Recent content by RMSP05

  1. R

    Need Guidance

    You don't have to take the OEC course to become a ski patroller, some resorts will accept people with EMT or WFR. However if the place you want to patrol at requires NSP affiliation, you would need your OEC. You can challenge the course because you are an EMT, but if you cant pass the...
  2. R

    Backing up the ambulance.

    Thats a good suggestion, and over time you will improve. But also when ever you drive your car, try backing up just using just your mirrors, it will be easyer since your car will be smaller. It will be the same concept as backing up the rig, just smaller and easyer to start with. After you...
  3. R

    “Silent Approach Requested…”

    The only time ive been requested to have a silent aproach, was to an elementary school and we thats what we did. I also only use the siren when im coming up to an intersection, or there is traffic, other than that, its not very productive when your going 60 mph down the road. people are not...
  4. R

    Using Basic or Advanced First Aiders vs. MFRs and EMTs at a Recreational Facility

    I am surprised that you can’t find people if you offer that many perks. What if you offered people bonuses, or tuition reimbursement for working there. Or maybe try increasing you base pay. If I lived out there, you would have me sold with your offers.
  5. R

    Eight fans injured during last lap crash at Talledega

    That was a crazy wreck, i wonder how the heck that fence held up
  6. R

    The Duck Hunter

    That is hilarious!!!!!
  7. R

    O2 sat monitor?

    Exackly, treat the patiend, don't treat the numbers. The device can be thrown off with things like person that is cold, or with carbon monoxide poisining.
  8. R

    Are You Prepared or Just a Wacker?

    My ski patrol pack is in my car someplace (to lazy to carry it into my house after i cleaned my locker out at the end of the season). thats got some 4x4's cpr mask, sam splint, and probably a few other things i can't think of. Once i get around to carrying that in, ill just have things that...
  9. R

    Your first call?

    A your women fell off the back of a truck in a parking lot
  10. R

    I'm confused.

    As a Basic EMT in Maine, we are allowed to use the spinal protocal provided that we have taken the class for it. If the person can pass every test we don't have to imobilize them. but ive imobilized before even when the person could pass just because of a gut feeling. if there is any dought...
  11. R

    First Ride Out

    i second this
  12. R

    Suit filed by fired officer who declined Taser shock draws divided reactions

    I think the difference is that you can't shoot someone in the chest and expect them to be ok. There is a very low chance of being injured while using a taser. It doesn't create a big hole in ur chest, it won't make u bleed profusely. Also being up here from Maine, its very uncommon for a...
  13. R

    Suit filed by fired officer who declined Taser shock draws divided reactions

    LOL if he doesn't want to be tased, or thinks it will adversely affect his health, he should have to be, he just shouldn't be allowed to carry one. The point of being tasted, or maced is so u know what happens when u deploy either, it makes u stop and think for a second to realize if its...
  14. R

    What made you start?

    I kinda got roped into joining the ski patrol. After doing that for a few years, and liking it alot, i decided i wanted to do this year round, So i got my EMTB and im lovin every second of it, eventually ill make it to paramedic, just wish i hadent spent all this time and money on gettin a...
  15. R


    Thats awsome