wow.. it should had been called "loose screws", instead of loose change. So sick and tired of sophomore to grad liberal filmmakers attempting to be another Michael Moore.

I was heavily involved with FBI, CDC and many other governmental agencies for long period of time for OKC bombing. I was unfortunately was Assistant Director of State Trauma Systems Division at that time. We too heard and seen conspiracy theory and so called "plots". All from building pieces and parts of hear say and bits and parts of documents.

Still now, there are still those that make outlandish claims, that the Government purposely "caused the bombing".. now, really why?

The same as the WTC.. with all the pay out to families, victims, business loss etc.. Would it not had been more simple to give the "extra cash" to these business instead of doing such destruction. There are under the table deals and tax right offs all the time. Again, something as to be more than what was done or seen.. Shame, those with such vivid imagination does not have more of a life, and actually start using and placing that education on something worth while... Think of how many PSA' s could had been done with that film instead of this trash...

R/r 911

Then you would know of tiffany bible the first paramedic on the scene at oklahoma bombing who testified under oath and in court documents that when she arrived on scene as the first unit that ATF was already dressed in bomb gear!!! 5 minutes after the call she arrived! It takes almost 30 minutes for them to put on the bomb gear! When she asked an unnamed ATF officer if any of his guys were in there she was told no we were paged not to come in in the morning! A sworn statement from Tiffany BIble!! Only one ATF officer died in the blast he didnt get the page! Many of you people are experts at what you do in the fire dept! Tell me then why the oklahoma bomb blast blew out one side of the murray fed building! Blew it out in the road!! On top of a homemade fertilizer bomb! Yea right! But you have 2 planes flieing a few hundred miles an hr in to 2 of the tallest buildings in the country and they hardly swayed! But instead pancaked down bom bom bom bom bom tell me how that happens? Watch the video with an open mind! Im being serious! Flame me if you like Ive got big broad shoulders. But I have an open mind!

My thoughts on the HEROS of the WTC! It was a very sad day and many friends, brothers sisters fathers uncles aunts moms and dads died that day!
They are truly hero's and will live forever in our minds thoughts there familys in our prayers! But something wrong happened that day! Something bad! I can go deeper into this I have studyed much about it! But I can see that most of you cant wont or maybe except reality!