Need Guidance


Forum Ride Along
Hi, all the online guides I have found that tell how to become a ski patroller just haven't helped. What do I have to do to become a ski patroller / snowboard patroller? I have read about an OEC course I must take, but I can't find anywhere to sign up for such a course. Also, I just completed the EMT-B course. Does my emt-b help me in any way to become a patroller?

Any advice is much appreciated.


Forum Chief
Call your local ski resort and/or ski mountain and ask what they require for their ski patrol.

You have 10 months to figure it out :p


Has no idea what I'm doing.
Just to note... the OEC course is virtually the same as the EMT-B course. The difference is the name of the book and the pictures in the book are of ski patrolers not EMT's. They also focus on more outdoor emergencies rather then medical. (least that is my opinion)

If you have your Basic you can try and challenge the course but if you get your OEC and want your basic you have to take the course again.


Forum Probie
You don't have to take the OEC course to become a ski patroller, some resorts will accept people with EMT or WFR. However if the place you want to patrol at requires NSP affiliation, you would need your OEC. You can challenge the course because you are an EMT, but if you cant pass the challenge, you have to take the entire course. There is not too much of a differnce between the 2 courses, mostly just diferences in equipment. If you are looking to challenge or take the course here is the link to NSP's website that will show you all current course options Also even if there is not a challenge course registered many patrols will put on a special one for people. If you have any more questions feel free to ask, i am an OEC instructor.


Forum Captain
It'd be a good idea to see if you can do a little training with the patrol before you challenge the test. Patrol expects a level of skills in splinting/ slinging/swathing above what most people get in their EMT class. How long did you spend practicing sling and swath in your EMT? 20 minutes? My patrollers probably do about 50 sling and swaths over their course. We also do some things like blanket rolls for stuck shoulder dislocations, use KTDs for femur fractures, quick splints for tib/fibs etc.

If you're an EMT the skills aren't hard to learn or understand. But I wouldn't just roll in blind and assume that you are ready for the OEC test.