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    the 100% directionless thread

    sitting at the station at midnight with nothing to do, guess I'll go to sleep.
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    How old were you?

    24, and I'm 24 now
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    the 100% directionless thread

    please tell me you were in a second story build and not a single story :P
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    the 100% directionless thread

    First day at my counties service, not a single call... yay...
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    Medical Apps for smartphones. Android Edition!

    what about Palm smartphones?
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    New NBC series "Trauma" this fall

    I say the NPA with a head trauma was the right call, anyone else?
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    Obtaining pulse.

    what, I said OR
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    Obtaining pulse.

    I just count to 6 and put a 0 behind it, so if I count 8 beats in a six second time frame there's 80 beats per min. or just stick a pulse ox on them and there ya go :P
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    Be sure not to hook this one up to a blood transfusion!

    it would be funny if they sold an "IV" straw with it. lol
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    New NBC series "Trauma" this fall

    I was laughing threw the whole show, and yea doing CPR in an MCI. I know who goes on in the back of the trucks, I'm not getting freaky with any girl back there!!
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    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    NREMT-I 90 questions in an hour and passed. took it at 8 and found out I passed at 4. hell yea I was doing back flips :)
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    New NBC series "Trauma" this fall

    same, and I wish they didnt come on at 2 and 3 in the morning
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    What do you wear to school?

    to class royal blue scrubs, on the truck we wore matching service clothes (collard navy blue shirts and khaki pants and black shoes/boots
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    Funny one liners you've said to overheard to a patient

    It would have to be a good recovery after that one. But thats awesome!
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    the 100% directionless thread

    had extracation today, it was great. got pics if anyone is interested.
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    What kinda car do you drive?

    Black 2006 Chevy Colorodo four door four wheel drive
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    Another EMS show.

    but this one might be more true. more so than the whisperer anyway.
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    Fire Department Spoof!

    that was great, I watched the other one with "the soggy biscuit boys" " man of constant turmoil" I laughed for about 10 min
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    Funny one liners you've said to overheard to a patient

    nothing to do with EMS but, when I went to see the transformers. When everyone starts gearing up I leaned over to my friend "Broken Arrow, Flaming Sword, Flush the toilet LETS GO!" maybe its one of those gotta be there kinda things but we couldnt stop laughing for 20 min.