Duty to retreat ?????? Now let me get this right , my partner's trapped in the back of the rig by a violent pcp'er we got from FD thinking we were safe and I'm supposed to retreat and leave him on his own till help arrives ?????? If so , I wouldn't want to be partnered with you on a bet ! I did not and will not ever leave a partner in danger because of legal or civil worries PERIOD ! Seems to me you're more concerned with political correctness if the scene goes south than protecting yourself and your partner . You're also obviously not reading the other posts or you'd realize the fact that you don't always know when a scene will go south on you , and PD will not always be there . Can you honestly look a partner's spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend in the eye and tell them you didn't fight back because you were worried about being sued ? Yes , in 8 years in the field , I did carry a knife for last ditch defense but it never was used for such , despite being in some pretty bad situations that we didn't and couldn't know were coming . A combination of God's grace , relying on my partner , martial arts training , and luck got us through without major injury to us or our pts , but push comes to shove , I'd rather live to tell the tale , than die in consideration of that poor bad guy .