Recent content by WiFi_Cowgirl

  1. W

    Grand Inquisition

    Monty Python?
  2. W

    Ruling out appendicitis?

    No.. :rolleyes:
  3. W

    Injured teen left in ditch for 9 hours

    It's part of the steps of dealing with grief.. Anger, Placing Blame, etc.. It's wrong of someone to not allow them to grieve.
  4. W

    EMT Killed in Montana Hospital Shooting

    This is why there should be cops in ER's.. Not security guards. That mall cop picture there got me going. Being a guard with out a gun, is like being a proctologist with out any gloves. It just doesn't work. If the government wants to fix something, skip EMS, and ban "Security Guards". Replace...
  5. W

    Rectal D50

    I dunno, I'm not a fan of anything that involves the word Rectal, or inserting anything into said Rectum.
  6. W

    Treating hyperglycemia on a BLS level.

    Call a helicopter, and take the time you would have used for transport, to get donuts.
  7. W

    Heart Attack Grill

    That's sick.
  8. W

    Nationalization or federalization of EMS

    I think they should just leave it alone. I do sincerely believe that they could do worse. It is possible.. I also believe, that no matter how much it's debated. Nobody knows the correct answer to "fixing" EMS. From my view, how it affects me and the people I serve, it's perfect. Maybe bigger...
  9. W

    Med control stuff from student doctor forums

    Student doctorsm the person, not the forum, are such a hoot! They make me feel so smart.
  10. W

    Oral Screw

    It was a seizure when we arrived, upon it ceasing, it became a cardiopulmonary arrest. Likely, a clot, lack of blood to the brain triggered the seizure and respiratory arrest; and finally cardiac arrest. He died.. After I had the OPA in for a few minutes, we were able to get his dentures out and...
  11. W


    Sorry, I was trying to be funny. I guess it was only in my eyes.
  12. W

    Reflective Vests on the Highway - 23 CFR 634

    Getting shot? Oh my gosh, are you kidding, or are you just thick? I was being sarcastic. The rubberneckers don't pay attention now, so we'll just be rolling off their hood in day-glo green now. I meant targets along the highway, but having to spell it out, kind of lost the humor.
  13. W


    I'm sorry, I don't believe in mental illness, my beliefs don't permit treatment for such ailments. Other than making them feel like it's not actually an illness, more of a feeling that was caused by their actions and views of life. That is just the way I was told to act and feel, I'm not brain...
  14. W

    I found this sticker on my...ambulance?

    I'd say that your ambulance manfacturer has some explaining to do. Furthermore, what kind of ambulance is it? Like a van that was converted to an ambulance? It's not a hearst, is it? :P