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  1. W

    Grand Inquisition

    Monty Python?
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    Ruling out appendicitis?

    No.. :rolleyes:
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    Injured teen left in ditch for 9 hours

    It's part of the steps of dealing with grief.. Anger, Placing Blame, etc.. It's wrong of someone to not allow them to grieve.
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    EMT Killed in Montana Hospital Shooting

    This is why there should be cops in ER's.. Not security guards. That mall cop picture there got me going. Being a guard with out a gun, is like being a proctologist with out any gloves. It just doesn't work. If the government wants to fix something, skip EMS, and ban "Security Guards". Replace...
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    Rectal D50

    I dunno, I'm not a fan of anything that involves the word Rectal, or inserting anything into said Rectum.
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    Treating hyperglycemia on a BLS level.

    Call a helicopter, and take the time you would have used for transport, to get donuts.
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    Heart Attack Grill

    That's sick.
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    Nationalization or federalization of EMS

    I think they should just leave it alone. I do sincerely believe that they could do worse. It is possible.. I also believe, that no matter how much it's debated. Nobody knows the correct answer to "fixing" EMS. From my view, how it affects me and the people I serve, it's perfect. Maybe bigger...
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    Med control stuff from student doctor forums

    Student doctorsm the person, not the forum, are such a hoot! They make me feel so smart.
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    Oral Screw

    It was a seizure when we arrived, upon it ceasing, it became a cardiopulmonary arrest. Likely, a clot, lack of blood to the brain triggered the seizure and respiratory arrest; and finally cardiac arrest. He died.. After I had the OPA in for a few minutes, we were able to get his dentures out and...
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    Sorry, I was trying to be funny. I guess it was only in my eyes.
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    Reflective Vests on the Highway - 23 CFR 634

    Getting shot? Oh my gosh, are you kidding, or are you just thick? I was being sarcastic. The rubberneckers don't pay attention now, so we'll just be rolling off their hood in day-glo green now. I meant targets along the highway, but having to spell it out, kind of lost the humor.
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    I'm sorry, I don't believe in mental illness, my beliefs don't permit treatment for such ailments. Other than making them feel like it's not actually an illness, more of a feeling that was caused by their actions and views of life. That is just the way I was told to act and feel, I'm not brain...
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    I found this sticker on my...ambulance?

    I'd say that your ambulance manfacturer has some explaining to do. Furthermore, what kind of ambulance is it? Like a van that was converted to an ambulance? It's not a hearst, is it? :P
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    O2 equipment help

    I've never seen anything like that before, what's the port on the left for? Like a demand valve? Do people still use those devices?
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    I've noticed one of our EMT's began to have them after it got cold. He said he'd never had one before, and his blood pressure was fine. He said it's from the "dry air". I don't get it? How does the climate affect your nose?
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    Do you puke on a call?

    Sea Bands work for me, I've vomited from bad driving. But never from the condition of the patient.
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    State of Wisconsin, Emergency Medical Services
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    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    How awful! Is it wrong to be different? I'm just being myself, I think your judgement is awful quick. Judge, jury and executioner? If you don't want new members, then you shouldn't allow people to join. I'm sorry that your jury here doesn't approve of me.