Search results

  1. F

    PAC or PVC?

    True, but look at the ST segment and T wave. Usually with a PVC the T wave will deflect the opposite direction of the complex.
  2. F

    PAC or PVC?

    I think your partner needs to brush up on his EKG's.
  3. F

    12 Lead EKG books

    Thanks for all the input guys. I just bought Bob Page's 12-Lead ECG for Acute and Critical Care Providers. Looks like it will have all the info I'm looking for.
  4. F

    Calling death in the field

    Don't beat yourself up too much. If someone is obviously dead (decapitation, dependent lividity, rigor mortis etc.) then don't work the code. But when in doubt just work the code. You wont get in trouble for working a code that you probably shouldn't have but you sure as hell will get burned for...
  5. F

    12 Lead EKG books

    I believe that book is geared towards basic EKG rhythm recognition. I'm looking for something that deals more in depth with 12 leads.
  6. F

    12 Lead EKG books

    Anyone know of some good books for getting more in depth with 12 leads?
  7. F

    Narcan and hypotension

    sorry for the confusion. When we first got on scene I noticed some vomit on the floor and on her face, when I opened the airway there was still some in there which I suctioned (it looked to me like she may have aspirated a bit). and then put in an OPA (at this time she has no gag reflex) and...
  8. F

    Narcan and hypotension

    I'm sorry but this doesn't make sense to me. You say if she's gagging on an OPA she doesn't need to be intubated via RSI. I though that was the point of RSI, the ability to intubate someone that has a gag reflex. She is unresponsive and had vomited and aspirated a bit before we got there not to...
  9. F

    Narcan and hypotension

    After the my partner gave 2mg of narcan IM the pt. began gagging on the OPA and continued to have a gag reflex when we go to the back of the unit so the decision was made to RSI rather than attempt to just tube her and risk vomiting and aspiration. It was given initially on scene before we...
  10. F

    Narcan and hypotension

    Ran a call a few weeks ago for an overdose of oxycodone and Xanax. We arrived to find a 40 y/o/f lying on the floor unresponsive breathing about 6-8 times per min. Airway initially controlled with OPA and ventilated @ 12xmin. No radial pulse but good carotid, skin is cool, pale and diaphretic...
  11. F

    New strip

    Sometimes when you have A. Fib with RVR it can look regular but only because its so fast.
  12. F

    New strip

    Looks like Atrial Fib with RVR. Also an Anteroseptal infarct along with the reciprocal changes...
  13. F

    What Rhythm is this?

    80 y/o/m found at home sitting up in bed. Family says he got into some of his wife's cholesterol medication taking about 9-10 of them 30 mins ago. Daughter states his normal mental status is some what confused but he is a+ox3. patient denies any complaint and says he feels fine. Med Hx-...
  14. F

    Pain scale?

    Seems to me if your asking your patient how bad their pain is then obviously they must be having pain so it makes sense to use a scale of 1-10. Each time I reassess I ask if they are still having pain and if they are I ask them to rate it. I guess whatever works for you as long as your patient...
  15. F

    Determining MI with LBBB

    I dont know how true this is but I heard there is a way to determine an MI and its location in the presence of a LBBB. I believe it was called the Garboza criteria but im not sure. Has anyone else heard of this? I tried to research it but havn't had any luck finding anything.
  16. F

    Is an ET Tube Really ALS?

    I agree with you except for saying paramedics suck at intubating. Yes there are medics out there that truely do suck, but intubating in the field most of the time is difficult at best. In the back of a rescue car driving 50 mph down the road and hitting every bump possible or the 350 lb code or...
  17. F

    DKA Patient

    Call came in at around 4am for unresponsive dibatic. I had run this address 2 times before this already for a women with high blood sugar so I already have an idea whats going on. We get there to find a 35 y/o female supine on floor unresponsive. boyfriend standing next to her saying just got...
  18. F

    Sinus Tach or SVT

    No. A junctional rate of 80 would be an accelerated junctional rhythm. A junctional rate above 100 would be considered junctional tach. Tachycardia refers to rate being greater than 100 bpm and has nothing to do with inherent rate of the pacemaker site.
  19. F

    EKG Interpretation (WPW, delta waves?) 56k... meh.

    If you could find an example of A-Fib/third degree block and post it I would like to see it. I tried searching myself but couldn't find anything. I would imagine the only time A. Fib would be regular is with an atrial /ventricular disassociation because the impulse is blocked it would be a...
  20. F

    EKG Interpretation (WPW, delta waves?) 56k... meh.

    Huh? dont quite understand this.